Size: 34 Mb, Quality: 320 Kbps
1. The Narrative
2. Cold Blooded
3. Pompeii
4. After the Blood Spills (feat. Donnie Darko & Appollo Valdez)
5. Killing Spree
::::: Savage Souls – After The Blood Spills :::::
Size: 34 Mb, Quality: 320 Kbps
1. The Narrative
2. Cold Blooded
3. Pompeii
4. After the Blood Spills (feat. Donnie Darko & Appollo Valdez)
5. Killing Spree
::::: Savage Souls – After The Blood Spills :::::
Size: 65 Mb, Quality: 320 Kbps
1. Barbarians
2. Treacherous Souls (feat. Appollo Valdez)
3. Carradine
4. Set It Off
5. Undisputed (feat. Appollo Valdez)
6. Frontline
7. No Survivors
8. Blood
::::: Savage Souls – Barbarians :::::
Size: 52 Mb, Quality: 320 Kbps
1. Constellations
2. Fractals
3. Acrid Futures
4. Inheritance
5. 7-22-22
6. Mandalas
7. Orchid Breath
::::: Son Of Saturn – A Pocket Full Of Posies :::::
Size: 93 Mb, Quality: 320 Kbps
1. Intro
2. The Logos
3. H-Bomb
4. Brothers Keeper
5. Winter Sunshine (feat. Rezadent, Se7enSandman & Lorna Harris)
6. Heart (Of The C.O.L.D)
7. Facts (interlude)
8. Effusive String Theory
9. Mystery System
10. Giant Leaps (feat. Killer Falcon & Stranded)
11. Partisan Climax (feat. Poetic Death)
12. Bridges (Outro)
::::: Pythagoras The Praying Mantis – Treasure From The Warchest :::::
Size: 78 Mb, Quality: 320 Kbps
1. Polar Cap Synch
2. Mantis Language
3. Marvin Drop
4. Rum Bowl
5. Zero
6. Interlude
7. Stove Oil
8. Autowriter
9. Decapitated
10. Our Overlord, The Jellyfish
::::: Johnny23 – No Scope :::::