underground & hardcore rap music blog

Paco – L’ovni (2015) [France]

Paco - L'ovni

Size: 81 Mb, Quality: 320 Kbps

1. Ovni intro
2. Laisse nous
3. Te parler
4. Ironique
5. Asthmatique
6. La carotte et le lapin
7. On s’accroche
8. Mode d’emploi
9. Comme une envie
10. Branche la cam
11. On se laisse aller (feat. Tragik)
12. Garder l’cap

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::::: PacoL’ovni :::::

Dr Creep – Annihilation & Transformation (2014) [USA]

Dr Creep - Annihilation & Transformation

Size: 147 Mb, Quality: 320 Kbps

1. Decimation
2. Legacy Of Terror
3. Stele Of The Vultures (feat. DJ TMB)
4. Conflict (feat. Lone Ninja & DJ Madhandz)
5. Urban Camouflage
6. Combat Contagions (feat. DJ TMB)
7. Love For Death
8. Contra Triangle (feat. Edd Bundy & DJ TMB)
9. Mental Elegance (feat. Solow & 3rd Eye The Anomoly)
10. Light Of Alcyone (feat. Antahkarana Heru Ki Nabu)
11. Trojan War (feat. Lone Ninja & DJ TMB)
12. Hall Of The Slain (feat. Grim Moses, Dangerous & DJ TMB)
13. God’s Gun (feat. 3rd Eye The Anomoly, Chemist & DJ TMB)
14. Destroyer Force (feat. Supreme The Truth)
15. Lost Kingdoms Of The Ice Age
16. Planet 2020 (feat. DJ TMB)
17. Order Of Destruction
18. Armored Chariots (feat. Solow)

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::::: Dr CreepAnnihilation & Transformation :::::

Pruven – Wordplay Sensei (2014) [USA]

Pruven - Wordplay Sensei

Size: 73 Mb, Quality: 320 Kbps

1. Light Sun Rise
2. Dethrone Corruption
3. Rough Pearl Diamonds
4. Inward Actions
5. Junkyard Bayonets
6. Congo Coaster
7. Bare Necessities
8. Area Awareness
9. Titanium Toothbrush
10. Jah’s Dahgah
11. The Sensei Lives

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::::: PruvenWordplay Sensei :::::

Grim Moses – Dog Eat God (2015) [USA]

Grim Moses - Dog Eat God

Size: 36 Mb, Quality: 192 Kbps

1. America Is Crazy Intro
2. Run Bitch Run
3. For The Kvlt
4. God Killer
5. Eddie Barzoon
6. Drunk Boxing
7. Cover Hood
8. Chillin With Creeps.
9. Bite The Hand

The Premonist & Demento Beats Present…

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::::: Grim MosesDog Eat God :::::

Ackumen – Mystery School Dropout (2015) [USA]

Ackumen - Mystery School Dropout

Size: 57 Mb, Quality: 320 Kbps

1. Fuck This Place
2. The Blood Letting (feat. Morbius)
3. Mind Over Matter (feat. June Marx)
4. The Sun Drawing Water
5. Occam’s Razor (feat. Sinister Stricken)
6. Abracadabra
7. Power Of Suggestion (feat. Sinister Stricken & Savage Trinity)

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::::: AckumenMystery School Dropout :::::