underground & hardcore rap music blog

Coalt Art – Memories (2017) [Belgium]

Coalt Art - Memories

Size: 104 Mb, Quality: 320 Kbps (Google Play)

1. Ocean
2. First Step
3. Blue Line
4. Coming To Leave (feat. Mehsah)
5. Forbiden
6. Sasori
7. Bad Waves (feat. Gmaw)
8. New Era
9. Melodious Harmonies (feat. Sld Prod)
10. Resistance
11. Paradox
12. Lost Weapon (feat. Nassdeck)
13. Crystaline
14. Monday

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::::: Coalt ArtMemories :::::

Coalt Art – Blinded (2016) [Belgium]

Coalt Art - Blinded

Size: 91 Mb, Quality: 320 Kbps (Google Play)

1. Redemption
2. Travel
3. Drunk
4. Horizon (feat. Sld Prod)
5. Wishes
6. Sensory
7. Bifrost (feat. Gmaw)
8. Monastery
9. Holiday
10. Creation
11. Lonely (feat. Art Aknid)
12. Salvation
13. Farewell

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::::: Coalt ArtBlinded :::::

Dr Creep – Zombification Of Society (2017) [USA]

Dr Creep - Zombification Of Society

Size: 140 Mb, Quality: 320 Kbps

1. Grey October
2. Window Of Vulnerability (feat. DJ TMB)
3. Zombification Of Society
4. Stranger Things Happening
5. Death Arrives On Horseback (feat. Phxkev)
6. The High Leaves U Blind (feat. Solow)
7. Mind Control
8. Courteous Vigilance (feat. DJ TMB)
9. Mystery Of Pyramid Lake
10. Stormborn Night
11. Real Revolution (feat. Solow)
12. Cloaked Goblin
13. Utopia To Dystopia (feat. DJ TMB)
14. Social Experiment (feat. Solow)
15. This Old House (feat. Eskr One)
16. Soulless Corpse (feat. DJ TMB)
17. The Digital Living Dead (feat. Solow)
18. Ancient Logistics
19. Level Up

Thanks WTCF

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::::: Dr CreepZombification Of Society :::::

Svend Spyt & B.B.Z Darney – Frosne Passager (2016) [Denmark, Sweden]

Svend Spyt - Frosne Passager

Size: 77 Mb, Quality: 320 Kbps

1. Kolde Dage
2. Atomvinter
3. Smukke Rødder
4. Hold Det Ægte (feat. Swiff)
5. Helvede På Jord (feat. Trepac & Simon Red)
6. Nostalgi
7. Farezonen (feat. Intensiv MC)
8. Fænomenal
9. Hemmelighedsstemplet
10. Skriftruller
11. Kraniebrud (feat. Poltergeist) (Bonus)

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::::: Svend Spyt & B.B.Z DarneyFrosne Passager :::::