underground & hardcore rap music blog

Simadhi – Parables From The Ward (2016) [UK]

Simadhi - Parables From The Ward

Size: 81 Mb, Quality: 320 Kbps

1. Intro – Wonderful Time
2. Therapy 101
3. Day Trips
4. Skit
5. My Brain
6. LaLa
7. Skit – Should We Take It?
8. Don’t Take The Medicine’s
9. Cobra Fang
10. Still Down (feat. DJ Needles)
11. I Hear Voices
12. Didn’t Make The Cut
13. Let It Settle In
14. Keep On Keeping On (feat. Kurnel MC)
15. Prison Cell (feat. Kurnel MC & R.Lewis)

Produced by DJ 33 UK

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::::: SimadhiParables From The Ward :::::

Piloophaz – Bakeneko (2016) [France]

Piloophaz - Bakeneko

Size: 98 Mb, Quality: 320 Kbps

1. Ils Ont Assassiné Bambi
2. Renaldo Moon
3. F.R.B (Fast Radio Burst)
4. Call Of Deneb
5. Tears In Rain
6. Sunset Limited
7. Ennemi Du Soleil
8. Charlie Et La Roulette Russe
9. Stillwell Avenue
10. Cold Rain
11. Beth, Sing One For Me
12. Mauvaises Ondes
13. Punishment Park
14. Cosmocats
15. …

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::::: PiloophazBakeneko :::::

Ry Walker – Tales From The Cruel Sea (2021) [UK]

Ry Walker - Tales From The Cruel Sea

Size: 56 Mb, Quality: 320 Kbps

1. Gods Amongst Men (feat. Sunni Sparkles)
2. The Creature From The Black Lagoon (feat. Dubious Content)
3. King Of Seas
4. Ships In The Night (feat. Indigo Phoenyx)
5. Battle Hardened (feat. Alpha Conception)
6. Skin & Bone (feat. Xtorzionayte & King V)
7. Forgotten Kids
8. Devils & Serpents (feat. Dubious Content)

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::::: Ry WalkerTales From The Cruel Sea :::::

Ry Walker – Death By A Thousand Cuts (2020) [UK]

Ry Walker - Death By A Thousand Cuts

Size: 55 Mb, Quality: 320 Kbps

1. Death By A Thousand Cuts (feat. Alfastar Beats)
2. Celtic Lords (feat. Dubious Content & Zamurai)
3. Dying Breed (feat. Sunni Sparkles & Alfastar Beats)
4. The Depths (feat. Peter Sparker & Guenin Beats)
5. Launch Codes (feat. Drastic Measurez & Guenin Beats)
6. Capitalise (feat. Doc Terror & Ishen)
7. Sea Shells (feat. Clipper G)
8. The Great Escape (feat. Twisted Beats)

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::::: Ry WalkerDeath By A Thousand Cuts :::::

Ry Walker – Per Ardua Ad Astra (2020) [UK]

Ry Walker - Per Ardua Ad Astra

Size: 48 Mb, Quality: 320 Kbps

1. The Demise Of Elle Driver (feat. Zamurai)
2. Call Of The Titans (feat. Zamurai & Doc Terror)
3. Nevermore (feat. Zamurai)
4. Burning Bridges (feat. Zamurai & Sunni Sparkles)
5. Fallen Angels (feat. Zamurai & M.O.E)
6. Per Ardua Ad Astra (feat. Zamurai)

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::::: Ry WalkerPer Ardua Ad Astra :::::