underground & hardcore rap music blog

Grim Moses – A Breath Of Smog (2018) [USA]

Grim Moses - A Breath Of Smog

Size: 54 Mb, Quality: 320 Kbps

1. Intro
2. Lord Knows
3. Forever Raw
4. Hash & Sage
5. Gun Control (feat. Richrok)
6. Master Interlude (feat. Richrok)
7. Born Dead
8. Mind At War
9. Clear A Lung (feat. Richrok)
10. My Rap Sucks! (feat. Richrok)

Prod. by Goomson

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::::: Grim MosesA Breath Of Smog :::::

MistaMaff – Railroad To The Moon (2018) [France]

MistaMaff – Railroad To The Moon

Size: 123 Mb, Quality: 320 Kbps

1. Departure
2. Earth Escape (Apocalypse Season) (feat. Lex Starwind & DJ Low Cut)
3. Keep You Down
4. Ce Rêve Fou
5. Solitude
6. The Mind-Bending Drugs (feat. Sick)
7. By Ourselves (feat. The Absouljah)
8. The Unheard (feat. Néo & Foksacut)
9. Low Gravity
10. Murphy’s Law (feat. Lateb)
11. Mirage
12. Falling Stars (feat. Buhay Cali)
13. Harp from the Moon
14. The New World (feat. The Absouljah)
15. Tomorrow

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::::: MistaMaffRailroad To The Moon :::::

Blaq Masq – Crypt Wizardry (2018) [UK]

Blaq Masq - Crypt Wizardry

Size: 95 Mb, Quality: 320 Kbps

1. ATMA – Supernatural (feat. Jus Allah & Lone Ninja) (cutz by DJ TMB)
2. Junclassic & Genezis MC – Conquest
3. Imperial Ragnarok – All Hail The King
4. Kymatica – The Gift Of Fury
5. Enlightened Soulz – Invaders From Asgard (cutz by DJ Madhandz)
6. Dr Creep – Without Warning (feat. June Marx) (Remix) (cutz by DJ TMB)
7. Non Phixion – 5 Boros (Remix)
8. Virtuoso – Smash Ta’ Piece Theater (Remix)
9. Virtuoso – God Of Thunder (Remix)
10. Task Force & Pegasus – True To The Art (Remix)
11. Dres – Road Warrior (Remix)
12. Cyne – Tide Of Life (Remix)

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::::: Blaq MasqCrypt Wizardry :::::

Grim Moses – Unreleased Material (2017) [USA]

Grim Moses - Unreleased Material

Size: 61 Mb, Quality: 320 Kbps

1. Grey Skin Enemies
2. The Drug Rage
3. Billy Club Blues
4. Buck Fifty Interlude
5. Hell To Call Home
6. Demon Hypnosis
7. Seven Circles
8. What You Want
9. Exchange The Fade (feat. DoneOne)

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::::: Grim MosesUnreleased Material :::::