underground & hardcore rap music blog

Sars – Verbal Virus (2010) [Canada]

Sars - Verbal Virus

Size: 54 Mb, Quality: 128 Kbps

01 Verbal Virus (ft Weapon X)
02 Vials of Animal Blood
03 Snakes and Ladders (ft Morse Code)
04 Isolated (ft Decent)
05 Red Light (ft Sean Strange)
06 Sarcophagus
07 Of the Night (ft ArchNME, Doap Nixon of AOTP)
08 You Dont Know
09 Mouse Trap (ft Morse Code)
10 Blood Angels (ft Decent of Rusto Fats)
11 Kogs of Fate
12 HalfSight
13 If You Was I
14 John Doe
15 Untitled (ft Enterprize, Rasul Allah 7)

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::::: SarsVerbal Virus :::::

Jon Murdock – Dark City (Part 1) (2010) [USA]

Jon Murdock - Dark City Part 1

Size: 143 Mb, Quality: 320 Kbps

01. Dark City Intro
02. Myslayic (feat. Lex Starwind)
03. Death Angel (feat. Scientific)
04. Realism (Well Protected) (feat. Lex Starwind)
05. Behind the Eyes (feat. Scientific)
06. Hardly Safe (Intro)
07. Hardly Safe (feat. Lex Starwind & Scientific)
08. P.O. Double
09. Long Ago (feat. Scientific)
10. Labreddation
11. Nirvana Freestyle
12. Rap City (feat. Scientific)
13. Brian Sabo Interlude
14. The Interview (feat. Lex Starwind)
15. Fire
16. Love Me or Hate Me (feat. Scientific)
17. Tales from the Darkside (feat. Lex Starwind & Scientific)
18. Sun Set in the East
19. Dark Interlude
20. Murdockulous (feat. Lex Starwind)
21. Sleep Now Outro

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::::: Jon MurdockDark City (Part 1) :::::

Apakalypse – Trust In Self (2010) [USA]

Apakalypse - Trust In Self

Size: 133 Mb, Quality: VBRv2

1. Trust In Self
2. Anarchist Cookbook
3. Who Birthed That Bastard (feat . Otis the Axe)
4. God Damn You
5. Shark Jaws
6. She Is Dying
7. Lost In the Baccarat (feat . 777 Kamikaze & Candace Meyer)
8. Slave Plantations (feat. 777 Kamikaze)
9. Death Diets
10. I Am Ageless
11. Blade Runners (feat. Crymzyn & Atma)
12. Answers
13. (C.I.A) Chasing Interstellar Anunnaki (feat. Beast 1333)
14. Fuck Ya Life
15. Overload (feat. Atma)
16. The Curse
17. Listen To the God (feat . 777 Kamikaze)
18. The Creator (feat. Atma)
19. Enlightened Frustration
20. Akashic Masters (feat . 777 Kamikaze & Atma)
21. Souls In the Sky
22. Demonic Reptoids
23. The Sages Strike Back (feat. Crymzyn)
24. Samurai Death (feat. Atma)
25. Dark Skies
26. Mental Matrix (feat. Crymzyn & Atma)
27. When the Time Comes
28. Peace To the Godz
29. Unbreakable
30. Face the East (feat . 777 Kamikaze)
31. For Every Rhyme I Wrote

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::::: ApakalypseTrust In Self :::::

Apakalypse – Supreme Intoxication (2008) [USA]

Apakalypse - Supreme Intoxication

Size: 66 Mb, Quality: VBRv2

01. Behold A Pale Horse Feat. Deadroom Professa
02. Im A Player Hater
03. The Money Comes the Money Goes Feat. Deadroom Professa and Lord Gamma
04. E.S.F is Here Feat. Deadroom Professa
05. Above the Clouds Feat. Deadroom Professa
06. Wizardry (Skit)
07. Warship Feat. Bigg Zeb
08. Is it Defeat or Victory Feat. Lord Gamma
09. Abductions Feat. Deadroom Professa and Lord Gamma
10. Ha Ha Ha Ha Feat. Deadroom Professa
11. H.P.L. Feat. Deadroom Professa and Lord Gamma
12. Stand
13. Crooks Feat. Lord Gamma
14. Know Ya Shit (Skit)
15. Pay Me in Blood Feat. Lee Bundy
16. Mcs Are Worthless Feat. Deadroom Professa

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::::: ApakalypseSupreme Intoxication :::::

Twin Perils – Word Supremacy (2010) [USA]

Twin Perils - Word Supremacy

Size: 77 Mb, Quality: VBRv0

1. Behold, The Twin Perils
2. Drop Zone
3. Bloody Roar
4. High Command
5. Nuclear Winter
6. Downward Spiral
7. Blaze Of Glory
8. Shadowrunners
9. Dominion
10. Guarded Compounds
11. Marxman vs. Ninja
12. The Last Stand
13. Distress Signal
14. Howling Wilderness
15. Elevated Echelon
16. Paradigm Shift
17. Vortex
18. Iron Clad Armor
19. Reckless Endangerment
20. Burial Ground
21. Sorrowful Ceremony
22. Guns Of The Patriots

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::::: Twin PerilsWord Supremacy :::::