underground & hardcore rap music blog

Propator & Oneiros Veta – Trikumia En Kranio (2016) [Greece]

Propator & Oneiros Veta - Trikumia En Kranio

Size: 55 Mb, Quality: 320 Kbps

1. 333
2. Ομφαλος
3. Ειδες Οραματα
4. Τρικυμια Εν Κρανιω
5. Μηδεν
6. Νινεμια
7. Μωβ
8. Λιβας Πνοη
9. Ανασαινω

Thanks Mr.Dead

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::::: Προπατωρ & Ονειρος ΒηταΤρικυμια Εν Κρανιω :::::

Poeta De Los 3scrivas – Salto Cuantico (2018) [Costa Rica]

Poeta De Los 3scrivas - Salto Cuántico

Size: 124 Mb, Quality: 320 Kbps

1. Salto Cuántico
2. Epitafios (feat. Konsciente StaDo & Apocrifo)
3. Cárcel o Tumba (feat. Reychesta Secret Weapon)
4. Cortes por D (feat. Grone da Radikal, Andyjoint & Mabous 48)
5. Salto Temporal
6. Nikola (Interludio)
7. Tesla (feat. OverGround Lyrics & 3ni9ma e Inédito)
8. Liberta (feat. Solomon Childs, Dash Shamash & Ray Vendetta)
9. La Voz de la Experienci (feat. GenOcyD, Last Word & Rhiff)
10. Biblioteca de Alejandria (feat. 3ni9ma & Omen Ra)
11. Extinción (feat. Katha, Prophezias Lethal P & Apócrifo)
12. Rumores de Guerra (feat. Mighty Ras Kalipssus & 3ni9ma)
13. Mi Poesía (feat. Cortes por Guti Talavera)
14. Lo Que Explican las Estrellas (feat. Macko)

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::::: Poeta De Los 3scrivasSalto Cuántico :::::

Sekel Du 91 – Mechantillons (Part 3) (2020) [France]

Sekel Du 91 – Mechantillons (Part 3)

Size: 128 Mb, Quality: 320 Kbps

1. Coup de cric
2. Chacun son enfer
3. T’avises pas (feat. Noss & Dapro)
4. La sortie
5. Regard vague
6. Murmurer
7. Histoire sans fin (feat. Funky Armenico & Pire Mastaa)
8. Un poing en commun
9. Sale trip (feat. Salaz)
10. Les anges me détestent
11. Cramé
12. J.T.J.M
13. Chimio (feat. Sheryo & Guez)
14. Brouillard de guerre (feat. Lh)
15. Seuls (feat. Noss, Neoklash & Kesmo)
16. Hasseloff
17. Retour de flammes (feat. Noss & Fonik)
18. 6 eme exctinction

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::::: Sekel Du 91Mechantillons (Part 3) :::::

Vinnie Paz – As Above So Below (2020) [USA]

Vinnie Paz - As Above So Below

Size: 136 Mb, Quality: 320 Kbps

1. Crime Wave Tehran (feat. Chinaski Black)
2. Scorched Earth (feat. Estee Nack & Jay Royale)
3. I Am The Chaos
4. Mabuhay Gardens (feat. Block McCloud)
5. The Conjuring
6. The Black Hand (feat. Demoz)
7. Mock Up On Mu
8. Ankle Bracelets (feat. Queen Herawin)
9. The Compleat Witch (feat. Nowaah The Flood)
10. Hannibal
11. Sicilian Bull
12. Cero Miedo
13. Spilled Milk (feat. Eamon)
14. Vahid Moradi (feat. Rigz)
15. I’ll Buy All The Uranium You’ve Got (feat. Block McCloud)
16. Doomsday Machine (feat. Vast Aire & Demoz)
17. Serve The Creator (feat. Recognize Ali)
18. The Gone-Away World

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::::: Vinnie PazAs Above So Below :::::