underground & hardcore rap music blog

Mr Malchau – For My Peoples (2007) [Denmark]

Mr Malchau - For My Peoples

Size: 40Mb, Quality: VBRv2

01. From The Jump
02. For My Peoples
03. Stay Elevated
04. May The Sun
05. The Whole Industri
06. Every day / All Day
07. Why U Living?
08. Look At My Life
09. No Escape

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::::: Mr MalchauFor My Peoples :::::

La Clinique – Tout Saigne (2000) [France]

La Clinique - Tout Saigne

Size: 91 Mb, Quality: 192 Kbps

01. Intro
02. C’est Reparti
03. On Avance
04. Aie Maman Bobo
05. 109 Radio
06. Quelques Kilos feat. Djamatik
07. Paranoiaque
08. Star
09. Mal A La Racine
10. Zion
11. Faites Du Bruit feat. Casey
12. Tout Saigne 2
13. Le Jour Viendra
14. La Playa
15. Clinique 2000
16. Les Gospels

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::::: La CliniqueTout Saigne :::::

IDE – Force Fed (2007) [USA]

IDE - Force Fed

Size: 70 Mb, Quality: VBRv2

01. Intro
02. Never
03. Bounty Hunter
04. Field Of Orbs
05. Interlude
06. Hidden Network
07. Coat Of Arms
08. Haight & Asbury
09. Condemned
10. Ravenous
11. Innerlude
12. Psylasylum
13. Serpentine Movements
14. Out Of Touch
15. What Happens
16. Trade & Kinship
17. Sun Pyramids
18. Caught In Time
19. Enterlude
20. Superior Knowledge
21. Outerlude
22. White Lighters
23. Outro

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::::: IDEForce Fed :::::

The Armada – Downtime (2009) [USA]

The Armada - Downtime

Size: 112 Mb, Quality: VBRv0

01. Back It Up (Explicit)
02. Be Easy Feat. Crypt Of Outerspace
03. Keep It Moving
04. Microphone Killah
05. Won’t Be (Remix) Feat. Banish, Aims & Randam Luck
06. Let Em Know
07. Bring That Feat. Doap Nixon
08. Straight Hip-Hop Feat. Randam Luck
09. I’ve Been
10.The Jump Off
11. That’s Wassup Feat. Reef The Lost Cauze
12. Gunz Still Hot (Remix) Feat. Keepers Of The Light
13. Scarz (Remix)
14. Nothing Else Matters
15. Oh Yeah
16. Affirmative Action (Remix) Feat. Outerspace
17. Always Survive
18. Hard 2 Manage Feat. Planet Asia
19. Armada Music

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::::: The ArmadaDowntime :::::

ESKA Crew – Instinct De Survie (2005) [France]

ESKA Crew - Instinct De Survie

Size: 63 Mb, Quality: VBRv2

1. Introductif
2. E.S.K.A.
3. Mon Ego
4. Parlons D’Amour
5. Mort C?r?brale
6. On R?ve Tous
7. On N’Est Que Des Hommes
8. Entre Act Soul
9. Hip Hop Circus?
10. Petit Coeur
11. Mes Racines, Mes Fondations
12. Parlons-En
13. Ma Vie C’Est…
14. Fuyez
15. Liberta

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::::: ESKA CrewInstinct De Survie :::::