underground & hardcore rap music blog

Dim Mak – EPoch (2003) [USA]

Dim Mak - EPoch

Size: 76 Mb, Quality: 320 Kbps

1. Death Eternal (feat. JFK)
2. Hell Hunters
3. Halloween
4. War Cry
5. Breathe (feat. Onry Ozzborn)
6. Burnin’
7. Long Road

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::::: Dim MakEPoch :::::

Pawz One & Robin Da Landlord – Sell Me A Dream: Flowstalgia (2018) [USA, Netherlands]

Pawz One & Robin Da Landlord - Sell Me A Dream: Flowstalgia

Size: 72 Mb, Quality: 320 Kbps

1. Intro
2. Sell Me A Dream
3. Sucker Punch
4. On The Daily (feat. Prince Po & VegaMonster)
5. Nothing To See Here
6. The Devil’s Own
7. It’s Like That (Remix)
8. Bad Weather (feat. MED & VegaMonster)
9. Sand Castles

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::::: Pawz One & Robin Da LandlordSell Me A Dream: Flowstalgia :::::

Konsciente Stado – Exodo (2014) [Spain]

Konsciente Stado - Exodo

Size: 116 Mb, Quality: 320 Kbps

1. Intro
2. Argot Ceremonial
3. Observando El Kaos
4. Perpetua Vigilia
5. Mundo Abstracto
6. El Septimo Circulo (feat. Hands of Vengeance)
7. Escenario De La Derrota
8. La Camara Secreta
9. El Conflicto De Los Ingratos (feat. Aslan)
10. Viral Parasitario
11. Hijos De Aton
12. Despierta (feat. Stranger)
13. La Evolucion Del Culto
14. Luz y Fuego (feat. Dash Shamash)
15. Muerte
16. Stado Kritico (feat. Kultama)
17. KSD
18. La Decapitacion De Satvrno

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::::: Konsciente StadoExodo :::::