underground & hardcore rap music blog

Lord Lhus – Lord Lhus (2018) [USA]

Lord Lhus - Lord Lhus

Size: 124 Mb, Quality: 320 Kbps

1. They Watching
2. No Way Out (feat. Eternel)
3. Walk Alone
4. Legacies End (feat. Bloodline & Eternel)
5. Hungry Heathens (feat. Savage Brothers)
6. The Wait’s Over (feat. Kid Fade)
7. Breaking Point
8. Altogether Family (feat. Jace Abstract)
9. Lift Off (feat. Blabbermouf & Ellmatic)
10. Eyes Closed (feat. Wyze Mindz & Eternel)
11. Veterans Session (feat. EBGB, 2Ugli & Halfcut)
12. The Wreckoning
13. Info Wars (feat. Political Muscle)
14. Facts

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::::: Lord LhusLord Lhus :::::

Seven Spherez – Boom Bap & Baseball Bats (2018) [UK]

Seven Spherez - Boom Bap & Baseball Bats

Size: 85 Mb, Quality: 320 Kbps

1. The Intruder
2. Full Clip (feat. Cheryl Love)
3. Clap Shit (feat. Goretex, Tha Soloist & Genesiz)
4. Only When It Rains (feat. Shakezpeare)
5. Desert Eagle (feat. Chris Rivers & DJ TMB)
6. Se’vendetta (feat. Vendetta Kingz, DJ TMB, Genesiz & Nappi Music)
7. Roll On
8. Hard Phonics (feat. Gamblez & Big Dutty Deeze)
9. Da Slugger (feat. DJ TMB)
10. Puffing With The Reaper (feat. Skinny Jimmy)
11 Light It Up
12. The Glorious Fight (feat. Nappi Music)

Thanks WTCF

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::::: Seven SpherezBoom Bap & Baseball Bats :::::

Brothers Of The Stone – Return To Stoney Island (2018) [UK]

Brothers Of The Stone - Return To Stoney Island

Size: 109 Mb, Quality: 320 Kbps

1. Smokey Smokey
2. Can’t Touch The Flow (feat. Jazz T)
3. Duckits (feat. M.O.P.)
4. Everything
5. Fanning The Flames (feat. Smellington Piff)
6. Reverse Forecast
7. Overseers (feat. Inspectah Deck)
8. Capital I
9. Return To Stoney Island (feat. Young Zee & Jazz T)
10. Feed For The Greed
11. The Desert
12. On A Roam
13. The Ending (feat. Rome Streetz)
14. Can’t See Me
15. Stone Of The Brothers (feat. Eric The Red)

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::::: Brothers Of The StoneReturn To Stoney Island :::::

Tony Toxik – 88 (2018) [France]

Tony Toxik - 88

Size: 95 Mb, Quality: 320 Kbps

1. Au début
2. 88
3. Artiste
4. J’ai pas envie
5. Choisis bien ton prix (feat. M.Seaz)
6. Les thèmes par George Brassens – Interlude
7. T’as rien compris
8. Au-Delа du temps
9. Mec de tess
10. Si tu m’entends (feat. Noruff)
11. Tu veux un truc
12. Le sourire de la tristesse (feat. Mezy)
13. Les critiques par Léo Ferré – Interlude
14. L’espèce humaine
15. C’est la dernière fois

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::::: Tony Toxik88 :::::

Necro – The Notorious Goriest (2018) [USA]

Necro - The Notorious Goriest

Size: 124 Mb, Quality: 320 Kbps

1. Intro
2. Murder Obscene
3. HNA Intro
4. Head Neck Apartheid
5. My Precious
6. Know Con-Science
7. WTWCT Intro
8. What’s This World Coming To?
9. Deaded
10. Caught It!
11. The Love & Terror Cult
12. Party Killer
13. The Notorious Goriest (When Will You Die!?)
14. Gat O’ 9 Tales
15. TMOR Intro
16. The Master of Ruckus
17. Grave Old World
18. Stories Of The Almost Dead
19. The Dawn Of A Dead Day
20. Outro

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::::: NecroThe Notorious Goriest :::::