underground & hardcore rap music blog

Savage Argonautz – Savage Musik (2016) [USA]

Savage Argonautz - Savage Musik

Size: 111 Mb, Quality: 320 Kbps

1. Savage Intro
2. Kill Em All (feat. Foulmouth)
3. Do What We Have To (feat. Foulmouth)
4. Trioxin 245
5. Savage Interlude
6. Toxic Symphony (feat. Cleavelend)
7. The Curse Of Hades
8. Right Now (feat. Foulmouth)
9. Face Down (feat. Metasyons & Aztek The Barfly)
10. Zombie Love Dance
11. Left Brain Logic (feat. Foulmouth)
12. Yadumbfucks (feat. Mr.Furious, Jimbo Slice & Foulmouth)
13. Detroit City Dark Shit
14. I Can See Blood
15. Savage Outro

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::::: Savage ArgonautzSavage Musik :::::

Jahnigga Da Baptist – Niggativity (2012) [USA]

Jahnigga Da Baptist - Niggativity

Size: 111 Mb, Quality: 320 Kbps

1. Highest Good
2. I Hate Rappers (feat. Apakalypse)
3. Entered Apprentice
4. Gory Aghori Story
5. Niggativity
6. Totally Awesome (feat. Apakalypse)
7. Great Fucking Day
8. Multiverse
9. I Aint Trippin
10. I Will Prevail
11. Fools Waiting
12. Death To Your Doctrine
13. Death Urge (feat. Apakalypse)
14. Wish I Was White (feat. No Emotion)
15. Baphomet Pan The Scapegoat Man

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::::: Jahnigga Da BaptistNiggativity :::::

Alpha Faktion – Creative Control (2017) [USA]

Alpha Faktion - Creative Control

Size: 108 Mb, Quality: 320 Kbps

1. Stand Up
2. The Shining (feat. Milano Constante)
3. Divide the Fortress (feat. Mic Handz)
4. Creative Control (Interlude)
5. Creative Control
6. The Lineage
7. Price Tags
8. Last Hours
9. Another Day Pt. 2
10. The Real Truth (feat. Planet Asia, Skanks, Zagnif Nori & Dready Kruger)
11. Move Back
12. The Formation (Interlude)
13. Let ‘Em Watch
14. System Shutdown

Thanks Undercream

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::::: Alpha FaktionCreative Control :::::

Ill Sound From Cellars 5 (2017)

Dez Flight Presents Ill Sound From Cellars 5

Size: 52 Mb, Quality: 128 Kbps

1. Spirit Of Truth – Urantia
2. Human Genocide Process & Shallow Pockets – Luciferian Illuminati
3. Purpose – Song Of Freedom
4. Rusty Chains – River Of Blood
5. Genocide Regime – Vortex Dimensions
6. Masta Buildas – Self Sacrifice
7. Se7en Sandman & Vendetta Kingz – 7th Seal
8. Sabac Red – Tell Lie Vision
9. Droogz Brigade – Les Enfants De Baphomet
10. Fallen Angels & Lone Ninja – Lunar Eclipse
11. Death Maze King – The Devil’s Mouthpiece
12. Rusty Chains – Evil Is The Brand
13. P.H. & Planet X – Freedom Fighters
14. Chaos Out Of Order – The Inevitable

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::::: Dez Flight Presents Ill Sound From Cellars 5 :::::

Genghis Khan – Her Absence Is My AntiChrist (2016) [USA]

Genghis Khan - Her Absence Is My AntiChrist

Size: 147 Mb, Quality: 320 Kbps

1. The Embryo
2. Decay (feat. Chris Carbene & Spit Gemz)
3. Inversion (feat. Unconscious Rascall & Daily Planet)
4. Hard Boiled (feat. Dirt Tha General)
5. 100,000 People
6. Lucifer
7. Rooted Deep Inside You
8. Road Rage (feat. Indrid Cold)
9. The Killing Kind
10. Impurity
11. Takashi Miike (feat. Chris Carbene)
12. Human Nature
13. Deviance (A Million Different Ways)
14. Larva
15. Maybe There’s Hope Afterall
16. Hellbound or Heavensent
17. Larva Remix (Incubation)

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::::: Genghis KhanHer Absence Is My AntiChrist :::::