underground & hardcore rap music blog

Hugo TSR – Tant Qu’on Est La (2017) [France]

Hugo TSR - Tant Qu'on Est Là

Size: 62 Mb, Quality: VBRv0

1. Rei
2. Exercice
3. Iceberg
4. Tant Qu’On Est Là
5. La Cage
6. En Marge
7. Interlude
8. Les Vieux De Mon Âge
9. Autour De Moi
10. Là-Haut
11. Pauvre Roi
12. Couleur Miroir

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::::: Hugo TSRTant Qu’on Est Là :::::

Concentration Camp – Concentrate (2017) [UK]

Concentration Camp - Concentrate

Size: 182 Mb, Quality: 320 Kbps

1. Evolution To Revolution (Intro)
2. Friday Night
3. Concentration
4. Im the One
5. Symmetry
6. The Way We Put It Down
7. Primitive Beings (Skit)
8. Knowledge
9. Drink & Drive
10. No Respect
11. Nonsense
12. Suicide
13. The Doctors Note Cypher
14. I Did
15. Old School
16. Key to the Soul
17. The Pit
18. Yesterdays Light
19. Right There
20. The Concentration Camp Cypher

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::::: Concentration CampConcentrate :::::

I.N.C.H – Nappage Nocturne (2016) [France]

I.N.C.H - Nappage Nocturne

Size: 160 Mb, Quality: 320 Kbps

1. Ouverture De La Chasse (feat. DJ Nix’On)
2. Youri Gabardine (feat. Sad Vicious)
3. On Est Là, Pt.2 (feat. Sheryo & Guez)
4. Rapzilla (feat. Nemesis) (DJ Nix’On Remix)
5. L’impasse (feat. Hugo TSR, Swift Guad, Omry TSR & DJ Low Cut)
6. My Mobb Is Great (feat. Infamous Mobb, Freko Ding, Noss & DJ Safe)
7. Ding Dong (feat. Vald, Kro & Suikonblaze AD)
8. Night Habits (feat. The Society Of Invisibles & DJ Djaz)
9. La Balade Des Lapins (feat. Paloma Pradal)
10. Familial Civet (feat. Jace Abstract, Sad Vicious, Big Red Cap, The Mathz & DJ Low Cut)
11. What Happened (feat. Halfabrick)
12. Bang Boom (feat. Bonnie Li)
13. Numéro 13 (feat. Katana, Vald, Zekwe Ramos & Rabakar)
14. Living Dead (feat. Lord Lhus & J-Mega)
15. John Carpenter (feat. Stick & Al’Tarba)
16. Voisin D’en Haut (feat. Hugo TSR)
17. Sensation L’interlude (feat. O’Sabio)
18. Rentre Avant La Nuit, Pt.1 (feat. Raphael)
19. Rentre Avant La Nuit, Pt.2 (feat. Paloma Prada)
20. Quoi D’neuf Fréro (feat. Vald & Suikonblaze AD) (Bonus)

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::::: I.N.C.HNappage Nocturne :::::

Mani Deïz – Drop It (2017) [France]

Mani Deïz - Drop It

Size: 100 Mb, Quality: 320 Kbps

1. Welcome
2. Dark Whistler
3. Machine
4. Just Die
5. Hate Hate
6. See You Never
7. Keep Calm
8. Reborn
9. I Don’t Need That
10. Hurts
11. Unloyal
12. Fuck U
13. Bye Marshall
14. I’m Fine Dad

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::::: Mani DeïzDrop It :::::

Doctor Evazan – IV (2017) [Sweden]

Doctor Evazan - IV

Size: 134 Mb, Quality: 320 Kbps

1. Intromezzi
2. Past Beyond
3. 277 Asprin
4. Oddisee
5. Innerlude
6. Pukwudgie
7. Chili Con Fusion
8. Shinobi Medi
9. Inzombia
10. City Sleeps Disturbed
11. Hustle The Puzzle
12. Under The Below
13. Polterghost
14. Inzombia Blues
15. Winterstellar
16. Arlington´s Box

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::::: Doctor EvazanIV :::::