- Category: English
- [stranded] - Adjective Radiation (2023) [USA]
- [stranded] - The Painting In The Puddle (2024) [USA]
- [stranded] & RpM The Brown Robe - Inertial/Entropy (2023) [USA]
- 100X - Whom Shall I Fear (1995) [USA]
- 2032 - Earth Analog (2013) [USA]
- 2032 - Osiris (2016) [USA]
- 2032 - Things To Come (2015) [USA]
- 2nd Born Son - The Born Identity (2009) [USA]
- 2Ugli - Dios Perdoname (2012) [USA]
- 2Ugli - My Day Begins When Yours Ends (2022) [USA]
- 2Ugli - Poor Quality (2010) [USA]
- 2Ugli - Poor Quality 2 (2014) [USA]
- 2Ugli - Poor Quality 3 (2015) [USA]
- 2Ugli & Bloody Monk Consortium - Immunological Disorder EP (2012) [USA]
- 2Ugli & Got The Gius - Ugli (2019) [USA]
- 2Ugli & Illroot - Planetary Alignment (2012) [USA]
- 2Ugli & The Premonist - Leaving My Mark (2017) [USA]
- 3/5 Human - Prelude To War (2010) [USA]
- 3Sunz Eclipse - Dormant Sky Timeframes (2021) [USA]
- 499 - Still Waitin EP (1995) [UK]
- 542 & Unknown Mizery - Ego Killed The Gods (2020) [Greece, Canada]
- 67 Mob - Raising The Bar (2009) [USA]
- 7 G.E.M.S. (Tragic Allies & Tragedy Khadafi) - Golden Era Music Sciences (2013) [USA]
- 777 - Septimal (Vol.1) (2008) [UK]
- 7L & Esoteric - Dangerous Connection (2002) [USA]
- 7L & Esoteric - DC2 Bars Of Death (2004) [USA]
- 7L & Esoteric - Egoclapper (2007) [USA]
- 7L & Esoteric - Moment Of Rarities (2005) [USA]
- 7L & Esoteric - Speaking Real Words (1999) [USA]
- 7L & Esoteric - The Soul Purpose (2001) [USA]
- 7L & Esoteric - Warning Dangerous Exclusives (Bonus Disc) (2002) [USA]
- 7L & Esoteric (God Complex) - The Strontium 90 Years (2000) [USA]
- 7Rinth - Bent Wooden Architecture (2025) [USA]
- 7Rinth - The Shinjukan Spiral (2019) [USA]
- 7th Circle - House Of Violence (2010) [Canada]
- 8Th Platoon - A Matter Of Darkness EP (2009) [USA]
- 9Th Uno - Unassociated Press - The Street Album (2009) [Canada]
- Absoulut Karnage - The Anomaly (2011) [USA]
- Ackumen - Mystery School Dropout (2015) [USA]
- Aeonsone & World Of Ghosts - Waco Welcome (2024) [UK]
- Afu-Ra - Body Of The Life Force (2000) [USA]
- Akademex - 5 Suns, Set In Stone (2017) [USA]
- Akashik Ancestorz - Akashik Ancestorz (2009) [USA]
- Akashik Ancestorz - Fuck You (2017) [USA]
- Akashik Ancestorz - Heliopolis (2014) [USA]
- Akashik Ancestorz - Kintsugi (2020) [USA]
- Akashik Ancestorz - The Ancient Art Of Facts (2010) [USA]
- Akashik Ancestorz - The Lantern Of Osiris (2011) [USA]
- Akbar - Big Bang Boogie (2001) [USA]
- Al'Tarba - Blood Out Connections (Vol.1) (2009) [France]
- Al'Tarba - Lullabies For Insomniacs (2011) [France]
- Al'Tarba - Rap Ultra: Violins & Beatmaking (2007) [France]
- Al'Tarba Vs Lord Lhus - Acid & Vicious (2013) [France, USA]
- Almighty - Original S.I.N. (2008) [USA]
- Almighty - The 2nd Coming (2013) [USA]
- Alpha Betic & Shadow Magnetic - The Way Of The Wise (2022) [USA]
- Alpha Betic & Shadow Magnetic - The Way Of The Wise 2 (2024) [USA]
- Alpha Faktion - Creative Control (2017) [USA]
- Alphabetik - Alphahermetiks (2018) [USA]
- Alterbeats - Class Struggle (2013) [France]
- Alterbeats - The French Revolution (2012) [France]
- Alucard - Alusions (2022) [USA]
- Alucard - Watch Them Fall (2009) [USA]
- Alzymerz - Methods Of Madness (2012) [Australia]
- Alzymerz - The Devil's Poetry (2013) [Australia]
- Amadeus The Stampede - House Of Broken Mirrors (2009) [USA]
- Amadeus The Stampede - Madhouse Music (2011) [USA]
- Amadeus The Stampede - The Devil Made Me Do It (2011) [USA]
- Amadeus The Stampede - Universal Language (2011) [USA]
- American Poets 2099 - Murderous Poetry (2012) [USA]
- American Poets 2099 Vs Mysterious - The World Of Tomorrow (2013) [USA]
- American Poets 2099 Vs Mysterious - The World Of Tomorrow (Part 2) (2014) [USA]
- AMN - Any Means Necessary (2016) [Belgium]
- Amos The Ancient Prophet - The Collabos (Vol.1) (2009) [Poland]
- Amos The Ancient Prophet - The Collabos (Vol.2) (2010) [Poland]
- Amos The Ancient Prophet - The Collabos (Vol.3) (2012) [Poland]
- Amos The Ancient Prophet - The Collabos (Vol.4) (2016) [Poland]
- Amos The Ancient Prophet & Psycho Mind - Spiritual Matrix (2012) [Poland, USA]
- Amos The Ancient Prophet & Sick Since - Codex Magica (2011) [Poland, Germany]
- Amos The Ancient Prophet & Sinister Stricken - Grandis Arcanum (2010) [Poland, UK]
- Amos The Ancient Prophet & TCG - Imaginarium (2011) [Poland, UK]
- Amos The Ancient Prophet & Vega X - The Witch Hammer EP (2011) [Poland, USA]
- Anahata Sacred Sound Current - Vimanas Project (Vol.1) (2013) [USA]
- Anahata Sacred Sound Current - Whispers From Eternity (2011) [USA]
- Ancient Oak (Jak Progresso, IDE & Alucard) - Ye Olde Wisdom (2020) [USA]
- Angra Mainyu - Empires (2017) [Denmark]
- Animal Cracker - Hyena Brother (2014) [USA]
- Animal Cracker - Nightmarican (2011) [USA]
- Animal Cracker - Rawtopsy (2012) [USA]
- Animal Cracker - Vodka Seltzer EP (2011) [USA]
- Anno Domini Beats - Soundclick Invasion (Vol.1) (2008) [UK]
- Anno Domini Beats - Soundclick Invasion (Vol.2) (2009) [UK]
- Anno Domini Beats - Soundclick Invasion (Vol.3) (2010) [UK]
- Anomos & Stealth - Form Here On (2000) [USA]
- Anonamix - Illusinations (2010) [USA]
- Anonamix & Absoulut Karnage - The Others (2011) [USA]
- AnP - Life & Times Of A Porter (2010) [USA]
- Apakalypse - Supreme Intoxication (2008) [USA]
- Apakalypse - The Sicko Cell Theory (2009) [USA]
- Apakalypse - Trust In Self (2010) [USA]
- Apakalypse - Walking Coma (2007) [USA]
- Apakalypse & Atma - Masta Buildas (2011) [USA]
- Apakalypse & Beast 1333 - Unfuckwitable (2011) [USA]
- Apakalypse & Lord Gamma - Blood Godz (2010) [USA]
- Apakalypse & Son Of Saturn - Skillful Meanz (2012) [USA]
- Apes In English - The Village Idiots (2007) [USA]
- Apex Zero - Reality Provoking Liberation (2013) [UK]
- ApRock Joining Forces With Viral Music Management Compilation (2011) [Germany, Canada]
- Arcanegel - Attics & Basements (2011) [USA]
- ArchNME - Body Harvest (2010) [Canada]
- Army Of The Pharaohs - Heavy Lies The Crown (2014) [USA]
- Army Of The Pharaohs - In Death Reborn (2014) [USA]
- Army Of The Pharaohs - Rare Shit, Collabos & Freestyles (2003) [USA]
- Army Of The Pharaohs - Ritual Of Battle (2007) [USA]
- Army Of The Pharaohs - The Bonus Papers (2006) [USA]
- Army Of The Pharaohs - The Torture Papers (2006) [USA]
- Army Of The Pharaohs - The Unholy Terror (2010) [USA]
- Armyfatique - The Initiation (2009) [Netherlands]
- Arsonists - As The World Burns (1999) [USA]
- Arsonists - Date Of Birth (2001) [USA]
- Arsonists - Past, Present & Future (2001) [USA]
- Artifact - The 7th Seal (2013) [USA]
- Ascended Masters - The Brain Eaters (2012) [USA]
- Aslan - The French Legion (2013) [UK, International]
- Aslan - The Latin Quarterz (2013) [UK, International]
- Aslan - Twelve Jewelz Australia (2015) [UK, Australia]
- Aslan & 12 Jewels - The Concentration Camp (Part 1) (2006) [UK]
- Assa - Denial Of Self (2023) [UK]
- Asylum Lifetime & Sherm Larock - Political Asylum (2011) [USA]
- Asylum Lifetime, Blak Flag & Sherm Larock - Underdog Religion (2012) [USA]
- Atma - Beyond Birth & Death (2010) [USA]
- Atma - Beyond The Speed Of Mind (2006) [USA]
- Atma - The Eternal Quest Of Man (2019) [USA]
- Atma - The Tathagata (Vol.1) (2017) [USA]
- Atma - The Tathagata (Vol.2) (2017) [USA]
- Atma & JawsAtak47 - DiMethylTryptamineElohim (2023) [USA]
- Atma & Son of Saturn - Jakobz Ladder Vol.1 (The Croatoa Koans) (2013) [USA]
- Atom Tha Immortal - Son Of Slaves & Lords (2008) [USA]
- Atun Sen Geb - The Crop Circle Ride (2007) [USA]
- Automate & Anonamis - Global Invasion (2017) [France, USA]
- Ayse Chryst - The Last Resort (2022) [USA]
- Azaia - Re-Animations (2014) [France]
- Azthmatix - Fatality (2020) [USA]
- Baby J - Birth (1998) [UK]
- Babylon Dead - 2000 BD (2017) [UK]
- Babylon Dead - Book Of The Dead (2020) [UK]
- Babylon Warchild - Babylon Warchild (2011) [Canada]
- Babylon Warchild - The Gatekeepers (2012) [Canada]
- Babylon Warchild - The War Journals (2016) [Canada]
- Bad Karma - Time Has Changed (2007) [USA]
- Bad Karma - Wild Fire (2003) [USA]
- Bakers Of The Holy Bread - The End Of A Cold Experience (1995) [Sweden]
- Banish - Dredgar Cayce (2012) [USA]
- Banish Habitual - Singularity Season (2019) [USA]
- Basement Dwellaz - Depths Of Darkness (2009) [Canada]
- Basement Dwellaz - Stained Scriptures (2010) [USA]
- Basic & Weapon X - The Sleepless Sessions (2008) [USA]
- Bastard Patriots - Bastard Patriots (2009) [USA]
- Beast 1333 - Beauty Of The Beast EP (2010) [USA]
- Beast 1333 - Birth Of The Beast (2009) [USA]
- Beast 1333 - MCCCXXXIII (Vol.1) (2011) [USA]
- Beast 1333 - Medusa (2017) [USA]
- Beast 1333 - Revelation 13 (2015) [USA]
- Beast 1333 - Space Age Slaves (2012) [USA]
- Bedlam Brethren - Bedlam Bullets (2012) [USA]
- Bedlam Brethren - Black Feather Messengers (2012) [USA]
- Bee Why - Lost Tapes (1997) [USA]
- Beni-Hana - Black Water Magi (2021) [USA]
- Beni-Hana & Qualm - Blood Oath (2021) [USA]
- Benihana Kenobi - Anthology (2015) [USA]
- Benzie - Raw Essence EP (2012) [Netherlands]
- Beyond The Grave - Visions Of Mithra (2015) [USA, France]
- Big John - The Author (2007) [USA]
- Big John - The Next Step (2008) [USA]
- Big Left - Slaughter Of The Innocents (2021) [USA]
- Big Left - Walking Dead (2012) [USA]
- Big Left - World War Three (2007) [USA]
- Big O - Gravel Engravement (2013) [USA]
- Billy White - A New Way Of Thinking EP (2012) [UK]
- Bizarro Records - Bizarro's World (2012) [USA]
- BK Bonez & Donny G - Corridors Of Rhyme (2022) [Canada]
- Black Lotus - Lotus Notes 1997-1999 (2005) [USA]
- Black Market Militia - The Black Market Militia (2005) [USA]
- Black Market Militia Presents William Cooper - Beware Of The Pale Horse (2009) [USA]
- Black Opz - Cold War Chronicles (2004) [USA]
- Black Opz - First Strike (2001) [USA]
- Black Samurai - Life As A Struggler (1999) [UK]
- Black Samurai - The Struggle Continues (2000) [UK]
- Black Sunday - Mask Of The Demon (2011) [USA]
- Blahzay Blahzay - Blah Blah Blah (1996) [USA]
- Blak Madeen & Tragedy Khadafi - Militant Minds EP (2012) [USA]
- Blak Twang - 19 Long Time (1998) [UK]
- Blak Twang - Dettwork South East (1996) [UK]
- Blaq Masq - Crypt Wizardry (2018) [UK]
- Blaq Masq - Evil Horde EP (2014) [UK]
- Blaq Poet - Blaq Death (2013) [USA]
- Blaq Poet - Blaq Out (2008) [USA]
- Blaq Poet - E.B.K. (EveryBodyKilla) (2012) [USA]
- Blaq Poet - Rewind (Deja Screw) (2006) [USA]
- Blaq Poet - Tha Blaqprint (2009) [USA]
- Blaq Poet - The Most Dangerous (2016) [USA]
- Blaq Poet – Blaq Poet Society (2011) [USA]
- Blaq Tongue Society - Blaq Tongue Society (2013) [USA]
- Blaq Tongue Society - Speaking In Tonguez (2016) [USA]
- Blastah Beatz - Ph.D. In Beatmaking (2016) [Portugal]
- Blazy - Cloak & Dagger (2018) [USA]
- Blazy - Shallow Water (2019) [USA]
- Blazy - Slang Exchange (2014) [USA]
- Blazy - Solar Rays (2015) [USA]
- Blazy - Target Practice (2019) [USA]
- Blazy - Verbal Darts (2013) [USA]
- Blind Vizionary & Hi-Q - AudioBiotics (2024) [USA]
- Blitzkreague - Nine Majesty (2001) [Canada]
- Block McCloud - Sell Block 1: Shutter Island (2010) [USA]
- Block McCloud - The Book Of Ishmael (2016) [USA]
- Block McCloud & DJ Waxwork – Four Walls (2012) [USA, Germany]
- Block McCloud Presents D.N.A. - Drugs & Alcohol (Vol.1) (2011) [USA]
- Bloodline - Empire Of Blood (2007) [USA]
- Bloodline - Let The Blood Spill (2009) [USA]
- Bloody Monk Consortium - Bloodshed (2011) [USA]
- Bloody Monk Consortium - Burden Of Truth EP (2010) [USA]
- Bloody Monk Consortium - Dim Mak Mixtape (2012) [USA]
- Bloody Monk Consortium - Forged in Blood EP (2009) [USA]
- Bloody Monk Consortium - Fully Automated Kill Unlimited (2017) [USA]
- Bloody Monk Consortium - Quicksand EP (2012) [USA]
- Bloody Monk Consortium - Run BMC (2009) [USA]
- Blue Lanternz - Azure Dusk Silhouettez (2024) [USA, Canada, China]
- Blue Sky Black Death - A Heap Of Broken Images (2006) [USA]
- Blue Sky Black Death & Hell Razah - Razahs Ladder (2007) [USA]
- Blue Sky Black Death & Jean Grae - The Evil Jeanius (2008) [USA]
- Blue Sky Black Death & Warcloud - The Holocaust (2006) [USA]
- Bombdrop - Dark Dayz (2014) [USA]
- Bomshot - Abomination (2007) [USA]
- Bomshot - Kill Em All: The Worst Of Bomshot (Vol.1) (2005) [USA]
- Bomshot & Holocaust - Warghosts (2010) [USA]
- Boodah An Da Bandit - The Brain On Drugz EP (1994) [USA]
- Boomshell - The Premix (2011) [USA]
- Born Talent - The Essence (2008) [USA]
- Born Unique - The Red Devil Chronicles (2016) [USA]
- Bound By Honor (Big John & Mic Daily) - B For Vendetta (2009) [USA]
- Brad Strut - Legend Official (2007) [Australia]
- Brash - Mind Flex (2011) [USA]
- Brokin English Klik - Brokin English Klik (1993) [USA]
- Brothers Of The Stone - Brothers Of The Stone (2013) [UK]
- Brothers Of The Stone - Return To Stoney Island (2018) [UK]
- Brownlucci - Dead Men Tell No Tales (2013) [Mexico]
- Buddha Monk - Tha Prophecy (1998) [USA]
- Buhay Cali (Randola & Sabotawj) - Buhay Cali (2013) [USA]
- Burke The Jurke - Ear Responsible (2014) [USA]
- Bushwackass - How Real Israel (1994) [USA]
- BVA - Be Very Aware (2014) [UK]
- BVA - Lex Neville (2021) [UK]
- BVA - The Dam Builder (2024) [UK]
- C-Lance - The Undying Flame (2022) [USA]
- C.E.B. - Countin' Endless Bank (1993) [USA]
- C.O.N-Vers & Rogue Beats - The Watchers (2024) [UK]
- Caen Project - Caesar's Vengeance (2008) [USA]
- Calig Kontra - Simian Automatic (2019) [USA]
- Caligula - Clone Killer EP (2005) [USA]
- Caligula - Divine Madness (2010) [USA]
- Canibus - Lyrical Law (2011) [USA]
- Canibus - Melatonin Magik (2010) [USA]
- Canibus - Rip The Jacker (2003) [USA]
- Canna Man & Dark Matter - Psyops For Prestige (2019) [Denmark]
- Canna Man & Dark Matter - The Art Of Invisibility (2017) [Denmark]
- Canna Man & Dark Matter - The Tiger & The Spider: 5 Fingers Of Death (2019) [Denmark]
- Caper - Lords Of Chaos (2017) [USA]
- Caper - Lords Of Chaos 2 (2021) [USA]
- Caper - The World That Fell Apart (2010) [USA]
- Capital D - Insomnia (2004) [USA]
- Capras Lupus (Kanis Lu & The Goat) - Capras Lupus (2013) [USA]
- Carmine Moth - Pontifical Resin (2021) [USA]
- Caxton Press - Shame The Devil (2012) [UK]
- Ce-Sektion - Collage Gone Wrong (2009) [USA]
- Cella Dwellas - Realms'N Reality (1996) [USA]
- Celph Titled - The Gatalog A Collection Of Chaos (2006) [USA]
- Centa Of Da Web - Beyond Human Comprehension EP (1996) [USA]
- Cerebros - Mind Travelers EP (2011) [Netherlands]
- Chain Of Command - Rogue State EP (2007) [UK]
- Chain Smokers - Chain Smokers (2005) [USA]
- Chan - Part Of The Nation (2004) [USA]
- Chan - Politickin (Vol.1) (2006) [USA]
- Chapter Zero - Atomic Destruction (Vol.1) (2012) [USA]
- Chemo - Squirrelz With Gunz (2011) [UK]
- Chemo & Conflix – Character Assassins (Vol.1) (2004) [UK]
- Chemo & Conflix – Character Assassins (Vol.2) (2006) [UK]
- Chessurect - The Rasputin Theory (2010) [Sweden]
- Chief Kamachi - Concrete Gospel (2006) [USA]
- Chief Kamachi - Cult Status (2004) [USA]
- Chief Kamachi - Godbody (2024) [USA]
- Chief Kamachi - Radio Raheem (2014) [USA]
- Chief Kamachi - Rise & Rhyme (Vol.1) (2012) [USA]
- Chief Kamachi - The Clock Of Destiny (2010) [USA]
- Chief Kamachi & The Juju Mob - Black Candles (2005) [USA]
- Christmaz - Black Dragon (2019) [Sweden]
- Cimer Amor - Taking Nowhere, Somewhere (2010) [USA]
- Ciph Barker - Zoominati (The Counter Movement) (2006) [Netherlands]
- Cipher - 360 (1995) [Canada]
- Circle Makerz - Death From Above (2009) [UK]
- Citizen Kane - Deliverance (1999) [Canada]
- Clandestien - Chasms Of The Citadel (2007) [Australia]
- Clandestien - Clandestien (2001) [Australia]
- Clandestien - Dynasty (2003) [Australia]
- Clarity - Social Distortion (2010) [UK]
- Clarity - The Propaganda Pulse (2009) [UK]
- Classified Intelligence (Genocide & Junior Makhno) - Classified Intelligence (2011) [Bosnia, France]
- Click Animosity - Charred Remnants (2011) [USA]
- Click Animosity - Feeders Of The Flamez (2010) [USA]
- Clockwerk - Due Yesterday (2007) [USA]
- Code Nine & Purpose - Below Sumerian Skies Read (2016) [USA]
- Cold Fusion (Ray Vendetta & Cyrus Malachi) - The Elixir (2015) [UK]
- Collage/Gravez (Menes The Pharaoh & [stranded]) - Pale Echoes Of A Cyan Grave (2023) [Canada, USA]
- Coloasus MC & Blaq Masq - Methods Of Madness (2020) [Australia, UK]
- Committee Gunman - The Docks (2003) [Netherlands]
- Complex & CLG - Time In Moments EP (2007) [UK]
- Concentration Camp - Concentrate (2017) [UK]
- Concentration Camp - Thought Crime (2015) [UK]
- Concrete Click - Lyrical Terrorism EP (1995) [USA]
- Concrete Pinatas - Concrete Pinatas (2017) [USA]
- Concrete Pinatas - II (2023) [USA]
- Connecticut Kartel - The Question Is (1997) [USA]
- Conspiracy Of Mind - The Day After EP (2009) [USA|Sweden]
- Conspiracy Of Mind – The Grand Deception (2010) [USA, Sweden]
- Conspiracy Theorists - Conspiracy Theories (2012) [USA]
- Conspirituality - Conspirituality (2009) [Canada]
- Contribution X - Cobra Of The North (2007) [USA]
- Contribution X - Dark Destiny (2005) [USA]
- Contribution X - What Iz Freedom (2006) [USA]
- Cornbread Children - Child Support (2011) [USA]
- CosmiCrusader - CosmiCalculations (Part 1) (2012) [USA]
- CosmiCrusader - CosmiCalculations (Part 2) (2013) [USA]
- CosmiCrusader - CosmiCalculations (Part 3) (2013) [USA]
- Cotardz - A Shot In The Dark (2020) [Brazil]
- Cotardz - Parabellum (2021) [Brazil]
- Council Of Nine - Council Of Nine (2020) [USA]
- Crazeology - Unreleased Material (2012) [Italy]
- Crazeology, Subtex & Outwrite - All Weather All Terrain (2014) [Italy, USA]
- Crazy Sam & Da Verbal Assassins - Street Power (1994) [USA]
- Creative Juices - Endless Varieties (2006) [USA]
- Creative Juices - Endless Varieties (Vol.2) (2008) [USA]
- Creatures Of Habit - Parasites Paradise (2021) [UK]
- Creatures Of Habit (Eric The Red, Sean Peng & Illinformed) - Test Subjects (2016) [UK]
- Crime Scene - Leave Nothin Behind EP (1996) [USA]
- Crisis & Lifeless - Elegies Of Revulsion (2014) [USA]
- Crisis Presents League Of Shadows - League Of Shadows (Vol.1) (2009) [USA]
- Critical - Medical Records (2008) [USA]
- Critical - The Rubber Room Diary (2004) [USA]
- Critical Madness - Bringing Out The Dead (2009) [USA]
- Critical Madness - Finding The Plot (2006) [USA]
- Critical Madness - Organ Donors (2009) [USA]
- Crop Circles 720 - Existentialism (2012) [USA]
- Crown - Pieces To The Puzzle (2014) [France]
- Crown - Underground Crown (2022) [France]
- Crucified Theories - Cut Throat Theatre, A Musical Massacre (2017) [USA]
- CrucifixuZ - For Our Poisoned Wells (2020) [South Africa]
- Crunch E.X. - Broken Anglish (2001) [USA]
- Crustified Dibbs (R.A. The Rugged Man) - Night Of The Bloody Apes (1994) [USA]
- Culprit - Car Bombs (2024) [Australia]
- Cymatics - Science Of The Nomads (2022) [Australia]
- Cyrus Malachi - Ancient Future (2011) [UK]
- Cyrus Malachi - Basquiat (2018) [UK]
- Cyrus Malachi - Black Athena (2013) [UK]
- Cyrus Malachi - Dystopian Dialect (2016) [UK]
- Cyrus Malachi - Naked Among Wolves (2016) [UK]
- Cyrus Malachi - The Blind Watchmaker (2020) [UK]
- Cyrus Malachi - The Feather Of Tehuti (2023) [UK]
- Czarface (7L & Esoteric & Inspectah Deck) - Czarface (2013) [USA]
- D-Tension - Contacts & Contracts (2002) [USA]
- D-Tension - Contacts & Contracts 2 (2005) [USA]
- D. Valentine - Greatness (2011) [USA]
- D.N.A. (The Godz From Outta Space) - The Evolution Of The Double Helix (2010) [USA]
- Da Germ - Day Of Resurraction (1994) [Germany]
- Da Henchmen - The Ill Cyde Vaults EP (Vol.1) (2011) [USA]
- Da Henchmen - The Ill Cyde Vaults EP (Vol.2) (2013) [USA]
- Da Homlez - Abandoned In Da Streetz (1995) [USA]
- Da Monstar Mob - Operation Takeover (2006) [USA]
- Da Regiment - P.T.S.D (2024) [UK]
- Da Ruckus - Episode I (1998) [USA]
- Da Ruckus - Quiet As Kept (1997) [USA]
- Dan F & Plague Magician - Dark Plague (2023) [Russia, USA, Greece]
- Dan-E-O - Dear Hip-Hop (1997) [Canada]
- Dan-E-O - See No Evil Hear No Evil (2004) [Canada]
- Dan-E-O - The Book Of Daniel (2000) [Canada]
- Danegurous - Divine Tyrant (2016) [USA]
- Danegurous - Forgotten Language (2010) [USA]
- Danegurous - Four Eyed Monsters (2010) [USA]
- Danegurous - New World Disorder EP (2010) [USA]
- Danegurous - The Whistleblower (2014) [USA]
- Danegurous - Third Eye View (2012) [USA]
- Danegurous - Underworld (2013) [USA]
- Danegurous & Trill - The Interview (2020) [USA]
- Danja Mowf - Word Of Mowf (1997) [USA]
- Dark Chamberz - Fillory Cult (2021) [South Africa]
- Dark Side Of The Moon - 7th (2022) [UK]
- Dark Side Of The Moon - Dawnbreaker (2024) [UK]
- Dark Side Of The Moon - The Echo Chamber (2016) [UK]
- DarkStar: The Last - End Of The Road (2011) [USA]
- DarkStar: The Last - Beginning Of The End (2011) [USA]
- Dash Shamash - The III Dynasty (2017) [Spain]
- DC & DJ Illogix Present The Trapjaw Affiliates (Vol.1) (2007) [USA]
- DC The Midi Alien - Avengers Airwaves (2011) [USA]
- Dead Beat Society - Dead Beat Society (2011) [Australia]
- Deadbeat (The Hurricane Jackals) - The Archive (2012) [UK]
- Death Adept (Son Of Saturn & Apakalypse) - Nine Meals From Anarchy (2024) [USA]
- Death Adept (Son Of Saturn & Apakalypse) - Scumbag Nirvana (2017) [USA]
- Death Star - The Death Of A Star (2017) [South Africa]
- Debt Collectors - Escape From Arkham Asylum (2010) [New Zealand]
- Dee Metto & Planetary - Sonar (2012) [Switzerland, USA]
- Defcon - Defcon (2008) [USA]
- Defiant III - Abstract Bullets For Poetic Pistols (2018) [USA]
- Demigodz - Killmatic (2013) [USA]
- Demigodz - The Godz Must Be Crazier (2007) [USA]
- Demoz - The Psycho's Back (2009) [USA]
- Depths Beneaf - Enter (2014) [UK]
- Detail - Blue Eyed Soul (1997) [Denmark]
- Detect - Deep Investigation (2000) [Australia]
- Dev Rocka - The Night Shift (2007) [USA]
- Devaloop - From The Bits To The Cosmos (2017) [Austria]
- Devamps - Burnt Bridges (2008) [USA]
- Diabolic - Fightin Words (2014) [USA]
- Diabolic - Liar & A Thief (2010) [USA]
- Diabolic - The Disconnect (2019) [USA]
- Diabolic - The Foul Play (2007) [USA]
- Diabolic & Vanderslice - Collusion (2019) [USA]
- DienamiX - Raw Thought (2023) [Australia]
- Diesis-I - The Gospel Of Talon Karrde (2011) [USA]
- Diggs Darklighter - Boomboxcutter (2007) [USA]
- Dim Mak - EPoch (2003) [USA]
- Dim Mak - Separated Joints (Vol.1) (2006) [USA]
- Dirt Merchants - Dirt Merchants (2015) [USA, Canada, UK]
- Dirt Merchants - Merchants Row (2017) [USA, Canada, UK]
- Dirty Bird Emcee - Sane As It Never Was (2009) [USA]
- Dirty Bird Emcee & Asharri The Vagabond - Project Zero (2008) [USA]
- Disciples Of The Sick - Disciples Of The Sick (2014) [USA]
- Dispatched To Hell - It's A Brutalful World (2024) [USA]
- DJ Brans - Endless (2016) [France]
- DJ Brans - The Branstorm (2012) [France]
- DJ Bumz - Enter The Gaschamber (2009) [USA]
- DJ Honda & PMD - Underground Connection (2002) [USA]
- DJ Illegal & Side Effect - Musica De Los Muertos (2018) [Germany, USA]
- DJ Low Cut - Dead End (2017) [France]
- DJ Low Cut - NY Minute (2012) [USA]
- DJ Muggs & Planet Asia - Pain Language (2008) [USA]
- DJ Muggs Vs GZA - Grandmasters (2005) [USA]
- DJ Muggs Vs Ill Bill - Kill Devil Hills (2010) [USA]
- DJ Muggs Vs Sick Jacken - Legend Of The Mask & The Assassin (2007) [USA]
- DJ Rybe - Channel Zero (2017) [USA]
- DJ Shadowfist & Niko La Tesla - Deadly Combination (2010) [USA]
- Doap Nixon - Gray Poupon (2011) [USA]
- Doap Nixon - Sour Diesel (2008) [USA]
- Doape Children (Cornbread Children & Doap Nixon) - Doape Children (2012) [USA]
- DoneOne - Crime Scene Chronicles (2011) [USA]
- DoneOne - Far From Finished (2009) [USA]
- DoneOne - Killin' Mics (2012) [USA]
- DoneOne - MaryVale Confidential (EP) (2007) [USA]
- DoneOne - Norman Demented (2024) [USA]
- Donny G & Rated R - Phantoms Of The Flesh (2018) [USA]
- Dopocculus - Dopocculus (Vol.1) (2020) [USA]
- Dopocculus - Dopocculus (Vol.2) (2020) [USA]
- Dotz - Sometimes Crawling, Sometimes Walking (2024) [UK]
- Double Negative - Krackatoa (2016) [USA]
- Double X Posse - Ruff, Rugged & Raw (1995) [USA]
- Down South - Lost In Brooklyn (1994) [USA]
- Dr B & Joe Monmouth - Government Ordered Dominance (2011) [UK, USA]
- Dr Creep - Alpha Wolf: Recon (2014) [USA]
- Dr Creep - Annihilation & Transformation (2014) [USA]
- Dr Creep - Doom Porn (2015) [USA]
- Dr Creep - Epic Of The Gold Vimana (2012) [USA]
- Dr Creep - Horrified by Design (2020) [USA]
- Dr Creep - I Am The Storm (2013) [USA]
- Dr Creep - Obscure (2019) [USA]
- Dr Creep - Resident 2030 (2022) [USA]
- Dr Creep - The Ravagers (2016) [USA]
- Dr Creep - Universal Ascension: V838 Mon (2021) [USA]
- Dr Creep - Zombification Of Society (2017) [USA]
- Dr Ill & Mr Malpraktiz - The Album (2009) [USA]
- Dr VooDoo - Contagious Imagery (2014) [UK]
- Dr VooDoo - Cosmic Lamp (2015) [UK]
- Dr VooDoo - My Style Is Miles Ahead (2013) [UK]
- DreamTek - Burning Universe (2009) [USA]
- Drunk-N-Disorderly (I.N.F, Absoulut Karnage & Dash Shamash) - Drunk-N-Disorderly (2017) [USA, Spain]
- DTach Vs One - DTach Vs One (2012) [Australia]
- Dubbul O - Omega (2014) [UK]
- Dubbul O & Pro P - As We Proceed (2016) [UK]
- Duke & Crown - Analog Surgery (2014) [France]
- Dungeon Masterz - Bars Of Distortion (2023) [USA]
- Dyad Souls - Terminally Ill (2011) [Australia]
- Dyad Souls - The Last Writes (2016) [Australia]
- Dysfunkshunal Familee - Unreleased Album (1994) [USA]
- E.C Illa - E.C Illa (1995) [USA]
- E.C Illa - Live From The Ill EP (1994) [USA]
- Earthworms - Unearthed (2016) [USA]
- East Coast Avengers - Prison Planet (2008) [USA]
- East Coast Avengers - See The Bars EP (2008) [USA]
- Eastern Condors - The Sofreh EP (2009) [USA]
- Eg-West - Trenchtown Terrorist (2006) [Canada]
- El Gant - Beast Academy (2014) [USA]
- Element - Great Expectations (2008) [USA]
- Elementalz - Incinerated Melodies (2017) [Switzerland]
- Elhuana - Snow (2010) [Poland]
- Elhuana - We, The Kings Of The Planet (2011) [Poland]
- Emcee Killa - Mind Of A Tehranist (2009) [UK]
- Emcee Killa & Grim Reaperz - Zapatista (2015) [UK, France]
- Emesde - Dark Remixes (2008) [Poland]
- Empire - Disciples Of Rap (2010) [USA]
- Empty Handed Warriors - Designed For The Struggle (2015) [International]
- Empty Handed Warriors - Occupy The Industry (Vol.1) (2012) [International]
- Empty Handed Warriors - The 010 Sessions (2012) [International]
- Encore - Self Preservation (2000) [USA]
- Endemic - Terminal Illness (2009) [UK]
- Endemic - Terminal Illness (Part 2) (2013) [UK]
- Endemic & Cappo - Needle Drop EP (2009) [UK]
- Endemic Emerald & Skanks The Rap Martyr - Rapsploitation (2017) [USA]
- Enemies Of Success - Not Today (2024) [UK]
- Enemy Entropist - Never Go Gentle (2011) [USA]
- Enemy Mindz - Every Negative Environment Manipulates Your Mind (1997) [USA]
- Epidemic - 4 Dimensions On A Paper (2016) [USA]
- Epidemic - Illin Spree (2011) [USA]
- Epidemic - Monochrome Skies (2012) [USA]
- Epidemic & Dreamtek - The Bassment Tapes Vol.1: Write To Remain Violent (2013) [USA]
- Epsilon - Supra Summus (2017) [Canada]
- EQ - Out The Ash Tray Of L.A. (2010) [USA]
- Eskr-One - 100 Eyes (2015) [Canada]
- Eskr-One - Beautiful Decay (2014) [Canada]
- Eskr-One - Mystery School (2015) [Canada]
- Eskr-One & Jnyce - Creepshow EP (2014) [Canada]
- Esoteric & Stu Bangas - Machete Mode (2013) [USA]
- Euphrates - A Bend In The River (2003) [Canada]
- Euphrates - Stereotypes Incorporated (2004) [Canada]
- Evil Intentions (Formaldahyde & Anonamix) - Evil Intentions (2012) [USA]
- Evil Intentions (Formaldahyde & Anonamix) - Food Of The Gods (2015) [USA]
- Exit Strategy - Preliminaries EP (2013) [Australia]
- Exit Strategy - Seventh Dimension (2015) [Australia]
- Exlib - The Middle Word In Life (2008) [USA]
- Expertiz - Disrupting Nature's Balance (2010) [USA]
- Expertiz - Exact Science (2011) [USA]
- Falcon Burns & Melph - Back In Effect: The Word Effect (Chapter II) (2012) [UK, Netherlands]
- Falcon Burns & Melph - The Word Effect (2008) [UK, Netherlands]
- Fatha Death - Splyt Personalitys (2005) [USA]
- Final Word Records - Basket Of Hammers (2009) [USA]
- Final Word Records - Cadaver Dogs (2010) [USA]
- First & Last - Civil Rights Insemination (2007) [UK]
- First & Last - Wrath Of The Perspective View (2008) [UK]
- First Platoon - Connected (1999) [USA]
- Flatlinerz - U.S.A. (1994) [USA]
- Flex Digits - Intergalactic Flu (2008) [UK]
- Flight Distance - Bad Information (2011) [Canada]
- Flight Distance - High Priests Of Low-Life (2014) [Canada]
- Flight Distance - Run For Your Lives! (2005) [Canada]
- FlowTecs - The Concrete Doctrine (2016) [UK]
- FlowTecs - The Iron Chancellor EP (2014) [UK]
- Fluent Form - Chapters Of Substance (2008) [Australia]
- Fluent Form - Flu Season (2013) [Australia]
- Fluent Form - The Furnace (2009) [Australia]
- Fluent Form - Word Merchant (2011) [Australia]
- Foundation - Ground Zero (2002) [USA]
- Frantik - On The Brink Of Insanity (2010) [USA]
- Frantik - Solitary Confinement (2009) [USA]
- Frantik – Project Warhead (2012) [USA]
- Freddy Madball - Catholic Guilt (2009) [USA]
- Fubar - Hell & Back (2023) [USA]
- Fubar & DJ Rhum'1 - Shark Infested Waters (2012) [USA, France]
- Funkdoobiest - The Troubleshooters (1997) [USA]
- G Fam Black & Hanzo Bladez - Maniac (2024) [USA]
- G Fam Black & Tali Rodriguez - Nightmare City (2024) [USA]
- G.C.P. (Guilty Crime Productions) - Crime Connects (2003) [Canada]
- G.C.P. (Guilty Crime Productions) - The Turfs Hot (1999) [Canada]
- Gage The Conqueror - Dead Angel / The Gospel EP (2009) [USA]
- Gage The Conqueror - Space Gorillas EP (2015) [USA]
- Gage The Conqueror - The Desolate Lands (2011) [USA]
- Gambino Tha God - Insomnia (2009) [USA]
- Gamblez - Hellfire & Brimstone (2014) [USA]
- Gamblez - Mind Of A Madman (2011) [USA]
- Gamblez - Tha Lucky Bastard EP (2021) [USA]
- Gamblez - What My Eyes See (2011) [USA]
- Gamblez & Skinny Bonez Tha Godfatha - The Evil Returns (2022) [USA, Netherlands]
- Gamblez, Skull Bludgeon & Frantik - Changing Of The Guard (2012) [USA]
- Ganjak - Welcome To Ganjak's Land EP (2010) [France]
- Ganjak & The Society Of Invisibles - The Inquisition (2024) [France, USA]
- Ganjak Presents Black Pope - The Sinister Minister (2014) [France, UK]
- Ganjre The Giant - The Judgement Scene EP (2022) [USA]
- Genelec & Master Kong - The Examind Life EP (1999) [USA]
- Genelec & Memphis Reigns - Scorpion Circles (2002) [USA]
- Genghis Khan - Her Absence Is My AntiChrist (2016) [USA]
- Genghis Khan - The Broken Love (2012) [USA]
- Genghis Khan - The Violence Effect (2008) [USA]
- Genocide - Death Before Dishonor (2017) [Bosnia]
- Genocide - Dirty Bombs (2010) [Bosnia]
- Genocide - Dirty Bombs (Vol.2) (2012) [Bosnia]
- Genocide - The Burial Ground (2014) [Bosnia]
- Genocide - The Psy-Op (2008) [Bosnia]
- Genocide - The Sacred Doctrine (2009) [Bosnia]
- Ghost Town Syndicate - Hell Harbour (2012) [Canada]
- Ghost Town Syndicate - The Great Train Robbery (2013) [Canada]
- Godd Boddies - Ill Visions (1998) [Canada]
- Godilla - Altered Beast (2013) [USA]
- Godilla - Battle Beast A Prelude To Human Zoo (2012) [USA]
- Godilla - Jaguar Paw (2009) [USA]
- Godmode & Nevahmind - Complex City EP (2012) [New Zealand, Sweden]
- Godz Wrath - Fingerprintz Of The Godz (2009) [Netherlands]
- Goon Platoon - The Red Flu (2007) [USA]
- Gore Elohim - Electric Lucifer (2013) [USA]
- Gorilla Twins (Ill Bill & Nems) - Gorilla Twins (2020) [USA]
- Govna Mattic - Hell Up In Newark (1998) [USA]
- GP Wu - Don't Go Against The Grain (1997) [USA]
- GQ Nothin Pretty - Circus After Sundown (2012) [USA]
- Grassrootz - Uncharted Regions (1998) [Canada]
- Gravity Ponds - Instruments Of Torture (2014) [Australia]
- Gravity Ponds - Prequel To Pain (2011) [Australia]
- Gray Matters - Intelligent Decline (2008) [USA]
- Grievous Bodily Harm - The Path To Nirvana's Garden (2011) [UK]
- Grim Demize - Broken Time (2009) [USA]
- Grim Moses - A Breath Of Smog (2018) [USA]
- Grim Moses - Dog Eat God (2015) [USA]
- Grim Moses - Enpsychlowpedia Satanika (2012) [USA]
- Grim Moses - Unreleased Material (2017) [USA]
- Grim Pesci - Attrition (2024) [USA]
- Grim Pesci - Giant's Bane (2023) [USA]
- Grim Pesci - Mouth Of Hell (2023) [USA]
- Grim Pesci - Through The Wall (2024) [USA]
- Grim Reaperz - Blood Leg (Vol.1) (2012) [France]
- Grim Reaperz - Blood Leg (Vol.2) (2013) [France]
- Grim Reaperz - Blood Leg (Vol.3) (2019) [France]
- Grim Reaperz - Blood Leg: Trilogy (2023) [France]
- Grim Reaperz - Fuck U EP (2011) [France]
- Grim Reaperz - Mixture (2017) [France]
- Grim Reaperz & Kwote - Mindz Of Musik (2021) [France, USA]
- Grim Reaperz & Seek - 6 Dayz Of Torture EP (2012) [France, USA]
- Grime - Let Freedom Ring With A Buckshot (2005) [USA]
- Grimface Mindstate - No Mans Land EP (2012) [USA]
- Grimface Mindstate - One Truth (2009) [USA]
- Grindhouse Gang - 3 Assassins (2014) [USA]
- Grindhouse Gang - The Militia Of Emcees (2011) [USA]
- Ground Zero - Mind State Pen Kites (2024) [USA, UK, Australia, France]
- Gstats - Syke Ward (2015) [USA]
- Guerilla War Tactix - The Invasion (2009) [USA, Sweden, Germany]
- Guerilla War Tactix - The Occupation EP (2012) [USA, Sweden, Germany]
- Guillotine DSC - Divine Justice (2020) [USA]
- Guillotine Regime - Warrior Gene (2019) [USA]
- Guilty Smiles - I Am The Pig (2011) [USA]
- Guilty Smiles - The Alice Game (2005) [USA]
- Guilty Smiles - The Alice Game 2 (2012) [USA]
- Guilty Smiles & Jaygo - Grave Rap (2008) [USA]
- Gumz - From Fetus To Genius (2007) [USA]
- Gunshot - International Rescue (2000) [UK]
- Gunshot - Twilights Last Gleaming (1997) [UK]
- Gutta - Heads Will Roll (2008) [USA]
- Halfabrick & Alterbeats - Revolutionary Tactics (2009) [USA, France]
- Halfabrick & Alterbeats - Revolutionary Tactics (Part 2) (2011) [USA, France]
- Hands Of Vengeance - Violently Ill (2014) [USA]
- Hannibal Stax & Marco Polo - Seize The Day (2013) [USA]
- Harleckinz - From The Levels Below EP (1995) [Germany]
- Harleckinz - Now We're Talkin' (2000) [Germany]
- Hatchet Men - Cloak & Daggers (2008) [USA]
- Hatchet Men - Hitmen For Hire (2008) [USA]
- Hatchet Men - I Whom The Gods Destroy (2011) [USA]
- Hatchet Men - Vatican Assassins (2009) [USA]
- Headknockers (Rich Mahogany & Trilian) - Headknockers (2012) [USA, Serbia]
- Heavy Metal Kings (Ill Bill & Vinnie Paz) - Black God White Devil (2017) [USA]
- Heddshotts - Heddshotts (2011) [USA]
- Heddshotts & Junior Makhno - Circus Of The Freaks (2014) [USA, France]
- Helen Earth & Shadz – Hell Is Other People (2018) [Australia]
- HellRazors (Osiris & Cold Spirit) - HellRazors (2022) [USA]
- HellRazors (Osiris & Cold Spirit) - Sights To Show You (2023) [USA]
- Hermetic Order - Siren Song (2016) [USA]
- Herrotics - The Construct (2009) [UK]
- Hex One - Words Worth A Thousand Pictures (2017) [USA]
- Hex One & 5th Element - Hologramz (2014) [USA]
- Holocaust - In The End There Of... Are The Ways Of Death (2012) [USA]
- Holocaust - The Signs Of Hells Winter (2012) [USA]
- Holocaust & American Poets 2099 - Theater Of Pain (2009) [USA]
- Holocaust & Pro The Leader - Armor Of God (2019) [USA]
- Holocaust & Shaka Amazulu The 7th - A History Of Violence (2021) [USA]
- Honour - Candles (2010) [Australia]
- Honour - The Overture (2011) [Australia]
- Hoodratz - Sneeke Muthafuckaz (1993) [USA]
- Hozay - Arrivederci (2024) [UK]
- Hozay - Paisley Memoirs (2018) [UK]
- Hunter & Dazastah - Done DL (2002) [Australia]
- Hyenas In The Desert - Die Laughing (1996) [USA]
- Hymphatic Thabs - Centre Of The Universe (2019) [South Africa]
- I.N.C.H - Nappage Nocturne (2016) [France]
- I.N.F - I'm Not Famous (2015) [USA]
- I.N.F. - Pipe Dreams (2012) [USA]
- Icabod Chang & Dephyant - Goonity (2024) [USA]
- Icabod Chang & Nomad - The Forgotten Arts. A Quest For The Lost Talisman (2021) [USA]
- Icabod Chang The Headless Shogun - The Secret Scrolls (2012) [USA]
- IDE - Breathe Easy (2016) [USA]
- IDE - Force Fed (2007) [USA]
- IDE - Rite Of Passage (2011) [USA]
- IDE & Alucard - For Fuck Sake (2010) [USA]
- IDE & Alucard - Uncovered Remains (2012) [USA]
- IDE & Alucard - Uncovered Remains 2 (2021) [USA]
- IDE & DJ Connect - Ideology (2010) [USA]
- IDE & Lucky Loopiano - Breathe Easy Unreleased EP (2020) [USA]
- IDE & Skavenger - Addicted To The Vision (2010) [USA]
- Ignorant Intelligence - Underground Funk (1994) [USA]
- Ill Advised - Can You Smell It (1997) [USA]
- Ill Bill - Billy (2023) [USA]
- Ill Bill - Early Years Demo 1991-94 (2005) [USA]
- Ill Bill - Infermo Guillermo (2009) [USA]
- Ill Bill - La Bella Medusa (2020) [USA]
- Ill Bill - Pulp Phixion (2019) [USA]
- Ill Bill - Septagram (2016) [USA]
- Ill Bill - The Grimy Awards (2013) [USA]
- Ill Bill - The Hour Of Reprisal (2008) [USA]
- Ill Bill - Whats Wrong With Bill (2004) [USA]
- Ill Bill & Stu Bangas - Cannibal Hulk (2019) [USA]
- Ill Bill & Vinnie Paz – Heavy Metal Kings (2011) [USA]
- Ill Critikal - Promethean (2024) [UK]
- Ill Sykes & Relense - The Chronicles Of Nefaeria (Vol.1) (2023) [UK]
- Ill-Literate - Another Lesson (2010) [Canada]
- Illicit Dialect - Violence, Poverty & Diseize84 (2014) [USA]
- Illinformed - Illin For Meds (2023) [UK]
- Illmega - Concrete Chronicles (2010) [USA]
- iLLrated & Doc Cause - Mad Evil (2009) [USA]
- Illuminati Congo & Anahata Sacred Sound Current - Siddha Gita (2016) [USA]
- Image - Poisoned Philosophy (2012) [UK]
- Immortal Combat (Plague Plenty, Eskr-One, Rated R & ILLtemper) - Immortal Combat (2016) [USA, Canada]
- Immortal Records - Strictly Underground. The Next Chapter (1995) [USA]
- Immortal Technique - Revolutionary Vol.1 (2001) [USA]
- Immortal Technique - Revolutionary Vol.2 (2003) [USA]
- Immortal Technique - The 3rd World (2008) [USA]
- Immortal Technique – The Martyr (2011) [USA]
- Imperial Skillz Empera - Symphony Of Sickness (2011) [Germany]
- Imperial Skillz Empera & Gamblez - Legion Of Darkness (2012) [Germany, USA]
- Imperial Skillz Empera & Si-Klon - Storm Of The Flying Serpent (2010) [Germany, USA]
- Infinite Shades Of Gray - Intuition Is The Key (1999) [USA]
- Inkwell The Biologic - Better Or Different (2008) [USA]
- Innersoul - The Theory (1996) [USA]
- Insideus & Cashno - Devil In The Detail (2021) [Australia]
- Insideus & Indigomerkaba - Bushido (2021) [Australia]
- Intel Agents - Intelligence (2002) [USA]
- Inveigh Slang - The Edward Dieter EP (2016) [Australia]
- Invicious Music & Popcorn Patrik - The Most Known Unknown Vol.1 (2011) [International]
- Irate Records - The Scrypt Keepers (Vol.1) (2009) [USA]
- Irate Records - The Scrypt Keepers (Vol.2) (2009) [USA]
- Irealz - Solar Flarez (2012) [USA]
- Irealz - The Code Of Omerta (2011) [USA]
- Iron Bridge - Return Of The Psychonauts (2019) [UK]
- IV-V-VI - Nu Day Dawnin (1999) [USA]
- Ixion Form - The Album That Never Came Out (2018) [USA]
- J-Merk - Born Dead (2015) [USA]
- J-Merk - J-Merk EP (2013) [USA]
- Jace Abstract & Robin Da Landlord - Rockstalgia (2016) [UK, Netherlands]
- Jack Jetson - Adventures Of Johnny Strange (2014) [UK]
- Jack Jetson & Illinformed - Strange Cinema (2019) [UK]
- Jack Spairo - The Placebo Effect (2012) [USA]
- Jahnigga Da Baptist - Niggativity (2012) [USA]
- Jak Tripper - Blak Church Congregation (2015) [USA]
- Jakob22 - The Dreamstate (2011) [Canada]
- Jakob22 - The Dreamstate 2 (The R.E.M Effect) (2011) [Canada]
- Jamar Equality - SitRep EP (2013) [USA]
- JBL - Alien Warfare (Vol.1) (2007) [USA]
- Jedi Mind Tricks - A History Of Violence (2008) [USA]
- Jedi Mind Tricks - Legacy Of Blood (2004) [USA]
- Jedi Mind Tricks - Servants In Heaven Kings In Hell (DJ Kwestion Remixes) (2006) [USA]
- Jedi Mind Tricks - Servants In Heaven,Kings In Hell (2006) [USA]
- Jedi Mind Tricks - The Bridge & The Abyss (2018) [USA]
- Jedi Mind Tricks - The Funeral & The Raven (2021) [USA]
- Jedi Mind Tricks - The Psycho-Social,Chemical,Biological & Electro-Magnetic Manipulation Of Human Consciousness (1997) [USA]
- Jedi Mind Tricks - The Thief & The Fallen (2015) [USA]
- Jedi Mind Tricks - Violence Begets Violence (2011) [USA]
- Jedi Mind Tricks - Violent By Design (2000) [USA]
- Jedi Mind Tricks - Visions Of Gandhi (2003) [USA]
- Jewelz Infinite - Etheric Templates (2012) [USA]
- Jewelz Infinite - Katharsis (2012) [USA]
- Jim Snooka - The Gospels Of Reverend Wallace (2009) [USA]
- Jimmy Powers Vs Verbz - The Snare & Kick Project EP (2008) [USA]
- Jise One - Chronicles 2 (2009) [USA]
- Jise One - The LT Worf Chronicles (2008) [USA]
- JMega & Hellbound - Concrete Wizardry (2010) [USA, Belgium]
- JMega & Junior Makhno - Blood & Thunder (2012) [USA, France]
- Joe Blow & Ral Duke - Leviticus (2013) [UK]
- Joe Dirt - Barrydockalypse (2017) [UK]
- Johnny23 - No Scope (2022) [USA]
- Johnny23 Records - Riot Renaissance (2011) [USA]
- Jon Murdock - Dark City (Part 1) (2010) [USA]
- Jon Murdock - Dark City (Part 2) (2010) [USA]
- Jon Murdock - Dark City (Part 3): Skyscraper Ships (2013) [USA]
- Jon Murdock - The Book Of Life (2002) [USA]
- Jon Phonics - Half Past Calm (2008) [UK]
- Jon The Baptist - Divide & Conquer (2011) [USA]
- Jordan River Banks - All The Worlds A Stage (2009) [Netherlands]
- Jr Ewing - Straight From Underground Best Of 1997 (2006) [USA]
- Judgement - Grindhouse Spectacular (2015) [USA]
- Judgement - Only Judge Can God You (2024) [USA]
- Juggaknots - Clear Blue Skies (1996) [USA]
- June Marx - Body Of God (2010) [USA]
- June Marx - Core Of Vengence (2010) [USA]
- June Marx - Eve Of Victory (2014) [USA]
- June Marx - Invisible Wars (2013) [USA]
- June Marx - Seven Trumpets Sound (2012) [USA]
- Junior Makhno - The Alcazar Tapes (2008) [France]
- Junior Makhno - The Comp-Ton Comp (2011) [France]
- Junior Makhno – Party Discipline (2017) [France]
- Jus Allah - All Fates Have Changed (2005) [USA]
- Just-1 - Blinded By The Truth EP (2009) [USA]
- K-Otic 1 - Anatomy Of A Headshot (2022) [Australia]
- K-Otic 1 - Grimey Renaissance (2022) [Australia]
- K-Otic 1 - In The Eye Of The Tyrants (2019) [Australia]
- K-Otic 1 - Molotovs (2022) [Australia]
- K.I.N. - Knowledge Is Now (2010) [USA]
- Kakarot - Dark Matter (2024) [UK]
- Kakarot & C.O.N-Vers - Fallen Titans (2025) [UK]
- Kakarot & World Of Ghosts - God Skin (2023) [UK]
- Kaliphz - Seven Deadly Sins (1995) [UK]
- Kaliphz - Vibe Da Joint EP (1994) [UK]
- Kalki - Peacewalker EP (2014) [Canada]
- Kalki - Shadow Warrior (2021) [Canada]
- Kanis Lu - Mouth Of The Dog (2012) [USA]
- KAOS (ShadowX & Leasion) - Double Jointed (2021) [USA]
- Kaotic Style - Streets Of Brownsville Compilation (1997) [USA]
- KC Da Rookee - Nexcalibur (2001) [UK]
- KC Da Rookee - Rookeestizza (1999) [UK]
- KDB - Children Of The Ark (2017) [Canada]
- KDB & St. Peter - Within The Solace (2011) [Canada]
- KGB - Klik Ga Bow (1994) [USA]
- Kid Fade - Born Fighter (2017) [USA]
- Kid Fade - Messenger (2017) [USA]
- Kid Fade - War Machine (2013) [Canada]
- Kid Selzy - The Creep (2008) [Australia]
- Kid Selzy - The Creepshow (2009) [Australia]
- Killah Priest - Planet Of The Gods (2015) [USA]
- Killah Priest & Chief Kamachi - Beautiful Minds (2008) [USA]
- Killah Priest & Vendetta Kingz - The Infinite Universe (2016) [USA]
- Killarmy - Dirty Weaponry (1998) [USA]
- Killarmy - Fear, Love & War (2001) [USA]
- Killarmy - Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars (1997) [USA]
- Killer Falcon, P.Flow Matics & Sub-Con5cience - The Deadly Concepts EP (2011) [USA]
- King Just - Mystics Of The God (1995) [USA]
- King Magnetic - Everythings A Gamble (2007) [USA]
- King Magnetic - Everythings A Gamble (Vol.2) (2010) [USA]
- King Magnetic - Everythings A Gamble (Vol.3) (2012) [USA]
- King Solomon - Solstice EP (2003) [Germany]
- King Syze - Syzemology (2006) [USA]
- King Syze - The Labor Union (2008) [USA]
- King Syze - Union Terminology (2014) [USA]
- King Syze – Collective Bargaining (2011) [USA]
- King Syze & Skammadix - Vested (2015) [USA]
- Kingpin - Art Of Survival (2015) [UK]
- Kings Konekted - Corrupted Citizens (2015) [Australia]
- Kings Konekted - The Campaign EP (2013) [Australia]
- Kirk - Makin Moves (1994) [USA]
- Klee Magor - Ill Regime (Vol.1) (2012) [USA]
- Klive Kraven - Filthy Slaughter (2010) [USA]
- Klive Kraven - The Adventures Of Mountain Man (2010) [USA]
- Klive Kraven - The Return Of Mountain Man (2010) [USA]
- Kloud 9 - Call Of The Wild 1824 (2002) [USA]
- Kno - Death Is Silent (2010) [USA]
- Kogz - AntiSocial (2017) [Australia]
- Komrade & Stripes – Abstract Flaws Fatal Realities (2010) [Canada]
- Krazy Race - Chronicles Of A Krazy Race (2010) [USA]
- Krazy Race - The International Project (2012) [USA]
- Krazy Race - The Rapture (2011) [USA]
- Kreators - Live Coverage (2003) [USA]
- Kreators - No Contest (1999) [USA]
- Krohme - The Battle For 2012 (2008) [USA]
- Kryptic - Oblivion (2015) [New Zealand]
- Kryptic - Realm Of Chaos (2014) [New Zealand]
- Kue The Vandal - The Genghis Khan (2013) [USA]
- Kue The Vandal, Sleep & Dope Antelope - The Pale Horse EP (2013) [USA]
- Kutcorners - Most Valuable Playas (2005) [Canada]
- Kwote1 - The B Side (Collecting Dust) (2011) [USA]
- Kyo Itachi & Dirt Platoon - War Face (2013) [France, USA]
- Kyo Itachi & LMNO - Born Again (2011) [France, USA]
- Kyo Itachi & Milez Grimez - Carnage (2019) [France, USA]
- Kyo Itachi & Ruste Juxx - Hardbodie Hip Hop (2012) [France, USA]
- La Coka Nostra - A Brand You Can Trust (2009) [USA]
- La Coka Nostra - Masters Of The Dark Arts (2012) [USA]
- La Coka Nostra - To Thine Own Self Be True (2016) [USA]
- La The Darkman - Heist Of The Century (1998) [USA]
- Labal-S - Divine Science Of Light In Sound (2013) [USA]
- Labal-S - Dr Murder Verses (2011) [USA]
- Labal-S - Order Out Of Chaos (2011) [USA]
- Lateb - Live Brutal (2011) [USA]
- Le Greck - Mythologia (2012) [Switzerland]
- Leaders Of The Lost - Burial Of Kings (2013) [USA]
- Leaf Dog - Anything Is Possible (2024) [UK]
- Legion Of Slugs - A Season In Hell (2016) [USA]
- Legion Of Slugs - Legion Of Slugs EP (2008) [USA]
- Lex Starwind - Deep Space Rhyme (2024) [USA]
- Lex Starwind - Outlaw Star (2007) [USA]
- LGP & Lateb The God - Truth & Malice (2012) [USA]
- Life - Everyday Life (2003) [UK]
- Life - Realities Of Life (2006) [UK]
- Lifeless - Lifeless EP (2010) [USA]
- Lifeless - The Ugly (2012) [USA]
- Lin Brotherz - Ch'ing Dynasty EP (2000) [Netherlands]
- Linkan - Almighty Bigalizer (2015) [Sweden]
- Literates - Don't Sleep (2009) [USA]
- Literates - Unspoken (2005) [USA]
- Little Vic - Each Dawn I Die (2008) [USA]
- Lo Gun - The Shogun Tape (2020) [USA]
- Logikal Ethix & Unknown Mizery - It Will Fall (2004) [Canada]
- Lone Ninja - Burnt Sector (2009) [USA]
- Lone Ninja - Covert Operative EP (2008) [USA]
- Lone Ninja - Fatal Peril (2012) [USA]
- Lone Ninja - Rogue Agent (2012) [USA]
- Lone Ninja - Trapdoors & Secret Passageways (2013) [USA]
- Lone Ninja - Wave Of Carnage (2014) [USA]
- Lord Gamma - The Dark Apprentice (2012) [USA]
- Lord Goat & Stu Bangas - Final Expenses (2020) [USA]
- Lord Lhus - Essentials (2017) [USA]
- Lord Lhus - Fuck You Lord Lhus (2011) [USA]
- Lord Lhus - Lord Lhus (2018) [USA]
- Lord Lhus - Rare Demos & Collabs (2014) [USA]
- Lord Lhus - The Devil Hates Pretty (2015) [USA]
- Lord Lhus - Underground Stash (2012) [USA]
- Lord Lhus - Unreleased Classics (2010) [USA]
- Lord Lhus & Eastgarden Music - International Rhymz Konnect (2014) [International]
- Lord Metatron - Tha Sacred Analogy Of Muzik (2006) [USA]
- Lost Legends - Book Of The Lost (Chapter 1) (2009) [USA]
- Lost Order Of The Ancients - 5th Dimension: Dancing With 7 Swords To Solar Sounds (2011) [USA]
- Lost Secret - Queens Hall Of Science (2007) [USA]
- Lotus Tribe Presents: S.E.L.F. - The Art & War Of Misanthropic-Philanthropy (2007) [USA]
- Lyrical Commission - Murderous Metaphors (2005) [Australia]
- Lyrical Commission - The Stage Is Set (2003) [Australia]
- M-Eighty - The Academy (2009) [USA]
- M-Eighty Presents Iron Cladzmen - The Golden Ages (2009) [USA]
- M.A.D. - Cold War (2015) [USA, Canada]
- M.I.C. - Mastas Inda Cypha (2013) [Canada]
- M.O.P. & Snowgoons - Sparta (2011) [USA, Germany]
- Macabean The Rebel - Lost Cities & Vanishing Civilizations (2010) [USA]
- Mack Da Maniak - Loco Motive (1995) [USA]
- Mad Flava - From Tha Ground Unda (1994) [USA]
- Mad World - Confessions Of Unholy Sorrow (2013) [USA]
- Madd Joker - Shootout In The Capitol (2004) [USA]
- Madstyle - Bloodrush (1993) [USA]
- Magic Sounds (Vol.1) (1994) [Netherlands]
- Magic Sounds (Vol.2) (1996) [Netherlands]
- Magnus Low - Bars Of Death (2020) [USA]
- Magnus Low - Moonbreaker (2021) [USA]
- Magnus Low - Slaughtertorium (2020) [USA]
- Main Flow - Castle Diplomat (2001) [USA]
- Main Flow - Featuring... (2006) [USA]
- Main Flow - Hip Hopulation (2004) [USA]
- Main Flow - Notebook Assassins (2005) [USA]
- Main Flow - The Flowfessionals (2006) [USA]
- Main Flow & 7L - Flow Season (2006) [USA]
- Main Offenders - Depth Perception (2007) [Canada]
- Main One - Birth Of The Ghetto Child (1995) [USA]
- Majesty - The All-Seeing Eye EP (2015) [USA]
- Majesty - The Overlord (2016) [USA]
- Majin Den - Project Alpha (2021) [USA]
- MajinSayk (Majin Den & Sayk) - Night Symphonies (2020) [USA]
- Malikye Dominion - Genocide (2006) [USA]
- Man Of War - 10 Horn Daggers (2001) [USA]
- Manage - Early Life Crisis (2001) [UK]
- Manage - Live In Protest (2006) [UK]
- Maniac Vs Genocide - Hells Winter (2010) [USA]
- Mannahz - Day Of Reckoning (Vol.1) (2008) [UK]
- Mannish - Audio Sedative (1995) [USA]
- Marcanum X - Quantum Chaotica (2013) [USA]
- Marco Polo & Torae - Double Barrel (2009) [USA]
- Mark Deez & Keko - The Cycle Of Struggle (2010) [USA]
- Mark Deez & Scorpio61 - Fifty/Fifty (2010) [USA, Norway]
- Masai Bey - The Art Of The Covenant (2008) [USA]
- Mass Influence - The Underground Science (1999) [USA]
- Masta Buildas - Grand Mastas (2018) [USA]
- Masta Buildas - Island Of Patmos (2012) [USA]
- Masta Buildas - Nocturnal Light (2012) [USA]
- Masta Buildas - Soul Bendaz (2018) [USA]
- Masta Buildas - Wrathful Deities (2019) [USA]
- Masta Buildas – Reptilian Body Snatchas (2009) [USA]
- Matlock & Mr Green - The Wax Museum EP (2012) [USA]
- Matt Maddox - Asylum Artistry (2010) [USA]
- Matt Maddox - Righteous Fury (2014) [USA]
- Matt Maddox - Write Or Wrong (2017) [USA]
- Maulskull - Unamazing Grace (2018) [USA]
- Max Prime - Tranquility (2009) [Canada]
- Maximus Da Mantis - Kali-Ma: The Heart Eater (2016) [USA]
- Maze Overlay & Grim Moses - Ghetto Elegance (2020) [USA]
- MC Therapist - Socialized Anxiety (2020) [USA]
- MC Therapist - The New World Disorder (2015) [USA]
- McGyver - Camillionizm (2022) [Netherlands]
- MDV & Evil Dead - Black Mass (2019) [UK, Spain]
- Megatropolis (Oz Arc Raider, Serum & Stijn Beats) - Megatropolis (2013) [USA, Netherlands]
- Melanin 9 - 144.000 (2008) [UK]
- Melanin 9 - High Fidelity (2007) [UK]
- Melanin 9 - Magna Carta (2012) [UK]
- Melph - Boombap Warfare (2010) [Netherlands]
- Memphis Reigns - Frog Hill Legend (2010) [USA]
- Memphis Reigns & D-Mitch - Skeleton Crew Diaries (2009) [USA]
- Menace Mendoza - Jungle (2023) [UK]
- Menace Mendoza - Two Monsters In The Graveyard (2017) [UK]
- Menes The Pharaoh - Pharaobi Ghouzi: Keepers Of The Lo Fi Dojo (2018) [Canada]
- Menes The Pharaoh & Kabuki Blind Ninja/542 - Pharaobi Ghouzi: RopeBridge (2024) [Canada, Greece]
- Mental Az - Race Against Time (2025) [Australia]
- Mental Az - The Truths Out (2023) [Australia]
- Mesanjarz Of Funk - Mesanjarz Of Funk (1993) [USA]
- Mesidge - Machete Raps (2008) [USA]
- Meth Mouth - American Meth (2011) [USA]
- Mic Bles & Brenx - Underground Overlords (2023) [USA, Netherlands]
- Mic Daily & Ganjak - Dawn Of Nemesis (2013) [USA, France]
- Mic Daily & Ganjak - Enhanced Mechanics (2011) [USA, France]
- Mic Lanny - The Fractured (2010) [USA]
- Mickey Deville - Cloak & Dagger (2018) [Australia]
- Middle Ground - Breaking Ground (2012) [USA]
- Midiflash - Pleased To Beat You (2012) [Germany]
- Miilkbone - Da'Miilkrate (1995) [USA]
- Mind Mechanics & Piloophaz - Allied Forces EP (2009) [USA, France]
- Mind Molestahz - Mind Molestation (2008) [New Zealand]
- Minds Bleed Havoc - The Widows Head (2015) [USA]
- MistaMaff – Railroad To The Moon (2018) [France]
- Moemaw Naedon & Calig Kontra - Cult Theatre (2021) [USA]
- Mogly & Anonamix - Anti Authority (2011) [Spain, USA]
- Mogly & Anonamix - The Damned (2012) [Spain, USA]
- Molemen - Below The Ground Buried Alive (2000) [USA]
- Molemen - Chicago City Limits (Vol.1) (2001) [USA]
- Molemen - Chicago City Limits (Vol.2) (2006) [USA]
- Molemen - Killing Fields (2006) [USA]
- Molemen - Lost Sessions (2005) [USA]
- Molemen - Ritual Of The (2001) [USA]
- Mood - Doom (1997) [USA]
- Mood - Mission Control Presents Prehistoric Sounds (2000) [USA]
- Moongod Allah - Ten Tigers Of Kwantung (2001) [Netherlands]
- Moongod Allah - The Return Of The Ten Tiggers (2002) [Netherlands]
- Morbid Concepts - The Arrival EP (2003) [Canada]
- Morbski - Rebel Rouzah (2011) [USA]
- Most High Brotherz - The Unexpected (2000) [Netherlands]
- Mr Brady - Dirty (2003) [USA]
- Mr G & Profound - The Digital Theatre (2010) [UK]
- Mr Hyde - Barn Of The Naked Dead (2004) [USA]
- Mr Hyde - Chronicles Of The Beastman (2008) [USA]
- Mr Hyde - Tortures Of The Damned (2023) [USA]
- Mr Low Kash 'N Da Shady Bunch - Forever Raw (1996) [USA]
- Mr Malchau - For My Peoples (2007) [Denmark]
- Mr Morbid & Melph - Close To The End (2014) [Netherlands]
- Mr Morbid & Melph - Release The Demons (2011) [Netherlands]
- Mr Morbid & Melph - The Power Of Hatred (2019) [Netherlands]
- Mr Morbid & Melph - Unreleased Demons EP (2016) [Netherlands]
- Mr Pen & 100 Suns - Foodbanks & Fighter Jets (2020) [UK]
- Mr Ruckuz - The Verdict EP (1998) [USA]
- Mr.G - The Great Abyss (2014) [UK]
- Murdoc - Operation Restore Lyricism (2013) [USA]
- Muskoka Soldiers - Removal Of The Tenth (2020) [Canada]
- Mysterious - Mysterious Poetry (2020) [USA]
- N.B.S. - The Dispensary (2012) [USA]
- N.B.S. & Scarcity Budapest - Budavets (2014) [USA, Hungary]
- Napalm Drop (Skribbal & Big Left) - Napalm Drop (Vol.1) (2020) [USA]
- Nappy 4 Head Assassins - Aim 4 Da Sky (1999) [USA]
- Native Nuttz - The Nativez Are Restless (1994) [USA]
- Necro - The Notorious Goriest (2018) [USA]
- Neighborhood Creeps - The BoomSlang (2017) [USA]
- Nemonic - Ways Of Life (2009) [Norway]
- Nevahmind - The Beatdown (2010) [Sweden]
- Never Settle - Writers Block (2013) [Australia]
- Nexx Level Click - All Up In Ya (1997) [USA]
- Nexx Level Entertainment Presents B Sides & Unreleased (Vol.1) (2000) [USA]
- Nexx Level Entertainment Presents B Sides & Unreleased (Vol.2) (2000) [USA]
- NIC - Control Your Own Fate (2006) [USA]
- Nick Wiz - Cellar Sounds (Vol.1 1992-1998) (2008) [USA]
- Nick Wiz - Cellar Sounds (Vol.2 1992-1998) (2011) [USA]
- Nick Wiz - Cellar Sounds (Vol.3 1992-1998) (2011) [USA]
- Nick Wiz - Cellar Sounds (Vol.4 1992-1998) (2015) [USA]
- Nick Wiz - Cellar Sounds (Vol.5 1992-1998) (2017) [USA]
- Nightwalker - Archaeology (2007) [USA]
- Nightwalker - Walking At Night (2011) [USA]
- Nine - Cloud 9 (1996) [USA]
- Nine - Nine Livez (1995) [USA]
- Nizuk - 6 Feet Underground EP (2011) [France]
- NLZ & Nplayz - N-Destruktable (2007) [USA]
- Nomad - The Nomadic Chronicles Worldwide (2008) [USA]
- Non Phixion - Green CD (2004) [USA]
- Non Phixion - The Future Is Now (2004) [USA]
- Non Phixion - The Past The Present The Future Is Now (2000) [USA]
- Non Stop Krooks - Polish Your Skills (2008) [USA]
- Non-Combatants - Envisioning Sound (2010) [USA]
- Norman Chapters - Blade Of The Conqueror (2020) [USA]
- Norman Chapters - Day Of Atonement (2018) [USA]
- Note Worthy (Sub-Con5cience & Sadida) - Word Ethic (2016) [USA]
- Nova - The Blood Bath (2009) [USA]
- Novatore - Alchemy & Black Magic (2023) [USA]
- Novatore - Despondent (2018) [USA]
- Novatore - Living In The End Times (2022) [USA]
- Novatore - Louie (2019) [USA]
- Novatore - Louie II (2019) [USA]
- Novatore - Macabre (2016) [USA]
- Novatore - Master Of Morbid Creations (2022) [USA]
- Novatore - Novatore (2016) [USA]
- Novatore - Pariah (2017) [USA]
- Novatore - Portrait Of A Madman (2020) [USA]
- Novatore & Brenx - Agoraphobia (2025) [USA, Netherlands]
- Novatore & C-Lance - Embrace The Darkness (2020) [USA]
- Novatore & C-Lance - Embrace The Darkness II: Explorers Of Experience (2021) [USA]
- Ntan & Blabbermouf - Start From Skratch (2013) [Netherlands]
- Nuff Ruffness - Nuff Ruffness (1993) [USA]
- Nutso & DJ Low Cut - In The Cut (2013) [USA, France]
- Nuttkase - Dope Remixes (Vol.1) (2010) [Russia]
- Nuttkase - Dope Remixes (Vol.2) (2011) [Russia]
- Nuttkase - Dope Remixes (Vol.2) (Bonus) (2011) [Russia]
- O.T - Ridgy Killers (2023) [Australia]
- Omen Ra & DC The Truth - It's A Hell Of A Place EP (2011) [USA]
- OMeza Meziah - The Dilemma Of The Branded (2011) [UK]
- Omni-Science - Northmen Prophecy (2011) [Norway]
- Omni3 & Omen Ra - Armageddon Warriors (2010) [UK, USA]
- Omnipotent Records - Era Of The Titans (Vol.1) (2004) [USA]
- One Eyed Kings - In The Land Of The Blind (2010) [USA]
- One Man Army - Awakening (2014) [Poland]
- One Man Army - Co-Operations Vol.1 (2013) [Poland]
- One Stream Mental - When The Night Falls (2012) [Switzerland]
- Oneteron & Johnny Bass - War In Your Own Backyard (2011) [Sweden]
- Onse TSW & Gruesome Twosome - Looking Glass (2025) [France, USA]
- Onse TSW & Kalki - Before Light, Calm As Water (2022) [France, Canada]
- Original Vibe Monsters - Gods & Monsters (2001) [USA]
- Orphans Of Cush - White Noize (2009) [UK]
- Osiris - Age Of The Sith (2022) [USA]
- Outerspace - Blood & Ashes (2004) [USA]
- Outerspace - Blood Brothers (2006) [USA]
- Outerspace - God's Fury (2008) [USA]
- Outerspace - Illegalienz EP (1999) [USA]
- Outerspace - My Brothers Keeper (2011) [USA]
- Outerspace - Outerspace (2004) [USA]
- Overground Movement - Non Profit Mixtape (Vol.1) (2007) [USA]
- Pacewon & Ill - The Songs We Have (2023) [USA]
- Pale Soul - Fear Is The Mind Killer (2003) [USA]
- Palestine - Land Of The Lost (2006) [Sweden]
- Paranom & Purpose - Life Outside The Frame (2013) [USA]
- Past One - Depleted Dopamine (2024) [USA]
- Past One - The Return Of Terror (2011) [USA]
- Pawz One & Robin Da Landlord - Sell Me A Dream: Flowstalgia (2018) [USA, Netherlands]
- Pazuzu - Evil Thoughts (2024) [USA]
- Pen Pointz - Midgets Among Giants (2005) [Canada]
- Pete The Dark Truth - The Dark Truth (2022) [USA]
- Phathom - Time To Go (2007) [USA]
- Phi-Life Cypher - Higher Forces (2003) [UK]
- Phi-Life Cypher - Millennium Metaphors (2000) [UK]
- Phi-Life Cypher - Playback (2006) [UK]
- Phili'N'Dotz - Phil N' The Dotz (2014) [UK]
- Pickled Corpse Squad - Drunk'n Wise Guys (2002) [USA]
- Pinnacle Rhythms - Symphony Of The Spiritual Amnesty (2004) [USA]
- Plague Magician - Divination (2022) [USA, Greece]
- Plague Magician - Rising Cain (2016) [USA]
- Plague Magician & Kairo Myth - Mystic Art (2020) [USA]
- Plague Plenty - BOTK (2018) [USA]
- Plague Plenty - Eye Of The Needle (2014) [USA]
- Plague Plenty - Our Chimera Dreamscape (2019) [USA]
- Plague Plenty - Phantom World (2016) [USA]
- Plague Plenty - Plague Magic (2013) [USA]
- Plague Plenty - The Art & The Artist (2010) [USA]
- Plague Plenty - The Devil I Know (2015) [USA]
- Plague Plenty - The Illusionist (2014) [USA]
- Plague Plenty & Kairo Myth - Carpenter's Cup (2013) [USA]
- Plague Plenty & Kairo Myth - The Serpent Spirit (2013) [USA]
- Planet X - Compilation (2008-2009) [USA]
- PMD - Business Is Business (1996) [USA]
- PMD - It's The Pee (1997) [USA]
- PMD - Shade Business (1994) [USA]
- PMD - The Awakening (2003) [USA]
- Poet On Drugs - Poet On Drugs (2014) [USA]
- Poet On Drugs - The Age Of Infinite Terror (2015) [USA]
- Poet On Drugs - The Tao Of Despair (2017) [USA]
- Poetic Science - Thoughts In Motion (2011) [UK]
- Poets One - Risk For Reward (2022) [Australia]
- Poor Man Militia - Poor Man Militia (2004) [Canada]
- Pop Da Brown Hornet - The Undaground Emperor (2000) [USA]
- Portarok - Scars & Stripes In The United Snakes (2024) [USA]
- Post-Apocalyptic - State Of The Art (2014) [USA]
- Primal - Nature Of The Beast (2012) [Canada]
- Prime - Class Is In Session (Vol.1) (Back To Basics) EP (2007) [USA]
- Pro & Reg - Life Of A Vagabond (2008) [USA]
- Pro P - The Pro P Files (Vol.1) (2009) [UK]
- Pro P - The Pro P Files (Vol.2) (2010) [UK]
- Pro The Leader & Dopestyle - Hip Hop Depression (2010) [USA]
- Pro The Leader & Nova Kane - Know The Names (2009) [USA]
- Project Mayhem - Creative Destruction (2007) [UK]
- Prolific - Think (2007) [Canada]
- Prone - Out On Bond (2009) [USA]
- Prophet X - Quarantined Without Borders EP (2009) [Sweden]
- Prose - Force Of Habit (2010) [UK]
- Prose - The Dark Side Of The Boom (2011) [UK]
- Prowla - Lone Wolf (2001) [Australia]
- Prowla - Money Walks (1997) [Australia]
- Pruven - Wordplay Sensei (2014) [USA]
- Psy-Fi - Psychological Fidelity (2009) [USA]
- Psych Ward - Decrepid Methods (2007) [Canada]
- Psych Ward - Mental Patients (2005) [Canada]
- Psych Ward - More Slime (2013) [Canada]
- Psych Ward - Rulers Of The Damned (2008) [Canada]
- Psych Ward - Street Slime (2012) [Canada]
- Psychosis Holocaust, Pseudonym & Flex Digits - Conquest Of The Overfiend (2010) [UK]
- Pudgee Tha Phat Bastard - Give Em The Finger (1993) [USA]
- Pull The Fuckin' Trigger - Until It's My Time To Die (2018) [USA]
- Puppet The Grimey - Downer (2014) [USA]
- Purpose & B.B.Z Darney - The Quintessential (2018) [USA, Sweden]
- Purpose & Confidence - The Purpose Of Confidence (2012) [USA]
- Pythagoras The Praying Mantis - Treasure From The Warchest (2013) [UK]
- Pythagoras The Praying Mantis & Grungy Boguez - Supernatural Schematics (2023) [UK, USA]
- Q-Unique - Between Heaven & Hell (2010) [USA]
- Q-Unique - Marvels Team-Up (2013) [USA]
- Q-Unique - The Collabo Tapes (Vol.1) (2008) [USA]
- Q-Unique - The Collabo Tapes (Vol.2) (2009) [USA]
- Q-Unique - The Mechanic (2018) [USA]
- Q-Unique - Vengeance Is Mine (2004) [USA]
- Qred - Between Now & Never (2014) [UK]
- Qred - Leave It To The Rats (2011) [UK]
- Qred - Old Time Tradition (2014) [UK]
- Qred - Postcards From The Edge (2020) [UK]
- Quest-Rah & Scarab - Red Alert (2006) [UK]
- R.A. The Rugged Man - Die, Rugged Man, Die (2004) [USA]
- R.A. The Rugged Man - Legendary Classics (Vol.1) (2009) [USA]
- R.A. The Rugged Man - Legends Never Die (2013) [USA]
- R.I.Z & DaMaven - Veil Lifted (2022) [UK]
- R.I.Z & Morty - Grimouth Bay (2023) [UK]
- R.Kitect - Vicious Circles (2024) [USA]
- Rah - Beneath The Tunnels (2011) [USA]
- Ram Sqad Raw - Keep It Real (1996) [USA]
- Ram Squad - Operation Lock The City (1996) [USA]
- Ram Squad - Thee Album Regardless (1998) [USA]
- Randam Luck - Conspiracy Of Silence (2008) [USA]
- Randam Luck - Graveyard Shift (2009) [USA]
- Random Act Of Violence (Pawz One & Evolve) - Random Act Of Violence (2022) [USA]
- Rasco - Hostile Environment (2001) [USA]
- Rasco - Time Waits For No Man (1998) [USA]
- Rasul Allah 7 - Heru The Face Of The Golden Falcon: Rise Of The Shemsu Har (2015) [USA]
- Rated R & Edd Bundy - Siamese Psychos (2014) [USA|UK]
- Rated R & Edd Bundy - Siamese Psychos 2 (2014) [USA|UK]
- Raw & Milez Grimez - Pearly Gates (2016) [France, USA]
- Raw Breed - Blood,Sweat & Tears (1997) [USA]
- Raw Breed - Killa Instinct (1996) [USA]
- Raw Breed - Lune Tunz (1993) [USA]
- Ray Vendetta - 7 Swordz Ov Light (2013) [UK]
- Rayzel - Product Of Circumstance (Vol.1) (2011) [UK]
- Real Live - The Turnaround A Long Awaited Drama (1996) [USA]
- Realz - Blue Lion Chamber (2017) [USA]
- Recognize Ali & DJ TMB - Allah's Favorite (2017) [USA|UK]
- Redphone Records - Weapons Of Mass Awareness (2011) [USA]
- Reef The Lost Cauze - A Vicious Cycle (2008) [USA]
- Reef The Lost Cauze - Feast Or Famine (2005) [USA]
- Reef The Lost Cauze - Invisible Empire (2003) [USA]
- Reef The Lost Cauze - The High Life (2001) [USA]
- Reef The Lost Cauze & King Syze - Year Of The Hyenas (2014) [USA]
- Reef The Lost Cauze & Snowgoons - Your Favorite MC (2011) [USA, Germany]
- Reef The Lost Cauze Vs Guns-N-Butter - Fight Music (2010) [USA]
- Reka The Saint - In The Beginning (2009) [USA]
- Relentless - Dark Days: Age Of Aquarius (2011) [USA]
- Relentless - Vigilante Special Ops (2014) [USA]
- Remedy - Code:Red (2003) [USA]
- Remedy - Remedy EP (2000) [USA]
- Remedy - The Genuine Article (2001) [USA]
- Representativz - Angels Of Death (1999) [USA]
- Resin & Swann - The Dark Ages (2021) [Canada]
- Resolute - The Last Horizon (2014) [USA]
- Respek BA & Koaraktor - New Weapons (2019) [UK, Germany]
- Retainer - Valley Of The Black Daisies (2007) [Australia]
- Revolution Of The Mind - Rebel Rap (2007) [USA]
- Revolution Of The Mind – Honor In Sin (2011) [USA]
- Rhyme Asylum - Solitary Confinement (2010) [UK]
- Rhyme Asylum - State Of Lunacy (2008) [UK]
- Righteouz Knight - Spiritual Warfare (2007) [USA]
- Riviera Regime - Chaotic Temple (2013) [USA]
- Riviera Regime - Cold Blooded (2007) [USA]
- Riviera Regime - Real Soldierz Ride (2008) [USA]
- Rook Da Rukus - Enta Da New Age (2010) [USA]
- Routiger Slob & Aquarius Minded - The Gridshifters EP (2015) [Canada, USA]
- Routiger Slob & Sick Rat - The Gridshifters EP (Remix) (2017) [Canada, Italy]
- Royal Illness - Armed Forces (2011) [USA]
- RPM The Brown Robe - Constructive Imbalance (2008) [USA]
- RpM The Brown Robe Vs Nix Productions - One & The Dust (2019) [USA]
- Rugged Intellect - Renaissance Music: The Introduction (2007) [Canada]
- Rusher & Kayohes - Melancholia (2020) [USA]
- Rusty Chains - Battle Scars To Prove It (2004) [USA]
- Ruwem & Toxoid - Unscatched (2023) [Australia]
- Ry Walker - Death By A Thousand Cuts (2020) [UK]
- Ry Walker - Per Ardua Ad Astra (2020) [UK]
- Ry Walker - Seize The Sceptre (2021) [UK]
- Ry Walker - Tales From The Cruel Sea (2021) [UK]
- Ry Walker - Torn Gods (2022) [UK]
- Ry Walker & TwistedBeats - Who Stole The Light? (2023) [UK]
- RyPa - Sin Eater (2011) [USA]
- Rypa The Transparent Exorcist - The Haunted Parables (2006) [USA]
- S.A.M. - Self Assembled Messiah (2015) [UK]
- Sabac Red - Sabacolypse (A Change Gon Come) (2004) [USA]
- Sabac Red - The Collabo Collection (Vol.1) (2005) [USA]
- Sabac Red - The Collabo Collection (Vol.2) (2007) [USA]
- Sabac Red - The Ritual (2008) [USA]
- Sabotawj & DJ Bless - Dreaming Up Nightmares While The World Sleeps (2010) [USA]
- Sabotawj & Slap Up Mill - Concrete Conversation (2010) [USA, UK]
- Sacred Science - Fractal Dimensions (2014) [USA]
- Sacred Science (Silentmind & Subcon) - Audible Architects (2020) [USA]
- Saint Asylum - Prelude To The Vaccination (2011) [Canada]
- Sammy Gallows - Blessed Are The Sick (2011) [New Zealand]
- Sars - Verbal Virus (2010) [Canada]
- Sav Killz - Determination Through Time (A Collection Of Works) (2006) [USA]
- Savage Argonautz - Savage Musik (2016) [USA]
- Savage Souls - After The Blood Spills (2023) [USA]
- Savage Souls - Barbarians (2021) [USA]
- Scarcity Budapest – Back To Business (2012) [Hungary]
- School Of Thought - Underworld Politics (2010) [Canada]
- Sci Development - Gas For The Machine (2009) [USA]
- Scientific - Experiments (Vol.1) (2010) [USA]
- Scientific - Experiments (Vol.2) (2010) [USA]
- Scorpio61 - Free Music (2010) [Norway]
- Scykotikz - The End (Lost Files) (2014) [USA]
- Sean Peng & Illinformed - Insomniacs Dream (2024) [UK]
- Sean Strange - Street Urchin (2010) [USA]
- Sean Strange - The Code Of The Creep (2009) [USA]
- Seb The Undead - Remixes (Vol.1) (2012) [Austria]
- Seb The Undead - Remixes (Vol.2) (2013) [Austria]
- Seb The Undead - Remixes (Vol.3) (2015) [Austria]
- Secta 7 - The Conquest (2006) [USA]
- Semantix Tha Sorcera - The Transition Transmission (2019) [UK]
- Serum - Brainstorm Troopah (2009) [USA]
- Serum - Daydream Of Nightmares (2012) [USA]
- Sesh - 4535 (1998) [USA]
- Seven Oddities Records - Out For Blood (Vol.1) (2010) [USA]
- Seven Oddities Records - Out For Blood (Vol.2) (2012) [USA]
- Seven Oddities Records - Out For Blood, Vol.III (Chapter Four) (2016) [USA]
- Seven Oddities Records - Out For Blood, Vol.III (Chapter One) (2016) [USA]
- Seven Oddities Records - Out For Blood, Vol.III (Chapter Three) (2016) [USA]
- Seven Oddities Records - Out For Blood, Vol.III (Chapter Two) (2016) [USA]
- Seven Oddities Records - The Ugly Face EP (2011) [USA]
- Seven Oddities Records & B.B.Z Darney - Calamity (2017) [USA, Sweden]
- Seven Spherez - Boom Bap & Baseball Bats (2018) [UK]
- Seven Spherez - Boom Bap & Timbo Boots (2019) [UK]
- Seven Spherez - Concentric (2017) [UK]
- Seven Spherez - Emanations (2017) [UK]
- Seven Spherez - Seven Spherez (2015) [UK]
- Sez, R.I.Z & DaMaven - Amalek (2023) [UK]
- Sha'dasious - Phunk Wutcha Heard (1994) [USA]
- Shabazz The Disciple - The Book Of Shabazz (Hidden Scrollz) (2003) [USA]
- Shades Of Culture - Mindstate (1998) [USA]
- Shadow Magnetic - Let's Test It On Humans (2022) [USA]
- Shadow People - Introducing (2010) [USA]
- ShadowX - Arachnid Nest (2020) [USA]
- ShadowX - Devil Complex (2021) [USA]
- ShadowX - I Lure Rot (2023) [USA]
- Shadz - The Canvas (2019) [Australia]
- Shahmen - All In The Circle (2015) [USA, Netherlands]
- Sham & The Professor - Split Personalities (1995) [USA]
- Shamus - Serving Life EP (1997) [USA]
- Shaolin Style Records - Shaolin Style (1995) [USA]
- Shark Brothers - Come Hell Or High Water (2015) [USA|France]
- Sherlock - Made To Measure (1997) [Sweden]
- Shorty Skilz - Spirit Scream (2019) [South Africa]
- Si-Klon - Becoming One (2010) [USA]
- Si-Klon - Madness Of The Universe (2008) [USA]
- Si-Klon - The Dark Sun (2009) [USA]
- Si-Klon - The Window To The Universe (2007) [USA]
- Si-Klon & RpM - Wormhole Owlchemy (2019) [USA]
- Si-Klon, Decipher, Frantik & Gamblez - Ancient Astronauts (2018) [USA]
- Sick Digger - Overlords (2014) [France]
- Sick Digger & DJ Vinoss - Sickness (Vol.1) (2011) [France]
- Sick Jacken - Psychodelic (2016) [USA]
- Sick Since - The Return Of Nibiru (2008) [USA]
- Sick Since - Time To Wake Up (2007) [USA]
- Sick Six - Dead Thoughts (2010) [USA]
- Sick Six – Pain Is Poems (2009) [USA]
- Sicknature - Copenhagen Kaiju (2017) [Denmark]
- Sicknature - Honey I'm Home (2007) [Denmark]
- Sicknature - Nature Of The Contaminated (2013) [Denmark]
- Sicknature - Nature Of The Contaminated (Remix EP) (2016) [Denmark]
- Sicknature - Paintings Of A Withering Forest (2023) [Denmark]
- Silkroad Gunmen - Aoshima Moonsugar (2018) [Japan]
- Simadhi - Parables From The Ward (2016) [UK]
- Singapore Kane - Living Militant (2009) [USA]
- Sinister Stricken - Beyond The Asylum Walls (2017) [UK]
- Sinister Stricken - Chaos Theory EP (2012) [UK]
- Sinister Stricken - Dark Romanticism (2014) [UK]
- Sinister Stricken - Divine Madness (2015) [UK]
- Sip The Juice - We Got Enough To Go Around (1994) [USA]
- Skin Ced, DJ Swift & El Especialista - Re-Intermission (2010) [France, USA]
- Skull Bludgeon & Naveh - Mind Destruction (2011) [USA, Russia]
- Slaine - One Day (2019) [USA]
- Slaine Vs Termanology - Anti-Hero (2017) [USA]
- Slam'n Tracks Production - Missing Link (1996) [USA]
- Smellington Piff - No Fixed Abode (2018) [UK]
- Smoothe Da Hustler - Once Upon A Time In America (1996) [USA]
- Snak The Ripper - Fear Of A Snak Planet (2010) [Canada]
- Snak The Ripper - White Dynamite (2012) [Canada]
- Snowgoons - 1st Of Da Month (2022) [Germany]
- Snowgoons - 1st Of Da Month (Vol.2) (2023) [Germany]
- Snowgoons - Black Luger (2009) [Germany]
- Snowgoons - Black Snow (2008) [Germany]
- Snowgoons - Black Snow (Bonus CD) (2008) [Germany]
- Snowgoons - Black Snow 2.0 (2018) [Germany]
- Snowgoons - German Lugers (2007) [Germany]
- Snowgoons - German Lugers (Bonus CD) (2007) [Germany]
- Snowgoons - German Snow (2009) [Germany]
- Snowgoons - Goon Bap (2016) [Germany]
- Snowgoons - Kraftwerk (2010) [Germany]
- Snowgoons - Renaissance Kings (2022) [Germany]
- Snowgoons - Snowgoons Dynasty (2012) [Germany]
- Snowgoons - Snowgoons Infantry (2019) [Germany]
- Snowgoons - The Trojan Horse (2009) [Germany]
- Snowgoons & Grind Mode Cypher - Goon Mode (2023) [Germany, USA]
- Snowgoons & Sicknature – Banished From Home (Mixtape) (2010) [Germany, Denmark]
- Snowgoons Presents Savage Brothers & Lord Lhus - The Iron Fist (2011) [Germany, USA]
- Snowgoons, PMD & Sean Strange - Welcome To The Goondox (2013) [Germany, USA]
- Snowgoons, Savage Brothers & Lord Lhus - A Fist In The Thought (2009) [Germany, USA]
- SOB - Black & White Audio Graphic Novel (2008) [USA]
- Society Of Shadows - Cross Contamination (2011) [USA]
- Society Of Shadows - Decapanation (2012) [USA]
- Society Of Shadows - The Age Of Apocalypse (2011) [USA]
- Solomon's Temple - Regicide (2021) [Australia]
- Son Of Light Aka N-Light-N - Deep Green (1997) [Norway]
- Son Of Light Aka N-Light-N - The Homecoming (Return To Family Value) (2002) [Norway]
- Son Of Ran & Memphis Reigns - Textual Harrassment (2002) [USA]
- Son Of Saturn - A Pocket Full Of Posies (2023) [USA]
- Son Of Saturn - Apotheosis (2010) [USA]
- Son Of Saturn - Everything Is Fine (2024) [USA]
- Son Of Saturn - Gatha Distopia (2023) [USA]
- Son Of Saturn - Knowledge Of Self EP (Vol.1) (2012) [USA]
- Son Of Saturn - Metacognition (2024) [USA]
- Son Of Saturn - Root Expansion EP (2014) [USA]
- Son Of Saturn - Seven (2011) [USA]
- Son Of Saturn - The Blackhole Speakeasy (2012) [USA]
- Son Of Saturn - The Escape Artist (Vol.1) (2012) [USA]
- Son Of Saturn - The Escape Artist (Vol.2) (2013) [USA]
- Son Of Saturn - The Escape Artist (Vol.3) (2016)
- Son Of Saturn - The Madness & The Mahakaruna (2010) [USA]
- Son Of Saturn - Thesis (2012) [USA]
- Son Of Saturn - Zen Lunatic (2013) [USA]
- Son Of Saturn & Life Scientist - Denizens Of Discordia EP (2010) [USA]
- Son Of Saturn & Metta - Meditate & Destroy (2017) [USA]
- Sons Of Chaos - Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis EP (2012) [USA|India]
- Soul Kid Klik - Invisible Army (2004) [USA]
- Soulslicers - Black Album (2018) [Switzerland]
- Species Thelow - For Those Who Have Eyes (2011) [USA]
- Speciez - Amicable Antagonism: The Perpetual Balance (2013) [Canada]
- Speciez & Profound - Thoughts Out The Window With No Parachute (2013) [Canada, UK]
- Spirit Of Truth - God Body: A Rare Breed (2014) [USA]
- Spiritual Warriors (G.E.R.M, Matrix & Roey Marquis II) - Spiritual Warriors (1999) [Germany]
- Spit Gemz - Eulogy For The Devil (2024) [USA]
- Stabes - Unholy Scripture (2014) [Australia]
- Stanza - Executioners Perverted Intentions (2012) [New Zealand]
- Starvin Art Clique - Starvin Art (1998) [USA]
- Status The Shokwave - Black Magic (2011) [USA]
- Steady & Crusada - The 11th Hour Massacre (2011) [UK]
- Stellar Parallax - The Intangible Rising (2008) [USA]
- Stoneface - The Stone Age (2017) [USA]
- Stoupe The Enemy Of Mankind - Decalouge (2009) [USA]
- Street Platoon - The Steel Storm (2001) [USA]
- Street Poets - Street Poets (1995) [USA]
- Stretcherous - High Strangeness (2015) [USA]
- String Theory (HexOne & B.B.Z Darney) - String Theory (2014) [USA]
- Stu Bangas & Vanderslice - Diggaz With Attitude (2012) [USA]
- Stuck In The Nineties - Vernissage (2009) [Canada]
- Sub-Con5cience - The Man & The Animal: A Poetic Aggression (2007) [USA]
- Sublevel Communications - Level 1 (2011) [USA]
- Subliminal & El Double – Blood Diamond (2024) [Australia]
- Subliminal Taktiks - Subliminal Taktiks (2015) [USA]
- Sultan Mir - Sultans Empire (2015) [USA]
- Sun Rise Above - Every Day I Wake Up On The Wrong Side Of Capitalism (2011) [USA]
- Suns Of Ra - The Suns Of Ra EP (2025) [UK]
- Sunya Morikawa - Nunca Me Olvide (2019) [Canada]
- Supa Kaiju (Sicknature & Napoleon Da Legend) - Category IV (2019) [Denmark, USA]
- Supa Kaiju (Sicknature & Napoleon Da Legend) - Supa Kaiju (2019) [Denmark, USA]
- Supercharger Records - The Campaign (2005) [Netherlands]
- Sutter Kain & Appollo Valdez - Dark Midnight (2019) [USA]
- Swann - Bloody Knuckles EP (2020) [Canada]
- Swann - Lord Of Illusions (2018) [Canada]
- Swann - Swann Flu (2010) [Canada]
- Swann - The Vaccination (2012) [Canada]
- Symbiotes (Osiris & Misguided) - Full Metal Caskets (2022) [USA]
- Synchromystics - 13 Circles (2015) [UK]
- Synonym vs Si-Klon - Celestial Frequency Shift (2012) [Netherlands, USA]
- Synonym, Si-Klon & Sub-Con5cience - Atom Complex (2017) [Netherlands, USA]
- T.H.U.G. Angelz (Hell Razah & Shabazz The Disciple) - Welcome To Red Hook Houses (2008) [USA]
- T.P. Allstars - Norske Byggeklosser (1999) [Norway]
- Tapwater - Breadcrumbs (2006) [Canada]
- Tasc 4orce - Time Ta Shine (1995) [USA]
- Teflon - My Will (1997) [USA]
- Tekneek - 11:11 (The Eleventh Hour) (2010) [UK]
- Tekneek - Explicit Knowledge (2007) [UK]
- Tekneek - The Collabs (2012) [UK]
- Tekneek - The Collabs (Vol.2) (2013) [UK]
- Tekneek - The Collabs (Vol.3) (2014) [UK]
- Tekneek - The Collabs (Vol.4) (2015) [UK]
- Tekneek - The Collabs (Vol.5) (2018) [UK]
- Tekneek - The Collabs: Slug Related (2022) [UK]
- Tekneek - Time For Us EP (2013) [UK]
- Tekneek & Wisdom - Lightcode Lockdown (2016) [UK]
- Terawrizt & Tony Mahoney - 33 (2017) [UK]
- Tesla’s Ghost – Automatic Writing (2024) [UK]
- Text Offenders - Spit Hop (Vol.1) (2008) [UK]
- Tha R.I.O.T - Revolutions In Our Time (2004) [USA]
- Tha Soloist - Cause Of The Fatherless (2010) [USA]
- Tha Soloist - The Glorious Bastard (2013) [USA]
- Tha Soloist & B.B.Z Darney - Truminosity (2015) [USA, Sweden]
- Tha Soloist & B.B.Z Darney & DJ PhiLogic - The Penalty Of Living (2016) [USA, Sweden, Switzerland]
- Tha Soloist & DJ Rhum'1 - Alone With Everybody (2017) [USA, France]
- Tha Soloist Vs Symphonik Bang – Solsymphonik EP (2012) [USA]
- Tha Soloist Vs Trilian - Original Script (2013) [USA, Serbia]
- Tha StikUpKidz - Fuck A Record Deal (2002) [USA]
- The 57Th Dynasty - Spoken Word (1999) [UK]
- The 6th Element - Ever Heard Of The 6th Element? EP (2013) [India]
- The 6th Element - Who The Fuck Is The 6th Element? (Vol.1) (2012) [India]
- The Absouljah - Brink Of Insanity (2010) [USA]
- The AbSoulJah - Dim The Light (2014) [USA]
- The AbSoulJah - Preparing The Meal... (2009) [USA]
- The AbSoulJah - Slave To The Page (2008) [USA]
- The AbSoulJah - The Light Side (2011) [USA]
- The AbSoulJah - When The Moon Shines (2015) [USA]
- The AbSoulJah & Ugly Tony - The Author Illustrates (2015) [USA, France]
- The Arkeologists & Unknown Mizery - The Devil's Pie On God's Plate (2012) [Canada]
- The Armada - Downtime (2009) [USA]
- The Armada - Sick In The Head (2006) [USA]
- The Black Marvel - BM Ultra (2012) [Netherlands]
- The Bomb Shelta Association - Rebirth (1998) [Canada]
- The Brotherhood - Elementalz (1996) [UK]
- The Candy Store, Willie Littles & Entreprenuer - Candy Store EP (1996) [USA]
- The Catalyst - Close Encounters (2016) [USA]
- The Catalyst & Vyda - Global Coalition EP (2015) [USA, France]
- The Chameleon - Universal Patterns (2024) [UK]
- The Circle Of Tyrants - The Circle Of Tyrants (2005) [USA]
- The Corps (DarkStar & Engineer) - Hamburger Hill (2005) [USA]
- The Crimson Syndicate - My Skin As Archives (2009) [Canada]
- The Dark Craftsmen - No Shadow On Your Sundial (2017) [UK]
- The Devil'z Rejects - Necronomicon (2006) [USA]
- The Doppelgangaz - Hark (2013) [USA]
- The Doppelgangaz - Lone Sharks (2011) [USA]
- The Dwellas - The Last Shall Be First (2000) [USA]
- The Dynospectrum - The Dynospectrum (1998) [USA]
- The Flying Dutchmen (Jon Murdock, Lex Starwind & Vanderslice) - Foul Weather (2016) [USA]
- The Historian Himself - Junglecat Technique (2015) [USA]
- The Hitfarmers - Fall Of The Empire (2009) [Germany]
- The Hitfarmers - Joining Forces (2008) [Germany]
- The Hitfarmers – Conquering The Throne (2010) [Germany]
- The Holocaust - That Which Others Cannot Do (2025) [USA]
- The Incredible Disappearing Man - The Incredible Disappearing Man (2018) [UK]
- The Kartel - Players Only Live Once (1997) [USA]
- The Last Writes - The First Chapter (2008) [USA]
- The Lost Children Of Babylon - El's Appendices: The Scroll Of Lost Tales (2011) [USA]
- The Lost Children Of Babylon - The 911 Report (The Ultimate Conspiracy) (2005) [USA]
- The Lost Children Of Babylon - The Equidivium (Where Light Was Created) (2001) [USA]
- The Lost Children Of Babylon - The Tower Of Babel (2010) [USA]
- The Lost Children Of Babylon - Words From The Duat (The Book Of Anubis) (2003) [USA]
- The Lost Children Of Babylon - Zeitgeist The Spirit Of The Age (2010) [USA]
- The Low Budget Brothers - Low Budget Butta' (1997) [USA]
- The Mantis Chapter - Sacrificial Offerings (2006) [UK]
- The Narcissists - Planet Euthanasia (2002) [Sweden]
- The Narcissists - Temporarily Forever (2001) [Sweden]
- The Northern Hy Breedz - A Life Less Obvious (2009) [Canada]
- The Premonist - Rudiments (2024) [USA]
- The Psycho Realm - The Psycho Realm (1997) [USA]
- The Reavers - Terror Firma (2005) [USA]
- The Sargonites - The Sons Of Da Sun (2010) [USA]
- The Society Of Invisibles - The Society Of Invisibles (2006) [USA]
- The U.N. - UN Or U Out (2004) [USA]
- The Vultures - 7 Rings Of Saturn (2008) [USA]
- The Vultures - Desert Eagles (Vol.1) (2010) [USA]
- The Vultures - From Parts Unknown (2007) [USA]
- The White Shadow Of Norway - 666 (2012) [Norway]
- The White Shadow Of Norway - Destiny (2010) [Norway]
- The White Shadow Of Norway - Destroyer (2014) [Norway]
- The White Shadow Of Norway - Destroyer 2 (2014) [Norway]
- The White Shadow Of Norway - Ghost (2014) [Norway]
- The White Shadow Of Norway - Nightmare Concert (2013) [Norway]
- The White Shadow Of Norway - Renegades (2005) [Norway]
- The White Shadow Of Norway - Savage (2011) [Norway]
- The White Shadow Of Norway - Untouchable (2008) [Norway]
- The White Shadow Of Norway - Victory (2009) [Norway]
- The Witching Hour - Murderers Row (2009) [USA]
- Thief Sicario - Education Of A Felon (2008) [USA]
- Thief Sicario - Honor Among Thieves (2009) [USA]
- Third Eye Merchants - Visions (2015) [USA]
- Third Eye Merchants - War Drum (2019) [USA]
- Third Kind - Disaster Relief (2006) [USA]
- Thomax - The Remix Files (Vol.1) (2007) [Norway]
- Thomax - The Remix Files (Vol.2) (2007) [Norway]
- Thomax - The Remix Files (Vol.3) (2008) [Norway]
- Thomax - The Remix Files (Vol.4) (2008) [Norway]
- Thomax - The Remix Files (Vol.5) (2010) [Norway]
- Thomax - The Remix Files (Vol.6) (2011) [Norway]
- Thomax - The Remix Files (Vol.7) (2012) [Norway]
- Thomax - The Remix Files (Vol.8) (2013) [Norway]
- Thomax - The Remix Files (Vol.9) (2016) [Norway]
- Three Faces Of Death - Law Of Three (2016) [UK]
- Three Faces Of Death - Three Skull Affililates (2018) [UK]
- TLG - Infinite Potential (2006) [UK]
- Tommy Tee - Beats Bonds & Beliefs (2000) [Norway]
- Top Quality - Magnum Opus (1993) [USA]
- Tornts - Son Of Mayhem (2024) [Australia]
- Toxoid & O.T - The Blind Spot (2023) [Australia]
- Toxoid & O.T - The Blind Spot 2 (2024) [Australia]
- Tragedy Khadafi - The Builders (2018) [USA]
- Tragic Allies - The Tree Of Knowledge Of Good & Evil (2011) [USA]
- Train Of Thought - Moving Heads (2004) [Australia]
- Trash Gordon - Behind The Mask EP (2013) [Canada]
- Trash Gordon - Dumpster Diaries (2011) [Canada]
- Traviller - Traviller Traveling Treachery (2019) [USA]
- Trem - For The Rest Of His Natural Life (2011) [Australia]
- Tribesmen - Heroin Face (2006) [Canada]
- Tribesmen - Paintbrush Tongue (2002) [Canada]
- Trife & D-Mob - Gun Towns Finest (1997) [USA]
- Trigger Tha Gambler - Life's A 50/50 Gamble (1998) [USA]
- Trilian - International Notes (2011) [Serbia]
- Trilian - International Notes II (2015) [Serbia]
- Trill - Sleep When I Die (2015) [USA]
- Triple Darkness - Anathema (2008) [UK]
- Triple Darkness - Darker Than Black (2015) [UK]
- Triple Darkness - Kurayami (2022) [UK]
- True Masterz & Da Shogunz - Rap Buddhaz (2016) [USA, Netherlands]
- Truth Vibrations - New Order (2023) [USA]
- Tunnel Movement - OverDue (2012) [USA]
- Twin Perils - Dark Alliance (2008) [USA]
- Twin Perils - Speak & Destroy (2011) [USA]
- Twin Perils - Word Supremacy (2010) [USA]
- Tzarizm - Dirty Work (2003) [USA]
- Ugly Tony - At Nightfall (2011) [France]
- uMaNg - The Black Rose Certificate (2014) [USA]
- uMaNg & B.B.Z Darney - Lasting Impressions (2012) [USA, Sweden]
- uMaNg & B.B.Z Darney - The Revisited (2013) [USA, Sweden]
- uMaNg & Kick Back - The First Impression (2011) [USA]
- uMaNg, D-Rev & B.B.Z Darney - Autumn Breathes (2016) [USA, Sweden]
- uMaNg, D-Rev & B.B.Z Darney - Hunter's Moon (2017) [USA, Sweden]
- Undefined - Certified A-Side (2013) [USA]
- Underclassmen - Underclassic (2007) [Switzerland]
- Underground Airplay (Vol.1) (1993) [USA]
- Underground Airplay (Vol.2) (1994) [USA]
- Underground Airplay (Vol.3) (1995) [USA]
- Underground Airplay (Vol.4) (1995) [USA]
- Underground Airplay (Vol.5) (1996) [USA]
- Underground Airplay (Vol.6) (1997) [USA]
- Underground Elements - 3 The Hard Way (2008) [USA]
- Underground Elements - The Subterranean Epedemic (2007) [USA]
- Underground Professionalz - Foul Science (2011) [USA]
- Underground Professionalz - The Sacrifice (2009) [USA]
- Underground Sound Chamber - Chamber Muzik Vol.1: Militia Of Emcees (2003) [USA]
- Universal Soldiers - Slanguage (2004) [UK]
- Universal Soldiers - Street Veterans (2001) [UK]
- Unkn?wn - Reason (2006) [USA]
- Unknown Mizery - Godzillionaire Status (2010) [Canada]
- Unknown Mizery - Sacred Soil (2013) [Canada]
- Unknown Mizery - Sacred Soil 2 (Ant Monologues) (2017) [Canada]
- Unusual Suspects - Unusuowl (2010) [UK]
- V.O.D.S.O.D. (Voices Of The Diseased Sounds Of The Deceased) - Official Flamethrowers (2010) [USA]
- Vakill - Kill 'Em All (2001) [USA]
- Vakill - The Darkest Cloud (2003) [USA]
- Vakill - Worst Fears Confirmed (2006) [USA]
- Vendetta Kingz - Digital Angel (2010) [USA]
- Vendetta Kingz - Global Alliance Project (2011) [USA, International]
- Vendetta Kingz - Gospel Of Kingz (2011) [USA]
- Vendetta Kingz - New Musical Order (2008) [USA]
- Vendetta Kingz - Soulstice (2009) [USA]
- Vendetta Kingz - The Promise (2008) [USA]
- Vendetta Kingz - The Resistance (2011) [USA]
- Vendetta Kingz - The Saintz (2009) [USA]
- Vendetta Kingz - Under The Sun (2009) [USA]
- Vendetta Kingz - VK Exclusives (Vol.1) (2009) [USA]
- Vendetta Kingz - VK Exclusives (Vol.2) (2009) [USA]
- Vendetta Kingz - VK Exclusives (Vol.3) (2010) [USA]
- Vendetta Kingz - VK Exclusives (Vol.4) (2011) [USA]
- Vendetta Kingz & Anno Domini - V.K.A.D. (2012) [USA, UK]
- Verbal Gods - When Kingdoms Fall (2010) [USA]
- Vice Versa - Blind Surgeon (2008) [USA]
- Viliani & Ciecmate - Miasma (2022) [Australia]
- Vinnie Paz - All Are Guests In The House Of God (2023) [USA]
- Vinnie Paz - As Above So Below (2020) [USA]
- Vinnie Paz - Burn Everything That Bears Your Name (2021) [USA]
- Vinnie Paz - Carry On Tradition (2013) [USA]
- Vinnie Paz - God Of The Serengeti (2012) [USA]
- Vinnie Paz - Jacinto's Praying Mantis (2024) [USA]
- Vinnie Paz - Season Of The Assassin (2010) [USA]
- Vinnie Paz - The Cornerstone Of The Corner Store (2016)
- Vinnie Paz - The Pain Collector (2018) [USA]
- Vinnie Paz - The Sound & The Fury (2006) [USA]
- Vinnie Paz & Tragedy Khadafi - Camouflage Regime (2019) [USA]
- Vinz Vega & True Grit - Requiem From The Darkness (2010) [USA]
- Viro The Virus - Virohazard (Remix EP) (2011) [USA]
- Virtuoso - CoVirt Ops: Infantry (2013) [USA]
- Virtuoso - The Final Conflict (2010) [USA]
- Virtuoso - World War One: The Voice Of Reason (2001) [USA]
- Virtuoso - World War Two: Evolution Of The Torturer (2004) [USA]
- Vodsod Crew - The Lost Album (2008) [USA]
- W.A.S.T.E.L.A.N.D.S. - Rules Of Evolution (2003) [USA]
- War Criminals - Chronicles Of The Lost War Child (2011) [Switzerland]
- Warcloud - Nightmares Resurface EP (2008) [USA]
- Warcloud - Nightmares That Surface From Shallow Sleep (2002) [USA]
- Warcloud - Smugglin Booze In The Graveyard (2002) [USA]
- Warcloud & American Poets 2099 - American Poets (2010) [USA]
- Warcloud & Wakizashi Jabberwockyz - Pinky Violence (2024) [USA, Japan]
- Warhammer (Majesty & Matt Maddox) - Warhammer EP (2012) [USA]
- Warlocks - Afterlife (2001) [Norway]
- Warlocks - Mic Knights (1998) [Norway]
- Warlocks - Top Notch (1997) [Norway]
- Warpath & FakeHunters - Ears To The Street (2010) [USA, France]
- Warporn Industries (Everlast, Sick Jacken & Divine Styler) - War Porn (2017) [USA]
- Warrior Type Wizards - African Origins (2021) [International]
- Wasun - What Must Be Done EP (2008) [Canada]
- Weapon Of The Masses - Underground Ideology (2024) [USA]
- Weapon X - Portrait Of A Starving Artist (2008) [USA]
- Wee Bee Foolish - Brighton Beach Memoirs (2001) [USA]
- Whatson - Detour EP (2013) [Germany]
- White Lotus - Formless Kung-Fu (2008) [Canada]
- White Lotus - The Lotus Society (Vol.1) (2007) [Canada]
- White Lotus - The Lotus Society (Vol.2) (2007) [Canada]
- White Shadow & Son Of Saturn - Seppuku (2025) [Norway, USA]
- William Cooper - God's Will (2015) [USA]
- Wiseguys - In Tha Company Of Killaz (1997) [USA]
- Wish Master & Illinformed - Cold Harbour Tales (2021) [UK]
- Withcraft Books (Shorty Skilz & Kanif The Jhatmaster) - Witchcraft Books (Vol.1): The Sundisk (2022) [South Africa]
- Wolverine - The Wait Is Over (2007) [Australia]
- Words & Rhymes - For The F@#k Of It (2010) [Canada]
- Words & Rhymes - Music For The MASSes (2012) [Canada]
- Words & Rhymes - Refuse To Die (2013) [Canada]
- World Of Ghosts - Creature Features (2024) [UK]
- World Of Ghosts - Snakes & Ladders (2023) [UK]
- Wounded Buffalo Beats - Alligator EP (2023) [UK]
- Wounded Buffalo Beats - Black Magic & Horns (2021) [UK]
- Wounded Buffalo Beats - Tears Water Graves EP (2024) [UK]
- Wretched Earth - Revelations 13:9 (2012) [USA]
- Wyze Mindz - Return Of Tha Chozen (2013) [USA]
- Wyze Mindz - Tha Chroniclez (Vol.1) (2014) [USA]
- Wyze Mindz - Universal Invasion (2007) [USA]
- Wyze Mindz - World Meltdown (2010) [USA]
- Wzrdmnk - One (2024) [Canada]
- X. Kubrick - Everything Went Dark (2021) [USA]
- X. Kubrick - The Seven Levels Of Happiness (2020) [USA]
- XFA7 - Urban Guardians (2012) [France]
- Y Kim The Illfigure - Monster Reborn (Vol.1) (2005) [USA]
- Young Black Teenagers - Dead Enz Kidz Doin' Lifetime Bidz (1993) [USA]
- Yugen Blakrok - Anima Mysterium (2019) [South Africa]
- Yugen Blakrok - Return Of The Astro-Goth (2013) [South Africa]
- YZ - The Ghetto's Been Good To Me (1993) [USA]
- Zack Hemsey - Nomad (2016) [USA]
- Zagnif Nori - The Meridian Gem (2013) [USA]
- Zatoichi's Ears - Hunt (2023) [UK]
- Zeel-33 - Birth (2009) [USA]
- Zombi Squad - Appointment With The Underground (2006) [Netherlands]
- Zombie Death Squad - Once Bitten, Twice Shot (2010) [USA]
- Zu Ninjaz - Now Justice (2005) [USA]
- Category: French
- 10vers - De Fil En Aiguille (2015) [France]
- 18 Sang C - Tous Les Memes (2002) [Switzerland]
- 1984 - Atrophie (2013) [France]
- 1984 - Le Theatre Des Pantins (2012) [France]
- 2 Faces - Autoreverse (2010) [Canada]
- 2 Faces - Moi 2 Faces & Dirty (2007) [Canada]
- 2 Squatt - Сe Que Je Vois Ce Que Je Vis (1998) [France]
- 2Faces & Saye - Combinaison Toxique (2023) [Canada]
- 2Mezur & Oxydz - Heritage (2023) [France]
- 357. MP - Danse Dans L'ombre (2001) [France]
- 560 (Misere Record, Gokay, Saïro, Nestor & Kaïah) - L'antichambre (2023) [France]
- 59 Grammes - Strike Sur La France (2007) [France]
- Absolut Street - A Qui Profite La Rime? (2019) [France]
- Agression Verbale - Ce N'est Que L'debut (1998) [France]
- Akaustik - Chacun Son Tour (2012) [Switzerland]
- Akaustik - Dans L'oeil Du Cyclone (2013) [Switzerland]
- Amarok - L'appel A La Meute (2014) [Belgium]
- Amenofils - La Prophetie De Samarra (2009) [Austria]
- Antahkarana Heru Ki Nabu - A Travers L'Illusion Et L'Invisible (2012) [France]
- Ashka La Pourriture - Al Le Banni (2016) [France]
- Ashka La Pourriture - Australopitekus (2023) [France]
- Ashka La Pourriture - Decharge Publique (Vol.1) (2014) [France]
- Ashka La Pourriture - Decharge Publique (Vol.2) (2021) [France]
- Ashka La Pourriture & Bruklin - Ruthless Agression (2021) [France, Russia]
- Aslan - The French Legion (2013) [UK, International]
- Assos De Dingos - Tas L'bonjour De La Rue (2008) [France]
- Ba-Kha & Benjunior - Sans Transparence (2020) [France]
- Bastard Prod - 100 Comme Un Chien (2017) [France]
- Beeyoudee - Laisse-Les Pas Faire (2012) [Canada]
- Benjunior - Allo La Terre (2024) [France]
- Benjunior - Black Album (2021) [France]
- Benjunior - La Voix Des Anges (2021) [France]
- BXII - Que La Salade (2023) [France]
- Cavaliers Noirs - En Vers Et Contre Tous (1999) [Canada]
- Cavaliers Noirs - L'etat Nous Surveille (2002) [Canada]
- Celerats - Triste Recit (2012) [France]
- Cellule De Crise, Altruist Prod, La Bestiole Prod - La Symphonie Des Faubourgs (2010) [France]
- Cenza - Ca Vient Des Bas Fonds (2010) [France]
- Cenza - Les Prophéties Dune Plume (2017) [France]
- Cenza - Retour Au Temple (2019) [France]
- Cetsan, Dablast MC, Pyero & Tiema - Arcadia (2023) [France]
- Cholo - Faux Depart (2021) [France]
- Chronic - Coup D'Etat (2019) [France]
- Chronic & eLR - Le Jour D'apres (2020) [France]
- Color - L' Heure De Gloire (1999) [France]
- Cortege - 203 Airlines (2010) [France]
- Cortege - Bons Baisers De Russie (2009) [France]
- Crown - 2nd Round (2024) [France]
- Crown - Game Of Crown (2023) [France]
- Crown - Pieces To The Puzzle (2014) [France]
- Daomen - Underground Classic (1999) [France]
- Davodka - A Juste Titre (2019) [France]
- Davodka - Accuse De Reflexion (2017) [France]
- Davodka - Heritage (2024) [France]
- Davodka - L'art Tisant (2014) [France]
- Davodka - La Mise Au Poing (2015) [France]
- Davodka - Proces Verbal (2021) [France]
- Davodka - Un Poing C'est Tout (2013) [France]
- Deserteur & eLR - Parchemin (2021) [France]
- Dialektik (Chronic & Madthink) - Bruit Blanc & Chambre Noire (2022) [France]
- Diverset Music - Inestimable (2018) [France]
- Division Marseillaise Independante - L'Affranchi (1999) [France]
- DJ Fresh Cut - DJ Fresh Cut EP (2010) [France]
- Djamhellvice - Controverse (2016) [France]
- Djamhellvice - Mauvais Augure (2020) [France]
- DjamHellVice - Préface (2011) [France]
- Djamhellvice & Skalpel - Twinz (2024) [France]
- Doliath & ADM - Face Au Mur (2015) [France]
- Doom Spirit - Six Feet Unda (2023) [Switzerland]
- Douze - Triskaidekaphobe (2015) [France]
- Droogz Brigade - Dissection EP (2008) [France]
- Droogz Brigade - Projet Ludovico (2016) [France]
- Droogz Brigade - Terreurs De Jeunesse (2020) [France]
- ESKA Crew - Instinct De Survie (2005) [France]
- Esprit Collectif - En Son, Ame Et Conscience (2015) [France]
- Fadah - Les Loges De La Folie (2013) [France]
- Fadah, Kdor & Metronom - Les Sens Des Maux (2016) [France]
- Fantome-Spectre - Les Chroniques Du Spectre (2014) [Canada]
- Fatale Clique - Les Lois De La Rue (2002) [France]
- Fatale Clique - Zone Interdite (2004) [France]
- Fatbabs & Olderfy - Sampleur Ni Fausses Notes (2012) [France]
- Faute De Frappe - Faute De Frappe (2006) [Canada]
- Faycal - Secrets De L'oubli (2009) [France]
- Fhat.R & Greenfinch - Emeraude (2017) [France]
- Fhat.R & Melan - Bornes To Loose (2016) [France]
- Fhat.R Le Sale Gamin - Fait Dehors & D’argent (2014) [France]
- Fhat.R Le Sale Gamin - Fait Dehors & D’argent (Part 2) (2015) [France]
- Fonka Altruistprod - Delit De Feats (2011) [France]
- Fra.K - Mal A La Conscience (2020) [France]
- FRJ - Le Dernier Cri Des Condamnes (1999) [France]
- Furax Barbarossa - Caravelle (2022) [France]
- Furax Barbarossa - Cha O Ha (2020) [France]
- Furax Barbarossa - En Bas De L'échelle (2008) [France]
- Furax Barbarossa - Testa Nera (2014) [France]
- Furax Barbarossa & Jeff Le Nerf - Dernier Manuscrit (2017) [France]
- Gamni - Derniere Symphonie (2024) [France]
- Ghetto Prodige - Le Language De La Rue (1997) [France]
- Gramlinz - Ame Strame Gram (1998) [France]
- Gramlinz - Eclosion (1998) [France]
- Grim Reaperz - Blood Leg (Vol.3) (2019) [France]
- Grim Reaperz - Blood Leg: Trilogy (2023) [France]
- Grim Reaperz - Fuck U EP (2011) [France]
- Grim Reaperz - Mixture (2017) [France]
- Ham Mauvaise Graine & Mani Deïz - Carte Blanche (2015) [France]
- Hartigan & Mani Deïz - Purgatoire (2017) [France]
- Hid'n - L'histoire Sans Fin (2018) [France]
- Hugo TSR - Fenetre Sur Rue (2012) [France]
- Hugo TSR - Jeudi (2023) [France]
- Hugo TSR - La Pluie (2024) [France]
- Hugo TSR - Tant Qu'on Est La (2017) [France]
- Hugo TSR - Une Vie Et Quelques (2021) [France]
- I.N.C.H - Nappage Nocturne (2016) [France]
- IAM - L'école Du Micro D'argent (1997) [France]
- Ideal J - Original MC's Sur Une Mission (1996) [France]
- Imbroglio Lamorale - Orage (2019) [France]
- Inglourious Bastardz - Inglourious Bastardz (2012) [France]
- Ixem - Boreal (2022) [France]
- Ixem - Tremblements De Vers (2018) [France]
- Jok Sad - Dell'Arte (2016) [France]
- Juste Cause - Mauvais Sens (2018) [France]
- Kaïah - Double Tranchant (2017) [France]
- Kaïah - Ecran Noir (2017) [France]
- Kaïah - Rancune (2020) [France]
- Kanaye & Retah - Boreas (2021) [France]
- Kekro - Les Cinq Lettres (2021) [France]
- Klonn - Dans Ma Bulle (2014) [Canada]
- KmissionR - Propagande (2013) [Canada]
- Koma - Le Reveil (1999) [France]
- Koma - Tout Est Calcule EP (1997) [France]
- Krimophonik - Hemorragie (2011) [France]
- L'encéphale - L'encéphale (2012) [France]
- L'Hexaler - A L'heure Qu'il Est (2015) [Belgium]
- L'Hexaler & OBL - Au Nom De L'independance (2017) [Belgium, France]
- L'Skadrille - Mack 10 L'impact Du Son EP (1997) [France]
- L'uzine - Jusqu'a La Vie (2020) [France]
- L'uzine - La 26eme Lettre (2023) [France]
- L'uzine - La Goutte D'encre (2011) [France]
- L’Hexaler - Cuatro Estaciones (2017) [Belgium]
- L’uzine - A La Chaine (2014) [France]
- La Breche - En Perdition (2020) [Switzerland]
- La Clinique - Tout Saigne (2000) [France]
- La Cliqua - La Cliqua (1999) [France]
- La Derniere Tribu - Revolution (1998) [France]
- La Legion - 2eme Versus (1999) [France]
- La Matiere & Blazing Loop Team - Pour L'amour Du Rap (2023) [France]
- La Mine D'or - Un Tour Dans La Mine (2012) [France]
- La Racine - Enfouis Sous Terre (2021) [Switzerland]
- Lacraps & Mani Deïz - 42 Grammes (2016) [France]
- Le Clown - La Vie (2021) [France]
- Le Gouffre - L'apero Avant La Galette (2015) [France]
- Le Gouffre - Le Gouffre (2008) [France]
- Le Gouffre - Marche Arriere (2013) [France]
- Le Kontre Kourant - Po Uzi (1997) [France]
- Le P.O.R - Monochrome (2020) [Switzerland]
- Le Q.G - Meandres & Partitions (2023) [France]
- Les Architekts - Le Plan (2001) [Canada]
- Les Derniers Messagers - La Verite Est Toujours Au Dessus Du Mensonge (1997) [France]
- Liste Noire - Les Damnes De La Terre (1998) [France]
- Loco Rodriguez - Style De Vie (2017) [France]
- Loco Rodriguez Vs Piloophaz - L’appel Du Souterrain (2014) [France]
- Lone - Lone (1996) [France]
- Madman - Peplum (2020) [France]
- Malediction Du Nord - Les Raisons De La Colere (1999) [France]
- Mani Deïz - Comme Les Autres (2016) [France]
- Mani Deïz, Nefaste, Ol Zico & Pejmaxx - Martyrs Modernes (2016) [France]
- Manu Militari - Voix De Fait (2006) [Canada]
- Melan - La Vingtaine (2015) [France]
- Mentalites Sons Dangereux - Angle Mort (2010) [France]
- Mentalites Sons Dangereux - Hors Piste Vol.1 (2012) [France]
- Mentalites Sons Dangereux - Hors Piste Vol.2 (2012) [France]
- Mentalites Sons Dangereux - Hors Piste Vol.3 (2012) [France]
- Mentalites Sons Dangereux - Marche Aux Pads (2012) [France]
- Mentalites Sons Dangereux - Sampleur Et Cent Reproche (2012) [France]
- Mentalites Sons Dangereux - Temps Plus Vieux (2012) [France]
- Microglycerime - MGR Prohiber (2006) [Belgium]
- Microglycerime - Mic A Fragmentation (2008) [Belgium]
- Microglycerime - Premiere Charge (2008) [Belgium]
- Microglycerime & NK Da Silent Assassin - Mgr Origines (2023) [Belgium]
- Mind Mechanics & Piloophaz - Allied Forces EP (2009) [USA, France]
- Misere Record - 32 Mesures De Guerrier (2019) [France]
- Misere Record - Azymut Zero (2019) [France]
- Misere Record - Deadline (2023) [France]
- Misere Record - Headshot (2018) [France]
- Misere Record - Klassik F*cking Shit (Vol.1) (2020) [France]
- Misere Record - Klassik F*cking Shit (Vol.2) (2022) [France]
- Misere Record - Le Rap Inde Ouvre Sa Gueule (2016) [France]
- Misere Record - Press Play (2018) [France]
- Mista - Synthesis (2017) [France]
- Monk.e - Leurs Mediums, Le Remedium (2005) [Canada]
- MSB - Les Murs Ont Des Oreilles (2014) [France]
- Muchach - Le Reveil (2019) [Switzerland]
- Mysa - Enferm Dehors Jamais Libre (2009) [France]
- Mysa - Les Poesies Du Chaos (2007) [France]
- Mysa - Lyricisme Actes Et Propagande (2004) [France]
- Napalm - Plein D'essence (2016) [France]
- Nedoua - Fallait Pas L'inviter (2015) [France]
- Nefaste - Premier Pas (2015) [France]
- Neka - Noir Corbeau (2015) [France]
- Nodja - Anarshit (2023) [France]
- Nodja - Mon Sal'air (2014) [France]
- Nodja - Sud Crade (2021) [France]
- Nodja – N (2017) [France]
- Noss & Misere Record - Recidive (2024) [France]
- Noss & Misere Record - Sale Ganache (2021) [France]
- Nozey - Ad Vitam Aeternam (2017) [France]
- Nozey & Misere Record - Saligia (2022) [France]
- Numen - Ici Et Maintenant (2020) [France]
- Omerta Muzik - Derniers Vers (Vol.1) (2020) [France]
- Omerta Muzik - Derniers Vers (Vol.2) (2020) [France]
- Onse TSW & Gruesome Twosome - Looking Glass (2025) [France, USA]
- Onse TSW & Kalki - Before Light, Calm As Water (2022) [France, Canada]
- Oz & Mani Deïz - Pour Toujours (2018) [France]
- Paco - A Base De Vers Durs (2004) [France]
- Paco - Amuse-Gueule (2018) [France]
- Paco - Baraka Feat (2016) [France]
- Paco - L'ovni (2015) [France]
- Paco - Paco-Errant (2014) [France]
- Paco & Mani Deïz - Pacman (2013) [France]
- Paco & Mani Deïz – Pacman (Vol.2) (2019) [France]
- Paro & Misere Record - A Fleur De Peau (2023) [France]
- Poupa Lost - Original Pirate (2019) [France]
- Pro-C. - Croisons Les Doigts (2020) [France]
- R1 - Viol Auditif (2009) [France]
- Rager - Plus Vrai Que Mature (2018) [France]
- Rainmen - Armageddon (1998) [Canada]
- Rapaces - Album (2000) [France]
- Reda & Furax Barbarossa - Jour De Deuil (2010) [France]
- Res Turner - Resist (2021) [France]
- Resca - A Definir (2021) [France]
- Ritzo - Point Zero (2014) [France]
- Sad Vicious - Vicieuse Bande Son (Vol.1) (2023) [France]
- Sakal & Polux - Salzo (2015) [France]
- Sake - La Clef De La Cave (2012) [France]
- Sake - Piece D'orfevre (2020) [France]
- Sanboy - Peine Capitale (2010) [Belgium]
- Sekel Du 91 - Mechantillons (Part 1) (2018) [France]
- Sekel Du 91 - Mechantillons (Part 2) (2019) [France]
- Sekel Du 91 - Mechantillons (Part 3.5) (2020) [France]
- Sekel Du 91 - Offenses (2024) [France]
- Sekel Du 91 – Mechantillons (Part 3) (2020) [France]
- Senor El Kalif & Misere Record - Bete & Mechant (2022) [France]
- Seppuku - Port Du Casque Obligatoire (2016) [France]
- Sick Digger - Overlords (2014) [France]
- Sismographe - Sismogram (2016) [France]
- Skalpel & DJ Monark - Radioactif (2021) [France]
- Smok - Brise La Glace (2013) [France]
- Souffrance - Tranche De Vie (2021) [France]
- Square Lohkoh - Zulu Nation (2009) [France]
- Stick & Swed - Doom-Bap (2021) [France]
- Supreme NTM - Supreme NTM (1998) [France]
- Swift Guad & Mani Deïz - Masterpiece (2016) [France]
- Synonyme - L'air De Revolte (2005) [France]
- Tha Manz & SLD Prod - Sixieme Sample (2024) [France]
- Timide Et Sans Complexe - Psychose (1995) [France]
- Tony Toxik - 88 (2018) [France]
- Tony Toxik - Familia (2015) [France]
- TSR Сrew - Passage Floute (2015) [France]
- Ul'Team Atom & Mani Deïz - Mauvais Presage (2020) [France]
- VII - Derniere Musique Obscure De La Nuit Peinte (2020) [France]
- VII - X (2018) [France]
- XFA7 - Urban Guardians (2012) [France]
- Yvon Kreve - L'accent Grave (2000) [Canada]
- Category: Instrumentals
- 2Mezur & Oxydz - Heritage (2023) [France]
- 542 - Paramones Tou Polemou (Instrumentals) (2020) [Greece]
- 5th Element - Illin Spree (Instrumentals) (2012) [USA]
- Al'Tarba - La Nuit Se Lève (2017) [France]
- Al'Tarba - Let The Ghosts Sing (2014) [France]
- Al'Tarba - Lullabies For Insomniacs (2011) [France]
- Al'Tarba - The Sleeping Camp EP (2014) [France]
- Alpha Centori - Supercharger 1 (2018) [Canada]
- Alpha Centori - Supercharger 2 (2018) [Canada]
- Alpha Centori - Supercharger 3 (2022) [Canada]
- Altruist Prod - Flashover (2011) [France]
- Altruist Prod - Instrumentox 1 (2009) [France]
- Altruist Prod - Instrumentox 2 (2009) [France]
- Altruist Prod - Instrumentox 3 (2009) [France]
- Altruist Prod - Instrumentox 4 (2010) [France]
- Anahata Sacred Sound Current - Pillars Or Creation (2006) [USA]
- Animal Cracker – Rawtopsy (Instrumentals) (2012) [USA]
- Anno Domini Beats - Instrumentals (Part 1) (2009) [UK]
- Anno Domini Beats - Instrumentals (Part 2) (2009) [UK]
- Anno Domini Beats - Instrumentals (Part 3) (2009) [UK]
- Anno Domini Beats - Instrumentals (Part 4) (2009) [UK]
- Anno Domini Beats - Instrumentals (Part 5) (2009) [UK]
- Anno Domini Beats - Instrumentals (Part 6) (2009) [UK]
- Apocalypse - A Silhouette Of Doom (2009) [Netherlands]
- Apocalypse - Audible Cityscapes (2012) [Netherlands]
- Apocalypse - The Devil's Architect (2010) [Netherlands]
- Art Aknid - Damaged Paradise (Part 1) (2023) [France]
- Art Aknid - Damaged Paradise (Part 2) (2023) [France]
- Art Aknid - Healing Sounds (2019) [France]
- Art Aknid - High Voltage (2016) [France]
- Art Aknid - Urban Lullabies (2021) [France]
- Art Aknid & Sofiane Pamart - Eighty Eight (2014) [France]
- AZA - Scarcity BP Instrumentals (Vol.1) (2015) [Hungary]
- AZA – Scarcity BP Instrumentals (Vol.2) (2017) [Hungary]
- BeardBeat - Broken Beats (Vol.1) (2023) [Belarus]
- Ben Maker - Retour Aux Samples (2015) [France]
- Blaq Masq - Evil Horde EP (2014) [UK]
- Blaq Poet - Tha Blaqprint (Instrumentals) (2009) [USA]
- Blue Sky Black Death - A Heap Of Broken Images (2006) [USA]
- Blue Sky Black Death - Late Night Cinema (2008) [USA]
- Blue Sky Black Death - Razahs Ladder (Instrumentals) (2009) [USA]
- Blue Sky Black Death - The Evil Jeanius (Instrumentals) (2009) [USA]
- Blue Sky Black Death - The Holocaust (Instrumentals) (2008) [USA]
- Brad Strut - Legend Official (Instrumentals) (2007) [Australia]
- Brothers Of Carnage - The Prophecy Of Doom (2010) [USA]
- Canibus - Rip The Jacker (Instrumentals) (2009) [USA]
- Caxton Press - Shame The Devil (Instrumentals) (2012) [UK]
- Celerats - Triste Recit (Instrumentals) (2012) [France]
- ChumZilla - Beats You To Death (Vol.1) (2018) [USA]
- ChumZilla - Beats You To Death (Vol.2) (2021) [USA]
- ChumZilla - Beats You To Death (Vol.3) (2023) [USA]
- Coalt Art - Blinded (2016) [Belgium]
- Coalt Art - Immolation (2020) [Belgium]
- Coalt Art - Levitation (2018) [Belgium]
- Coalt Art - Lost Vestige (2023) [Belgium]
- Coalt Art - Memories (2017) [Belgium]
- Crim - Mysterious Things In The Life Of... (2010) [USA]
- DeeAre & Kuma - Styles Imperial (2013) [USA]
- Demigodz - Killmatic (Instrumentals & Acapellas) (2013) [USA]
- Dirty Drunken Ninja - Ninja Supremacy 404 (2023) [Greece]
- DJ Brans - Endless (2016) [France]
- DJ Espionage - Ten Thousand Lanterns (2007) [USA]
- DJ Low Cut - NY Minute (Instrumental) (2012) [France]
- DJ Muggs Vs GZA - Grandmasters (Instrumentals) (2005) [USA]
- Doctor Evazan - 0 (2016) [Sweden]
- Doctor Evazan - I (2012) [Sweden]
- Doctor Evazan - II (2013) [Sweden]
- Doctor Evazan - III (2015) [Sweden]
- Doctor Evazan - IV (2017) [Sweden]
- Dr Conspiracy - The Medium Is The Message (2016) [USA]
- Dr Conspiracy - The Nuclear Mysticism (2016) [USA]
- East Coast Avengers - Prison Planet (The Instrumentals) (2008) [USA]
- Ganjak - The Inquisition (Instrumentals) (2024) [France]
- Godfather Don - Hydra Beats. The Next Level (Vol.1) (2004) [USA]
- Goosebumps - Children Of The Night (2017) [UK]
- Greenfinch - From Soul To Souls (2019) [France]
- Greenfinch - Verdures (2019) [France]
- Grim Reaperz - 6 Dayz Of Torture EP (Instrumentals) (2016) [France]
- Grim Reaperz - Fuck U EP (2011) [France]
- IDE - Breathe Easy (Instrumentals) (2016) [USA]
- IDE - Force Fed (Instrumentals) (2007) [USA]
- IDE - Instrumentals Vol.1 (2009) [USA]
- IDE & Alucard - For Fuck Sake (Instrumentals) (2010) [USA]
- Ill Bill - Beats By Bill (2019) [USA]
- Ill Bill - Pulp Phixion (2019) [USA]
- Ill Bill - Whats Wrong With Bill (Instrumentals) (2005) [USA]
- Immortal Technique - Behind The Bars (2005) [USA]
- Immortal Technique - The Martyr (Instrumentals) (2011) [USA]
- Itam - Sospiri (2022) [France]
- Jedi Mind Tricks - Legacy Of Blood (Instrumentals) (2004) [USA]
- Jedi Mind Tricks - Violent By Design (Instrumentals) (2000) [USA]
- Jedi Mind Tricks - Visions Of Gandhi (Instrumentals) (2003) [USA]
- JNyce - Vaults Of Horror (2008) [Canada]
- JNyce - Vaults Of Horror Vol.2 (2011) [Canada]
- JNyce - Vaults Of Horror Vol.3 (2011) [Canada]
- JNyce - Vaults Of Horror Vol.4 (2012) [Canada]
- Josh Grooves - Beneath The Cloak & Scythe (2010) [USA]
- Junior Makhno - Classified Intelligence (The Instrumentals) (2011) [France]
- Just Listen Records - Highstrumentals (2021) [France]
- Kids Of Crackling - Lucky Slices (2012) [France]
- Kno - Death Is Silent (Instrumentals) (2010) [USA]
- Kuma Seven - Forgotten Art (2019) [USA]
- L'Hexaler & OBL - Au Nom De L'independance (2017) [Belgium, France]
- L'uzine - Les Z'instrus (Vol.1) (2016) [France]
- L'uzine - Les Z'instrus (Vol.2) (2022) [France]
- Lacraps & Mani Deïz - 42 Grammes (2016) [France]
- Les 40 Sampleurs - La Marche Des Sampleurs (2018) [France]
- Les 40 Sampleurs - Les 40 Sampleurs (2017) [France]
- Lewis Sumisu - Lost Time (2021) [UK]
- Lucky Loopiano - Chemical Holiday (2021) [USA]
- Lyrical Commission - Murderous Metaphors (2005) [Australia]
- MadSCORP1 - A Wounded Soul... (2013) [Russia]
- Mani Deïz - Autistic Machine (2013) [France]
- Mani Deïz - Cupcakes: The Jazz Rapper's Factory (2014) [France]
- Mani Deïz - Drop It (2017) [France]
- Mani Deïz - Game Over (2020) [France]
- Mani Deïz - The Cassette Sunday (2014) [France]
- Mani Deïz - The Cassette Sunday (Vol.2) (2018) [France]
- Mani Deïz - Too Much Memory (2012) [France]
- Misere Record - Headshot (2018) [France]
- Misere Record - Klassik Shit (Vol.1) (2019) [France]
- Misere Record - Klassik Shit (Vol.2) (2021) [France]
- Misere Record - Le Rap Inde Ouvre Sa Gueule (2016) [France]
- Misere Record - Press Play (2018) [France]
- MistaMaff – Railroad To The Moon (2018) [France]
- Morlockk Dilemma - Morlockko Plus: The Instrumentals EP #1 (2011) [Germany]
- Morlockk Dilemma - Morlockko Plus: The Instrumentals EP #2 (2012) [Germany]
- Mr Hyde - Barn Of The Naked Dead (Instrumentals) (2005) [USA]
- MSB - Da Break Beat'Z (2015) [France]
- Nevahmind - Beats By Nevahmind (2010) [Sweden]
- Nevahmind - The Grand Instrumentals (2011) [Sweden]
- Non Phixion - The Future Is Now (Platinum Edition) (Instrumentals) (2004) [USA]
- NsOne - Itto Ogami (2016) [Australia]
- Nuclearcore - Subterranean Groove (Vol.1) (2020) [Bulgaria]
- Nuttkase - Dope Remixes (Vol.1) (Instrumentals) (2010) [Russia]
- Nuttkase - Dope Remixes (Vol.2) (Instrumentals) (2011) [Russia]
- Nuttkase - T.D.Z.V. (Instrumentals) (2011) [Russia]
- Nuttkase - Tight Beatz (2012) [Russia]
- Nuttkase - Tight Beatz (Vol.2) (2012) [Russia]
- Nuttkase - Tight Beatz Vol.3 (2013) [Russia]
- Nuttkase & RipBeat - Lobotomy (Instrumentals) (2012) [Russia]
- Obsqure - L'affranchi (2023) [Tunisia]
- Oskar Mike - 87rpm (2011) [Canada]
- Oskar Mike - DEFCON (2011) [Canada]
- Oxydz - Dark Sun (2024) [France]
- Oxydz - Oxymore (2024) [France]
- Oxydz - The Dark Collection (2022) [France]
- Ozmosis - A Night Out (2010) [USA]
- Paco & Mani Deïz - Pacman (2013) [France]
- Piloophaz - Bakeneko (2016) [France]
- Potencia Incisive - I Hear Violins (2013) [USA]
- Potencia Incisive - The Bleeding Edge Instrumentals (2011) [USA]
- Pro P - The Pro P Files (Vol.1) (Instrumentals) (2009) [UK]
- Pro P - The Pro P Files (Vol.2) (Instrumentals) (2010) [UK]
- Prose - Force Of Habit (Instrumentals) (2010) [UK]
- Prowla - Money Walks (1997) [Australia]
- Q-Unique - Between Heaven & Hell (Instrumentals) (2010) [USA]
- Q-Unique - Vengeance Is Mine (Instrumentals) (2005) [USA]
- R2an-Recordz - Tamahagane Beats (2014) [France]
- R2an-Recordz - Tamahagane Beats 2 (2014) [France]
- Raan - Legacy Of Rage (2018) [France]
- Rak - Mood Killer (2020) [Greece]
- Rak & Chavo - Abstract Fusion (2018) [Greece]
- Rotes - Constant Elevation (2010) [Australia]
- Sabac Red - Sabacolypse Instrumentals (2005) [USA]
- Scorpio61 - Instrumentality (2010) [Norway]
- Sherlock - Made To Measure (Instrumentals) (1997) [Sweden]
- Sicknature - Back To The Beatcave (2018) [Denmark]
- Sicknature - Bangers From The Beatcave (2016) [Denmark]
- Sifu Versus - Seigi (2014) [Greece]
- Slak Bee - Dimofilis Tasi (2021) [Greece]
- Slak Bee - Odos Menandrou (2024) [Greece]
- Snowgoons - Goonstrumentals (Vol.1) (2014) [Germany]
- Snowgoons - Goonstrumentals (Vol.2) (2020) [Germany]
- Snowgoons - The Snowgoons Instrumentals (Vol.1) (2009) [Germany]
- Snowgoons - The Snowgoons Instrumentals (Vol.2) (2014) [Germany]
- Snowgoons - The Snowgoons Instrumentals (Vol.3) (2014) [Germany]
- Sound Scientists - Instrumentally Sound (2009) [USA]
- SpearMan - Architecture (2015) [New Zealand]
- Spearman - Kapiti Chamber (2017) [New Zealand]
- Stab - Goat Cheese (Vol.1) (2023) [Belgium]
- Steady & Crusada - The 11th Hour Massacre (Instrumentals) (2011) [UK]
- Stoupe The Enemy Of Mankind - The Instrumentals (Vol.1) (2007) [USA]
- Stoupe The Enemy Of Mankind - The Instrumentals (Vol.2) (2007) [USA]
- SuperVillain - Catharsis Beat-Tape (2015) [France]
- Symphonic Beats - Lost Art: Instrumentals (Vol.1) (2011) [USA]
- Symphonic Beats - Lost Art: Instrumentals (Vol.2) (2021) [USA]
- The Lost Children Of Babylon - Zeitgeist The Spirit Of The Age (The Instrumentals) (2010) [USA]
- The Premonist - The Premathon (2021) [USA]
- The Premonist - The Premathon 2 (2021) [USA]
- The Prunes - Tracks From The Darkside (1996) [Denmark]
- The White Shadow Of Norway - Instrumentals (2009) [Norway]
- The White Shadow Of Norway - Instrumentals 2 (2012) [Norway]
- The White Shadow Of Norway - Instrumentals 3 (2013) [Norway]
- The White Shadow Of Norway - Instrumentals 4 (2014) [Norway]
- The White Shadow Of Norway - Instrumentals 5 (2015) [Norway]
- Thomax - Instrumentals #1 (2011) [Norway]
- Thomax - Instrumentals #2 (2012) [Norway]
- Thomax - Instrumentals #3 (2012) [Norway]
- Tony Mahoney - Nightmares (2012) [UK]
- Tony Mahoney - Tenebris (2025) [UK]
- Trilian - Space Memento (2013) [Serbia]
- Vint Mentalz - The Vint Mentalz Project (Vol.1) (2010) [USA]
- Category: Rest Of World
- 542 - Efta Evdomou (2024) [Greece]
- 542 - Paramones Tou Polemou (2019) [Greece]
- 542 & Soulnek - Ek Thavmatos (2023) [Greece]
- Abominable - Postmortem (2012) [Venezuela]
- Acaz - Ronin (2021) [Germany]
- Acherre - Sobrenatural (2019) [Mexico]
- Agnwstos Xeimwnas - Apo Th Nyxta Poy Gyrisa Ton Hlio (2008) [Greece]
- Agnwstos Xeimwnas - I Akri (2018) [Greece]
- Agnwstos Xeimwnas - Metavash (2012) [Greece]
- Agnwstos Xeimwnas - Sta Vhmata Tou Iskiou (2010) [Greece]
- Air Morden Klikk - AffenMassenVernichtungsWaffen (2011) [Germany]
- Alfa Sekta - Alfa Sekta 1 (2014) [Slovakia]
- Alfa Sekta - Alfa Sekta 2 (2018) [Slovakia]
- Alpha Upsilon - Blackbook (2014) [Greece]
- Alytos Desmos - Katw Apo To Hmifws (2010) [Greece]
- AMN - Any Means Necessary (2016) [Belgium]
- Arma Blanca - Inmortales (2019) [Spain]
- Aslan - The Latin Quarterz (2013) [UK, International]
- C.o.D. - Testamentul Unui Singuratic (2016) [Romania]
- C.U.B.A. Cabbal & DJ West - Zingari E Marinai (2023) [Italy]
- Cedry2K - Alchimia Veninului (2007) [Romania]
- Chidvillas - Magische Kunst (2018) [Germany]
- Creutzfeld & Jakob - Gottes Werk Und Creutzfelds Beitrag (2000) [Germany]
- Crop - Der Blutige Pfad Crops (2011) [Germany]
- Crza - Junge Wut (2023) [Germany]
- Dan F - The Keeper Of Traditions (2025) [Russia]
- Dan F & Plague Magician - Dark Plague (2023) [Russia, USA, Greece]
- Dark Signz - Temporärer Wahnsinn (2011) [Austria]
- Dash Shamash - El Iniciado (2013) [Spain]
- De Kraker - De Dunne Lijn Tussen Hemel & Hel (2019) [Netherlands]
- Death FM - Flames Of Fanaticism (2016) [Belarus]
- Demonios Sekt - Circles (2011) [International]
- Devaloop - From The Bits To The Cosmos (2017) [Austria]
- Diarriktes - Planitis Delta (2009) [Greece]
- Dr Caligari - E O Terror (2008) [Brazil]
- Dust Rhymes - Avaptiston Lykon (2013) [Greece]
- Dust Rhymes - Ston Kairo Twn Zhtianwn (2008) [Greece]
- Einzelgänger - Krieger Vom Liecht (2018) [Switzerland]
- Einzelgänger - Usem Schatte Vom Liecht (2016) [Switzerland]
- Elka A Dalda - Apokalypsa (2013) [Czech Republic]
- Empty Handed Warriors - Designed For The Struggle (2015) [International]
- Empty Handed Warriors - Occupy The Industry (Vol.1) (2012) [International]
- Empty Handed Warriors - The 010 Sessions (2012) [International]
- Esnou & DJ DMT - Barras Libres (2021) [Chile]
- Explicito95 - Insurreccion Bajo Hipnosis (2021) [Chile]
- Explicito95 - Original Don Dada: In The Blood (2021) [Chile]
- Explicito95 - Rhyme Rippers: Eternals (2022) [Chile]
- Ezekiel & Azrael - Kapitel 1 (2022) [Austria]
- Ezekiel & Azrael - Kapitel 2 (2022) [Austria]
- Ezekiel & Azrael - Kapitel 3 (2023) [Austria]
- Fat Materia - Ejecucion (2017) [Spain]
- Fat Materia - Introspeccion (2019) [Spain]
- Fat Materia - Suciedad Letristica EP (2014) [Spain]
- Filikh Etaireia - Manifesto (2007) [Greece]
- Gory Gore - Faces Of Gore (2012) [Germany]
- Gremio HardCore - Inedito (2019) [Chile]
- Guerrilla Republik Espana - Yom Rishon (2016) [Spain]
- Ill Mindz - Real Recognize Real (2011) [Austria]
- Illstar - Erwachen In Babylon (2009) [Germany]
- Illuminaten - Rueckblick (2002) [Germany]
- Invicious Music & Popcorn Patrik - The Most Known Unknown Vol.1 (2011) [International]
- Iso XL - Mia Foni Enas Stratos (2009) [Greece]
- Iso XL - Oro Invictus (2014) [Greece]
- Jantar - Svetiste Svinja (2011) [Croatia]
- Jantar & Fundament - Uspavanka Za Smrt (2017) [Croatia]
- Johnni Spets - To Paidi Pou Egine Terhas (2014) [Greece]
- K-Fik, Acaz, Raptor & Cone Gorilla - No Return Sampler (2019) [Germany]
- Kamer Van Cokehandel - De Kamer (2008) [Netherlands]
- KGV - Harde Kern (2008) [Netherlands]
- KGV - Negatief Beeld (2005) [Netherlands]
- Killakikitt - Legenda (2011) [Hungary]
- Killakikitt & Snowgoons - KillaGoons (2014) [Hungary, Germany]
- Konsciente Stado - Caro Data Vermibus (2013) [Spain]
- Konsciente Stado - El Tetragammatron (2013) [Spain]
- Konsciente Stado - Exodo (2014) [Spain]
- Konsciente Stado - Kaos D: La Caverna De Platon (2022) [Spain]
- Konsciente Stado - Kaos D: NecherHertet (2022) [Spain]
- Konsciente Stado - Kaos D: Niktofobia Psicopatocracia (2022) [Spain]
- Konsciente Stado - Kaos D: Shiniban (2022) [Spain]
- Konsciente Stado - La Gestacion Del Kaos (2018) [Spain]
- Kruscifix - Dolnozemci (2011) [Slovakia]
- Lord Lhus & Eastgarden Music - International Rhymz Konnect (2014) [International]
- McGyver - Camillionizm (2022) [Netherlands]
- Melph & d'Blo - 2000duister (2012) [Netherlands]
- Mental Guerra - Rap Del Que Nos Gusta (2024) [Chile]
- Mir The Bloody - Lisbon Under Attack (Vol.1) (2010) [Portugal]
- Morlockk Dilemma - Circus Maximus (2011) [Germany]
- Mousikoi Isovites - Emeis Kai Oi Psyxes Mas (2007) [Greece]
- Nachtkruper – SchaduwZijde (2014) [Belgium]
- Naveh - 2012 "The Beginning" (2012) [Russia]
- Naveh - The Prose EP (2011) [Russia]
- NeckBreakerz - Ritmo De Los Asesinos (2013) [Colombia]
- NKS - TDI (2012) [Hungary]
- Ntan & MpDrees24 - Hotel November (2021) [Netherlands]
- Ntan & MpDrees24 - Hotel November (Part 2) (2021) [Netherlands]
- Obnoksious Kas - Mystiko Krymmeno Mega (2010) [Greece]
- Orthologistes - Mia Nuxta Meta Tin Teleutaia Mera (2010) [Greece]
- OweMusic, Saer & Evil Dead Beats - El Septimo Sello (2021) [Spain]
- Pánikszoba - Sötétkamra (2012) [Hungary]
- Pasjonaci - Pasjonaci (2007) [Poland]
- Pasta Nostra - La Maldita Escuela (2015) [Chile]
- PHR - Angst & Gewalt (2010) [Germany]
- PKO - Szövetség (2009) [Hungary]
- Poeta De Los 3scrivas - Salto Cuantico (2018) [Costa Rica]
- Pornoground - Doutrina Concreta (2019) [Angola]
- Primero Company - Mexico HardCore (2021) [Mexico]
- Propator - Aisthanesai (2014) [Greece]
- Propator & Oneiros Veta - Trikumia En Kranio (2016) [Greece]
- Prophezias De Los 3scrivas Del Kaos - La Tabla Esmeralda (2016) [Spain, Costa Rica]
- Psyco & TReBeats - Shaolin Temple (2025) [Switzerland]
- RBL SAT - Anunnaki Society (2020) [Germany]
- Repvlsion - Ahura Mazda (2017) [Venezuela]
- Repvlsion - Anonimo (2011) [Venezuela]
- Repvlsion - Oraculo (2012) [Venezuela]
- Repvlsion - Sol Negro (2014) [Venezuela]
- Riasboss - Instinto Puro (2024) [Chile]
- Sabotage Vs Nevahmind - Dubbelmord (2012) [Sweden]
- Sacerdote Semmantiko - Experimento De Vassalos Nucleares (2020) [Brazil]
- Scarcity Budapest - SCBP Vs TKYD (2012) [Hungary]
- Skull Bludgeon & Naveh - Mind Destruction (2011) [USA, Russia]
- Skunk (Kolak47 & Jantar) – Mauzolej (2012) [Croatia]
- Slak Bee - Hxoi Tou Kakou (2022) [Greece]
- Snowgoons - German Snow (2009) [Germany]
- Snowgoons - Terroristen Volk (2012) [Germany]
- StropStrikkers - Donkere Dagen (2008) [Netherlands]
- StropStrikkers - Kermis In De Hel (2006) [Netherlands]
- StropStrikkers - Koevoet En De Sikkel (2020) [Netherlands]
- StropStrikkers - Stofhappers (2020) [Netherlands]
- StropStrikkers - Tabula Rasa (2014) [Netherlands]
- Stygmat - Gangrena (2013) [Poland]
- Superanfor - Pasion Sin Compasion (2016) [Colombia]
- Superanfor - Santa Barbarie (2012) [Colombia]
- Superanfor - Son Del Callejon (2009) [Colombia]
- Svend Spyt & B.B.Z Darney - Frosne Passager (2016) [Denmark, Sweden]
- Tirpa - Gyilkos Krónikák (2012) [Hungary]
- TNT - It's A War (2009) [Greece]
- TNT - Unleash The Beast (2011) [Greece]
- Trazzo - A Muerte (2018) [Spain]
- UGR - So Und Nid Anderscht (2016) [Switzerland]
- UL Farma - Gilotina (2012) [Czech Republic]
- Under Keys, Palavra Bastha & Pornoground - Underground Suicidio (Vol.1) (2019) [Angola]
- Underground Babylon - Idioleto Abissal (2021) [Brazil]
- Underworld-Netherlands - International Waters (2009) [Netherlands]
- Underworld-Netherlands - The Word Became Flesh & Blood (2012) [Netherlands]
- Vendetta Kingz - Global Alliance Project (2011) [USA, International]
- Whie - El Angel Caido EP (2014) [Spain]
- Yorksiddhartha & Dash Shamash - Lo Esencial Es Invisible A Los Ojos (2015) [Mexico, Spain]
- Category: Сompilations
- Hardcore Rap Archives Of The Golden Age (2009)
- Ill Sound From Cellars (2010)
- Ill Sound From Cellars 2 (2010)
- Ill Sound From Cellars 3 (2011)
- Ill Sound From Cellars 4 (2012)
- Ill Sound From Cellars 5 (2017)
- New Era Of Rap (Vol.1) (2008)
- New Era Of Rap (Vol.2) (2008)
- Rap UnderWorld (Vol.1) (2008)
- Rap UnderWorld (Vol.2) (2009)
- The Middle Of The 90's Years (2008)
- The Other Underground Music Compilations (2023)
- Underground Hip-Hop Mix (Vol.1): Instrumentals (2023)
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