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Intel Agents – Intelligence (2002) [USA]

Intel Agents - Intelligence

Size: 60 Mb, Quality: 128 Kbps

1. War
2. Inside-Outside
3. 3rd Sight
4. Vows (Put Your Hands Up)
5. No Peace
6. Outfit (Part 2)
7. It?s A New Day
8. Good Intensions (Interlude)
9. Making Love
10. Coppa Virus
11. High Pressure
12. Iron Worker
13. Game Face
14. City Limits (In My Lifetime)
15. Intelligence (Interlude)
16. S.A.D.
17. Blackout
18. Good Music
19. Peace (Outro)

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::::: Intel AgentsIntelligence :::::

Masai Bey – The Art Of The Covenant (2008) [USA]

Masai Bey - The Art Of The Covenant

Size: 49 Mb, Quality: 192 Kbps

1. Art Covenant
2. Stele
3. People Power (Negus Mix)
4. Equator
5. Hair Peace
6. Studies Show
7. Mountain Climber
8. Party Favor
9. File Pro Action
10. Rock More
11. Beat Root
12. Solid Gold

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::::: Masai BeyThe Art Of The Covenant :::::

Ciph Barker – Zoominati (The Counter Movement) (2006) [Netherlands]

Ciph Barker - Zoominati

Size: 135 Mb, Quality: 320 Kbps

1. Intro
2. Snake Eggs
3. Business
4. Focus
5. Hollow Earth
6. Hunger
7. Skit
8. Zoominati
9. Table Steaks
10. Bloody Moon
11. Death Skit
12. Wormwood
13. Paper Blood
14. Jewelz
15. Dark Skies
16. Skit
17. Temple Sleep
18. Jan Palach
19. Soul Matrix
20. Bonus Track I
21. Bonus Track II

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::::: Ciph BarkerZoominati (The Counter Movement) :::::

Citizen Kane – Deliverance (1999) [Canada]

Citizen Kane - Deliverance

Size: 86 Mb, Quality: 192 Kbps

1. Intro
2. Deliverance
3. Soldier Story
4. Monopoly Money
5. Interlude
6. Gambler
7. I’n’i
8. Yancy
9. Graffiti Knights
10. Remembrance Day
11. Who The #@!?**
12. Interlude 2
13. Tech Blows
14. Ice Niggaz
15. Interlude 3
16. In Da Cut
17. Confrontations
18. Eavesdroppin

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::::: Citizen KaneDeliverance :::::

The Last Writes – The First Chapter (2008) [USA]

The Last Writes - The First Chapter

Size: 77 Mb, Quality: VBRv2

1 Oxblood
2 Bad Brains
3 Private Eyes
4 Open Mic
5 A Mystic In The Savage State
6 Proper-Gander
7 The Lone Wolf
8 Dub Transition
9 Break it Down Get Up
10 Headphones and Love Notes
11 Collage
12 Sleep Walking Reality
13 Compositions in Time
14 The Clock Strikes Twelve
15 Blvd of Broken Dreams

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::::: The Last WritesThe First Chapter :::::