underground & hardcore rap music blog

Grim Pesci – Giant’s Bane (2023) [USA]

Grim Pesci - Giant's Bane

Size: 130 Mb, Quality: 320 Kbps

1. Live From The Rubber Room
2. Watch You Bleed
3. Giant’s Bane (feat. DJ TMB)
4. Straight From Hades (feat. Nightwalker, Coast LoCastro, Coal, Jakprogresso, Taboo & DJ TMB)
5. In The Mood (feat. Lawrence Arnell)
6. Fire God (feat. DJ TMB)
7. Skeletons Of Ash (feat. Matt Maddox & Nightwalker)
8. Raise Hell
9. Rubicon (feat. DJ TMB, Ixion Form & Dr FowlMouf)
10. Cannon Fodder (feat. DJ TMB)
11. The Hearth (feat. DJ TMB)
12. Crazy Horses (feat. Julius Sleazer & Coal)
13. Regicide (feat. DJ TMB)
14. Bear Witness (feat. Coal & Ixion Form)

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::::: Grim PesciGiant’s Bane :::::

Savage Souls – Barbarians (2021) [USA]

Savage Souls - Barbarians

Size: 65 Mb, Quality: 320 Kbps

1. Barbarians
2. Treacherous Souls (feat. Appollo Valdez)
3. Carradine
4. Set It Off
5. Undisputed (feat. Appollo Valdez)
6. Frontline
7. No Survivors
8. Blood

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::::: Savage SoulsBarbarians :::::